Ord 02-411 ORDINANCE NO. 02-411 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, AMENDING ARTICLES I, II, III AND IV, CHAPTER 12 OF THE FEDERAL WAY CITY CODE, WHICH CHAPTER ESTABLISHES A UNIFORM SYSTEM FOR THE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL OF SOLID WASTE, INCLUDING GARBAGE, RECYCLABLES AND YARD DEBRIS. WHEREAS, the City of Federal Way has adopted the goals and objectives set forth by the King County Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan, specifically to preserve the environment and public health through the proper management of solid waste, and to mitigate the impacts of existing and future solid waste handling; WHEREAS, the City of Federal Way has entered into a new contract for garbage and recycling collection services, which includes changes to current services and the addition of new services; WHEREAS, the Finance, Economic Development and Regional Affairs Committee reviewed changes to the Federal Way City Code necessitated by the new contract at its November 2001 meeting, recommending adoption of these changes to the City Council; WHEREAS, the City Council considered and voted to adopt these changes at its December 18,2001 meeting; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to revise and amend Articles I, II, III and IV, Chapter 12 of the Federal Way City Code; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS; Section I. Section 12-1 of the Federal Way City Code is hereby amended to read as follows; ORD # 02-411, PAGE 1 t@~Y 2-1 Definitions. The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this chapter, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: Administrator means the offícial of the City holding the of/ice of Public Works J:)iI~Ç..!.Q!:LO..Lb.Ü; or her designated rejJJç~entalive. Ancillarv Disposal Provider means thosc pcrsons that olTer deliverv, maintcnancc or clean-up services that bv their nature include a disposal function. Ancillarv Qig)osal Providers must provide a legitimate service other than Garbage collection and disposal services equivalent to those provided by a City-contracted Service Provider. Examples of Ancillary Disposal Providers include, but are not limited to: businesses that deliver new appliances, carpets or other furnishings and remove and dispose of the replaced item; contractors that self-haul construction and demolition wastes that thev produce during the course of their regular business activities; and, clean-up services that include a container or truck loading function in addition to hauling and disposal. Cart means a Citv-ap.Qfoved wheeled plastic container that is designed for ant! used with a hydraulic lilling mechanism. with 35-. 64- or 96-gallons of capacity; weighing not over 35.QQlIJ1gs wh,llSJJ:l.R.IY-Q.L 50 pounds per 32-gallon capaçi.ty~henfull.; fitted with a sturdy handle and a cover: rodcnt and insect resistant; and capable ofholding coL~tetUiQuids .ly.i!h9.l,lL~IÜ1LirlL\v.hÇ1LiLL~'!U'!Qright position. City means the City of Fedcral "Vav. located in King County. Washington. Collection company ~;ha¡¡....mean the persoFl cel1ified by the Viashin;;t_~ &rKi'.~fanSf'O RH}iHn~GolHnHs siB H~' .'.W u¡ 'C:':~~puf'SuHn1-ffi-Ghaj>te;--g.¡.7:7-7-R('W.I"H~fl!o; agu.i n Ifle~ess-ef-Hf>erutirl; a:;+)('I¡Ht~.;;<tffia~" and refuse eollection eOl1lpllR-ÿ.,.inufHc.).i.ng.-an ORD # 02-411, PAGE 2 auH!O rt7'ed. -fFatlehfwe-ff,F-the-€øH"€ltøn.øf-r-wj'€lubkLmawials-. umle r ¡his€h al~\el'i H- areas inci:Jdillg all or part ot"tl1e city. Commercial ç"ustomer shaH.-means a non::ßresidential;...¡}(minth!s\ri.al customer, iIlŒLliingj)_l!.tJlQL Ii n} ilÇ~U<Lb.l!~l}çsses,jj!.s.tiJl1Jjgrl.L;!ll(l_gQ'yÇll]1}lÇlll~Li\gÇt1ÇiÇ.L£!IlIL a II other similar uscrs of non-Residential Garbage collection services-and-tJicf,se-nml\i.f.amily comple)(Cs not selecting residential son'icc for each unit. Curb or Curbside means on the homeowners' propel1y, within live feet of the !'t.tblic Street without blocking sidewalks. driycways or on-street parking. If extTaordinqry circumstances preclude such a loeation, Curbside shall be considered a placement suitable to the resident. convenielIt to the Service Provider's equipment. and mutually agreed to by the City and Service Provider. Detachable Ç"ontainer means a watertight metal or plastie container equipped with a tight titting cover. capable of being mechanically llilloaded into a colleetion vehicle. and which is not less than one cubic yard nor greater than eight cubic yards in capacity. any garbage or recycling receptacle compatible v;itl1 the fræ1chisee's equipfOOfll that is Rot a mini eaR, stældæ'd garhage can, garbage 1111it, or mobile toter. Drop boxes are ænsitIered detachable containers. Detaclnffil.c coRtainers are ;:;enerally provided by Federal Way Disposal. but may be owncd by customers at the customer's re'lucst and wi#1-the franchisee's approval--. Director shall meun the director of the public '.'!orks department. Drop-box Container means an all metal container with ten eubic vards or more c;<llli!fci1Uhat is toaded Q!.l1.Q.iL.w-~i.<rcIi~ç'¿cgILÇf.ti2n_.Y.eb..i<J.ç~.!!:.,!!}!;Qorted to a disQ\)s~Lor recycling site. emptied and capable oftl1en be!D.gJransP0l1ed back to the eustomer's site. ~~-s-lta+l-ffieaH-a-H!;;HhJt1€\.LBffitainin,; Rot more than four dv.ellifl!j Orw# 02-411, PAGE 3 unilsantJ..in.wh ¡en eadHln¡¡.reeeive&.¡;HtgJe-familY-Hnit-H,j.jeeÜ EtH.serVtc-w. Eilvironmental damage shall in elude, But not be limited to, d-atllilge&-. co:;ts, claims a nd- liahili¡.ies.jf¡r-itlleged-.+lli¡¡ry;-haffH-<otHWgFatiatitm-ie..the.ail7-stti ts,--slH'Jllee,wffief-tt!" gt'Etl>Htlwatcr. cost.;, claims and liaBilities for personal ill;itHy-er property damages, íH€IHdiflg--dinlffluÚofl-Oi' destruction of PIBpet1-y--v-aJues,aHsing--f.fo!H--itH'¡'-sHeh-il!Jeged injury, harm or degradation. This term shall also ineillde any investigative, res 3onse or ren'l€diaJ...ett&t-s-ttlc"¡iabi+ities that may b~J-t)r....jl'ltfJttSt,>d'\flKier...GER{~G Section 9601 et seq.; RCR,^., 12 USC Section é')O2 et seq.; the State Water Pollution (;'ønItBI-Ac-h-GJ;apter 90.18 RCV/; tho Washington Ctean-Aff-Aet, Chapter 70.91 RCW; the State Hazanjous Management .\et, ChaJ3ter 70.105 RCW; the State Hazanlmls Waste f'ee.Aet-,-GI1ilpter 70.1 05.^. RC'N; and other federal or state cnvironmentallaws. The term :;hall not inclHàe capital, aperatinb and Illanagemeflt casts in accordance witH clHTent or futtu.%&tandard practioes or re( uired by applicabJ€--H.-gillations go'leming H1e operatiort-ef solid ',vaste facilities. Extra l!.unit is defined asmeans an additional Quantity of Garbage or Yard Debris ~~L(?JI.LD_ext to the customer's regular Garbage or Yard Debris Container. In the case of Can or Cart Garbage service. an Extra Unit shall be the equivalent of 32-gallons of 111<lt9rÜJLJIJ..the case of Cal1 Yard Debri§'5.9ryiS:9L<mI':S.tŒ-lb:1Ít sh?lLffi~al 96-gallons of matct'ial and not more than 65 pounds of material. In the case of Detachable Container (jarhil¿;9gr Yard Debris service. an Exl).:<LliDi.L.~h.aIU)e the equivalent of one cubic yard oJ_IJ.EJl.eIial.gam~t in addition--to.IlH:JaIlJHlmt.-t,fseFvfw.-s¡;bseribeà-to--by-tfle HI&1HftlBf;--sI.Ich as lar¡;e items as floelcød ('hriStflhltH'FCC" and ¡;urha¡;e in boxcs. oa110113, h ag5""Hrna ge--reeepl-a~I€-c-f:,,*,~xira.. HH ilis . á-Hn-ün-e....I&~"Q.-galJt7lls-afld..sh.a.J+.'lffi! ",ceB(JJ2galions. f()Ur cUBic feet or (¡).i"){}UHt!s-!tlwllt(tittg-€OHl€nI:;). /\11 e"tra unit charge ORD /I 02-411, PAGE 4 shaJJ.b€J,,""¡<Jdwhen'HfH3xlnHHli.¡. i5-set-ool-by.~slom<JI'.'¡m(\.coll<JL'1t'(l.hy.the lì'mwhise<J. ¥ffincl1Î~;ü relaÍttage.-s-ftaU.-rneflfl-~ltt of the monthf.r-ffite--pet'ä1'.eHHItI--tHü1 shällheretat!ltJ(\-hy-.lhetrHfl€.hiwe...lrom.-a€ffia.I'-€HM-CO! leetiHHS..-tH--€Hllstdera ItH' ¡-ji)r the cost 0 f service. Garbage shaJJ--mean~ all putrcscible and nonpulreseible solid and semi-solid ~\'i!~J(:S.,_.i.I]S:l!liling,JllilJlot limitc(LlQJ1lbbish, ashes. indll~trial \v'¡;;1'~L.~.\^ijJI'!Jl(L([i~.ç,,'!ß1Ç.g commodities and non-Sourcc-separated constmction/demolition materials that are placed Qycustofners of the Service Provider in appropriate bins. ba~s. cans_gI...2.!ber receptacles for collection and disposal by the Service Provider. The term Garbage shall not inelude HazardQus Wastes. Source-separated materials, Recycl~bles or Yard Debris.ft!.I atffiHRtHalffin of refuse, swill and other solid waste maHer r~~Rg--ffl' reuse and disearded as of no further '."alue to the owner. (I) Refuse shall mean 'Naste matter. discarded as of no lùrther value, iRelllcting broken concrete, plaster, bridc, other building materials, bHildiR; waste. fire refuse aRd wæ;t<3; ashes, cinders, clinkers, broken up household fllrnishings--and elJ.HilJ111oot, discarded hot water tanks, bottle>, baJTels, eartons, ]Jt:f'er. and seraps of ...,oodon crates flfIEI.-gex~-bH1-5hall exclude large trees, earth, sand, brawl, roek,i.1utHmooile bodies and Iiw,;e au:o parts. {2.,..">WtJ.l-shdlmean all acCtmmlations of animal,...jr*ttl-BF-v<Jget-abk7*'ffatt~ et'- otherwise, that attends tl:o preparation, lise, dealing iR or .<;lorin6 of meat, fish, fowl, IrHil-<H\f!vegetab!e;;-. t.}.} Garbage ø:ccludes reC)cluble materials inlcndcd.rHr--rec)eling under this "hapl"", yanl- Wa5¡e,HHuillf-e-,-.seWiJge--aBè-5Ø.y.'age-s*,'¡ge~-dead iH¡itm¡¡sever-"'¡~-i*'ufl4¡; dntl--t:-bdllings+ì.(ffi1-f*tblic and prì\ ate catchbasin:;. wa,J¡ rdEb- oJ'-~uiH¡tS-.-{'olicction and ORD # 02-41t PAGE 5 di,,~osaj "r.m a l t" r~ "'*dHded-.Üom'4h"-t-et'm-"ga!'Þ~-&halj.-h".-as-{)th,,rwì&e~f'Fo-v*ied...hy taw, Garbage L¡[ll means a City-approved water-tight galvanized sheet metal or plastic s;.QD.t,ÜlleLJ19t..excQe,li;lg foI,l,LSI,I,iJ.içjç_t:LQT 32-gallon~-'-!.Lç'ill-acity.;..y.'gjg[1iJlg.r.!.9.1..9.y'çI.L5 polmds WhCll Cl1lptv or 50 pounds when full; fitted with two sturdy handles. one on eaeh ~jg-,,~~mLtjtlt:cJn\Vi.lh;;_1ight £9Y-\LeQuipped with a handle. receptacle inc1udes detachable e 0 ntüÌf 1 e r " ; . of H ì Hi -t '-a H S c . ;; t -aHèaffi..ga rJ.¡¡¡ ~ rJ.¡¡¡ ge-Hrn{-amll Of - mob i ¡ e -10 fer s , Garbu;e units gRaIl mean see~re aRd tight bundles, Rone of which shall e¡(6ced w-ee-ree\--tft-tlt,,-lol1.gcst dimension and shall not exceed 60 poundG-il1.-wej.ght-.~ units may also mcaR small discanleà BaKes, halTels or bags, or securely tight cartons or atJ.ter-.ree-epia€-le&-not-tHHmded !Dr reeyelin;; IHlder this chapter and-af>Ie-te-be~ handled and load cd by one reman aBta a collection vehicle. Hazardous Waste means any substance that is: Qçfined as hazardous by 40 C.F.R. Part 261 and regulated as hazardous \~:i!§1ÇJ)ÿJI1.e United States Environmental Protection Ag£!lÇ}'_!l!IQ.ÇL.SJ,!htitie C of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act ("RCRA") of 1976, 42 U.S.c. ~ (>2()19.L_§'Q'l.. as amended by the Hazardous and Solid W¡¡§1Ç.._,",,-1!!-"!)dments í."!:I~')_\\',c\"L9f 1984; the Toxie Substances Control Act. 15 1U:LC_~260] et seQ.; (Jr...,!11LQthcL.lçderal statute or re~ulation g(J~IJ:!Î.!)K..1.bs__..1T,,-'1.(tJ:l9J1J,---,'1Q[¡¡,gç, l1<t!lcJUngor disposal of waste imposing special handling or disposal requirements S.I.ll1ilartotl1(J~e,..I:çg\liml hv SubtiÙ"-C oŒÇJ3..i\~(Jr Qcíi!)cd as dangerous or extremely hazaLQ.QlL"'.l>y Chal>t~r-113-303 WAC VV""f¡¡lIgt(J1l State Department of Ecologv un~lÇI_lI1t:_St;llc _I LI«mJO!l!i. Waste ORD# 02-411, PAGE 6 Management Act. Chapter 70.105 RCW. or a}l\' other Washington Slate statute or IClillJ¡ltjS)¡L.g1,J v e n 1 Ü,KjIl"JIÇj!1illS.IJ1,_?lS:'.I:,J&;CLt!¡;I1<JJi.lj1\.-l)f t i?p S)gJ..l!L~ll?tÇ? _,I} 1.<J imposin~ spccial handling rcquircmcnts similar to those required by Chapter NJ05 RCW. il,'l'L?ubst<glCCJJEJ\Jlftcr \JJç effcctivf.-,Ìi!te of tllLÇ9.1l.t1'~L~j!h.Jl!f..SsIYiçç Provider comes within the scope of tl1is deJjnition as detcnnined by the City. l"l.kç_vYÜ;ç'--'!.Uï.2!.!bstans;ç_!bat after the effective _!1ate -QJ.Jbf.....Ç.QJ.tlI-"'.c..Uyi!h..!hç Service Provider ceases to fall within this definition as detelmined by the City shall not be deemed to be Hazardous Waste. Uncontaminated waste motor oil PUt out for collection by Residential customers for reevcling shall not be deemed to be Hazardous Waste. ffi4.t&l£ial customer-shall mean any commercial 6l1stOl11er f~~l-sef.i.à wastc collection services iR the city generating in e)(cess of 175 tons of mlUlÌci!"al solid waste per week on an on go in;; basis. IRdustrial 'Naste shall mean and inclllde waste generated as a hy !"roduct of l11anufacturing--eper-atioos-.-lJffiJuIly-eensisting of large ((Hantities ef.-pareF,€aRlboaffi-, metal, plastic, sera!" lumber Œld dunna¡;e and other materials ineidental to and connected ,ffifHnanufae.tHRng--pf0€eSS--ilnè-flot other\':ise ineffided in the de¡:¡nifioH-eP'gaf-bage-;:': "hazardou3" or "special wa:;tc_" ORD # 02-411, PAGE 7 I<j!~Çollntv Disposal System means the areas ownc<tlcased or controlled by the Kil1g C'C) U!1tYS,tÜL(L\Y~~lÇ...[)iVLsÜJll,1<;.jllg_C,t1.llnt'y,-\Y;I~lÜI1)!,tg n.w.«! th c i:S1.ll1J1Y-llltglgç.,ll ßgrC:C[]lÇ1l1j. lor the disposal of Garbage. or such other site as mav bc authorized by the I<jllgç~)~I1lVÇ:9JllJm;.h~m.i!'~SQljI,L w ¡!~¡çjYli!ll'tg<¿l1l.çnLI)@1]¡lllcJ,'!ill)Jo v ed J2Y..1l1Ë-æ, Micro-can means a water-tight galvanized sheet-metal or t)lastic container not e)(çççdjll)!,_J"n.:-Eilllon.UILcjJp£lÇÜ-LQLl2..Q.Qllllds in ,'{ÇjghL\\:"hclLlull; fitted-,:Y.i1LtvyS) sturdv handles, one on each side; and littcd with a tight cover equippcd with a handle. Mini-can sllald-mean!; a walgc_t!g..\1t galvm1Ìzed sl1eet-metal or nlastic container 110t exceeding 20-gallons in capacity or 30 nounds in weight when tull; fitted with two sturdy handles, one on each side; and tilted with a tight cover equipped with a handle.~ ga¡'¡en...e1ffi-HSed f()f the eolleB.{~identtill-garbage by the franchisee. These cans shall be provided by the fTaRehisee and shall remain the property of the fT[lf ehisee. They are provided and assign<ffi.-t&-residences for the health, safèty, oonvenienee and-genff-al \velfare of the occupants. Mobile tffie¡Lffiean£-a""ffie¥OO~aele which holds 60 to 90 gallons at-a maxiHIlt1l'l of 200 pOlmds of ;;arbage, and a hiFl;;e type and lid with tight fit. thiek ski-llfleà.,-ene piece bakmeed-w€i:<6ht-boo~its-efl..-tires, 'shieh will be pieked up-al curbside with hydraulic ~nent These later:; shall be f'ro'iiàeà to customer:' S\tbsGFibffig--t&--tBter....sep,'i{'~-Þ )'-1 oo.-H'aHc-hisee-ünd-sh al I ren1 ai H-tJw....t~roperty.ef-lh€ franchisee. They are provided and æ;signed em the health, safety, eoFl'ienicncc and geneRlI-weHare-efthetH SIOHlers.. Multiple-family €t-t~4a+lrs.ç!;i.<l~neç mean~ a s:ructurc contuiningI11ujliplc: unit Residence with five or more dweHin~.¡Jttu<.¿hed units serviced by a comrn()lL~C)lid 'Y?Sle_~t()I:;lgcSgT)t,linel'. ORD # 02-411, PAGE 8 I'HymeHts .. k>..!h€...c~!y.-;;ha¡'¡--ffieaH-Hm..am,*lH! ..of'Hle ... mle.per- HCBOttl,!.I",,;;- lite fffitJ€hi~;c re:aiAagc amount that :;hall he laid to tile city \\"itl1in.;4-tktys.-lffim-the billiRg of CWilOIlWrae£oun!s" Person &h-aJ.I-mean.~ every-él_person, firm, partnership, association, institution or corp 0 ra t ion. f\e£,uHmJ-ating--gafhage--Fet¡uiÚt'lg--(+isl'lOSat -<tfLg<-"flem!tHg-,-il€€umulating- -aHa collecting recyclable materÜtls. The term sha1l also mean the occupation 9~çlm.1l!lLandior the owner of any premises for which service is-mentioned in this chaPter is rendered~ çlj.>;iJ;>lc °LentitJed to be served. Private Drive means a privately owned or maintained way serving fewer than four Residences; or serving less than one Residence tþr every 1 00 vards in distance. Private Road means a privately owned and maintained way that a1lows for access IDservice truck and which serves four or more Residences. Publie Street means a public wav used for public travel. including public allevs. Reevclables means anv of the following when generated by a Single Family or Multi-family Residential customer: aluminum cans; comlgated cardboard; glass containers, mixed waste paper; waste mQ!.9T..9i!;'.JlewslJaper; recvclable plastic containers that have contained non-hazardous products; poly-coated cartons; scrap metals not çxceesl!.t:!R..!.\:I:'.Q feet in anv dire.çtiQll.aJ1iIJ.?J)Q.lllJ.~lÜIL'vsigh¡ per piec_e; tin cans; and sucl} other materials that the City determine to be recyclable. Recyeling receptacle iRcllIdes the follov'in;: (I) designated bins, mobile toters or ¡k4ilchable--€Bfltat neTS-tn-wI! i ell-1' ecyclab Ie.. nlate rial&-€a&~~;tered-iHHi-Iatef-j}la€etj - HI ('urbé'ide, nlley side or otl1cr localion-th-J5ignat€tJ...fry-lhc director or the fraAcl1Î~;cc with~ COile lInenee-o¡:"+lte-.-diT€elef~- t~) .....de;;i-gn akd . ..cfJtHtne-re.ia!..-èela€lllible-'.£OftlaÌflers..... a nt! eOlHtHlC-teTs-a! tOClItiOIlS a.; -¡Hayh,,' sf""c'ifi"dlv"..lhe-tlire€lüf.o-or (3) an) hag,--Ð<n,}f ORD 'it 02-411, PAGE 9 €oHlllinHlent .'UlliI .~el. Ol!t-hy..."lhe--€U510ffitH~-tl1-al--i5-€4"arly.-id"ntt!iahle"',,)...ŒHet-'+ioo t1er~'H¡IWt-l1-y-+ne¡¡.n~,> ¡ .-a-kthe-hw-st~~ ~.+e€YL'-tah!es, -w ¡ ¡.j ffi-+Tltlfit.-~-he coIIBCleti.hy... cB¡teBtion .pBf~OrHle~...wh"n'-feL')'dahk", -are-"e ¡le€¡"d,-e."c"pl- wt",n..such H}RldiHnt€ffi-unib~efJ.4'j pounds in wei;;hl. Re{)yc.l~hlo"¡HateFiaIs-4HÜI-mean-'Mlsle--maæt~alsgeRt'i'üæd~n-the-€Ì-t'Y-€apabte-Bf relLe from a wa,;!c ~;tream a,; desibHated by the director, includin; but Hol limited to sorl",1 OF.. ¡ IHoorleti.-n ew5pfÌFl1--,glass..-alufHÌffifffi-,-k'f-l'OUS-ilJ td-non¡elTolJs--c-ans-,44¡:W'~e PET plœ;tic bottles (hot:Ies are defined as havin; a Reclc) e)(cept bott¡es teat once centaineti--dæJgere~lo...... ¡ffil5tJhekJ-~wasIe-;-.m¡'¡,,'{~r.,.-Ð.l a ga z ¡nos and cardboard accumulated and inteflded for recycling or rouse and collection b) the fmH-€his~i-ÌS-IeRn e)wludes all dangoroos-wastes-aflt!-har.ardous wastes defiaed in Chapters 70. I 05 and 70.1 05!. RCW, yard wastes and solid wastes iatonded for disposal iH-i!~ood.Ji+l,incinerator, OF-OOlid 'Naste disposal facili¡y-mffierGhaf)ter 173 304 IV Ac. All recyclable materials intended for collection b)' the franchisee shall remain the fespOHsihility and o\n1ershi~Jt¡'¡-5Ueh-fHaleloiills-as--eentained in recycling receptacles are placed out for collection b) the tì'anchisee. Materials then become the FeSI)oos-ihiJ.ily-and the property of the collæ1teft-€ootftany-oHl!J!her-ii:ed fraAchisee subject k+the right of the participant to claim lost propm1y of';alac. Recycling Bin means a Service Provider-provided 2D-Qallon container suitable for )ingLeE,I[l1ib:J~~esideIlllliJ....ç.Ql.l!ð:lion..J;tol~_'Ln(LÇlll:bsidc Ü]¡¡S:Ç]:tl_<;tJ.t_of the nQ!t:l2¡¡p-çr p<)r1!on of Source~separaled Recvclables. Isecys:.lj~-:'aLL!l!r;¡¡!!~_él....-,<;el,'içc._!)T()yjl, CL,pI:oVi(lcd 35"....f14.::.._Q.C 96-galloIl--_(art 'liILcl.blc Ii)r Residential coliectiOlh storage and- <:ÀŒbsj'kl',,¡çe¡nent of the paper liber (arts may a s(!l>_e__LJ_~~cJ._JQrJh£ ORD Vt 02-411, PAGE 10 ¡:0llee1iDn orthe non-paper fibeU10rtion of Source-separated Recyclables l1~Julti[mnily ¡~c:s_i~el1ces. Reevcling Container means a set consisting of: (I) one ReŒ<J.!l}gj}i.i1 'UlQJ1nt: .1.~c¡:Ycli 1g_ç:<\tJ__1S)r...s.!l)gle- f,l,T)]j I.Ll~s:s ide 11C_c:~_t2J__tllr ee_.~J!!C~i!]g.fc¡:y(;JjLlg...I)<\s ket5 distributed to Single Family Residential customers under a previous Serviee Provider's coJl.ecJiq!]C911¡rJ!cJ;__(~l;UJ~.9'CJjlU; Carts or Dc.ç;lehaj)le J;;S!I1..!f!.Ìuc:[s_fur. j'ylllltiJilmi!y Residences., B,esidencc a)ld Residential mean living space(s) indiyidualjy..rentcd, leased or owned. .Serviee Provider or Service Providers means that enfu or entities holding a valid contract or Ü'anchise with the City to collect Solid Waste. Singlc Familv Residence means all one-unit houses. dul)lexes. triplexes. four- plexes located on a Public Street or Priva1e Road and mobile homes with individually billed-f-Q!!.ccti9n. Residences located in an area 1hat does n01 allow safe access. turn- around or clearance lor service vehicles. or on a Private Drive will be provided service if Ill.<t1e1i<\L~l\I:Ç.~_ct out adiacen1 to a Public Street or Privalc Ro<\g, Stthd-wast-eSolid Waste means Garbage. Recvclables and Yard Debris. shall be as ~--ttf!èff W.'\C 173 301 100(73). aRd include:; rctllsc -wi+IHhc exception of sludge Ú'OH ¡ ..wfts+ewHh,r+re~!affis...uflè-æJ*age-,-fmm-5 ef\Ii€.tftH ks,.ex1Tt.'fIl~{jffi¡s ~-d~..'asteo;, and problcm v.asleo; aG~.ffi*+n'p:cr.; 173 303 and 173 ,,04 W AG',aHdGfHlptBfS-:m-.W5 and 70. ]'{')SA-RGW. &ü44-wn&l-e-tltility o;l1allll1caR that fund-Hf.tJ1e.-tft}'-e+-FeB€rul Way l11ana;;in;; the ti¡la!\üiaJ. dnd. adnlÌ¡¡isHuti-ve'-¡'<o'SPHllS-iffi-lil-y-..for..solid w¡btecoll,,'(+iHH.antt'-4Ì51~05ft~...a11e r<,r ydi 11 g ORD # 02-411, PAGE 11 &,!fÜ..wasle .uliliIY.. pH,g;raHI-shall.f\leal,.-I!¡e-.funffitüHs...pefltmne(\.. .bY'.lhe..eity associated with-sBJtÜ."'a;';¡eH'¡~ffiÍBtHffiè-tlisj3f)~;al and rccycl~d--j.r-(IH\--tfle-ge¡¡et'H1 fund Hfülher.fuHdsf!esl g'l .,1,,(\.. bylhe.ctly.eoUne¡l. ~.äist,ald+-ffh3at'15--a-t>~'feque"lcd by a residenl ( f-b\J1itt\e-s&-~- othef-fhan-the-regula¡ c Iy .. sc'¡¡eéi uletl"j3f€.JHit}liffie,-i-f.-aj3j3lic-oole~r:'a speeii.tld is pale'¡t-is retfuired. the rutcs a:; adopted in the ordinance concerning rates adopted by the city eüuHcil-wiHapply" Slandard gurbu,;e can meURS a v,atcl~ight, gal\'arlized. sheel molal, raised bottom c -eota in ffi en HIDi t - Bf --suit a I :He-j31 æ;t i €-ffi RtüÌnm ent-lffi it- ~ ~ lit -not- e*€ e t:Jd i ng f{JUr ClIbic feel or 32 gallons in capacity, weighing not over 15 pOlmds when empty, titted witfl-two.~.t'ft:ly-haHd-Iesc.-Œte-ffit-eaeh-si4:,-aHd a tight cover equipped--witlt-a-hilità-!e-. Standard garbage cans shall be provided BY resideRts. Wæ;te-,--hæaffie.¡;s--ür daRgerous, shall mean any soHd--waste.t:lesigHated--as dangenJUs or ha;~ardous waste BY the State Department o[Ecology under ChaptcrG 70.105 ant:l-7fh-l-iBARG.W,ant:l-s;;eh-waste shall be disposed of.wn5i-stem.witl...I!Je..f}e¡taf-lÐwfl{ of Ecology rules and regulations. Source-separated means certain reclaimable materials that are separated from Çim:þ,¡gcÞ y .tlle .ge.ller~t()I:Jorrec ve I i n1LQIL.~2c~.illel.!!gi.ng,-Þ.\l!.')9Lli!1lited . t()mlp~rJil1g~ metals, glass. plastics, organics and other materials. WUTC sh-alt-means the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission. Yard wasleI)(,;b.!:Ì5.rllcans leaves. grass and clippings OL~YO<:L<LUlll(UJc~bv plants. <is. \\.c.llas()lllCr)()~lrCe:S<:¡2?r:lLC.(J.9r.llimLc..m.?lcri~b_.c.Q.mP,¡.UÞJc \\1 lhthc .collc,-t í..oD.. ~y~!crn '!JJtl_~(~CC'pI"ÞIL1(:uhc_.~~,.vice Provider's processing liici lil}._lil1(]gch:(L IOlll~.el1ratcd than to¡¡r ORD# 02-411, PAGE 12 Inches in diameter or four feet in leng1ll,lr~e\çll,ded.. Yard f)cbristJlat is contallliI1a~çQ or...JI!t\g,L',.\iith_11ill:Þ.age.()r..Ij..~?¡lr1ous.. .\Vas 1,,) s..al~()g:\"lll(le<J, sfia+t.-i~ffiH... Jl0t~ÞtJ lílHjIB¡j.'lo-~ri1ss-c-lip¡)Ìflt?s;-s hntbbery,-leaves. and tr eelirnb siiHd-hranc-hes;.. wh í €J t b FlH!€ b e s &aHtlOt exceed three in€!tes--iH-4ÍitIH€tef..,¡tt(~*,--kBI-ffi....lon;,h. and c"cludes-soo--afle mük-s; Yard waste hlilldles shall con~;ist of yard waste lilllh~; (lAd branches and shull I1Bi t})¡{)eed-ffity-ef.the..fu!J{)wing-H1Ü;"tnHfm;;~' ~Wf~ imt~!ength;-\wo-4OOt-4ÍitfH.eteF¡...wweighl-of 65potmds.(Ord.No.91 12i.~2, 1217')LOrd.~ìo.')3167.~'.3 1693) Yard Debris Cart means a 96-gallon container provided to all subscribing Single Family Residences. Multi!àl1lilv Residences and Commercial Customers for the purQosç ofeontaining and collecting Yard Debris. Section 2. Section 12-2 of the Federal Way City Code is hereby amended to read as follows: ~ 12-2 County disposal system - Designated. ta+- All Resi<J.eDtiaL;ll1d Commercial Customer-generated GarbageseIHl-w-asi:e ~t out for collection bv tile City's Garbage Serviee Providers or that is self-hauledgencratcd within the COFpeffite-litHils-H.f-tlw-€i-ty shall be.....QIQ.Q.CI.! disposed of aI-if-,c-o\fnty-sølid \', asia faeilitj1hrough thc King COUlltv Disposal System. unless an alternative location is designated by thc Administrator. ~ The COllnl) is aut!:orized to designate disposal sites as official count) ~;olid \"'(l5hJ-si-!€s-i*w.+11E'4isposat ()raH-selid-waste generated-. f€+- No---seltd--wasæ-lllay loG divCl1ed [Tom the disposal sites de~;it:na:c¡j.-ÐY+ÞtJ üO\fflty-willlmll€{}UHt v. al)rr('wlf.;..all"¡H.-a€€effiane....~with-the-inærh)()a HgH,ümen I. rx, 1 ween tile city and-eetffil-ÿ-. (Ord. No. 91-124, § 5,12-17-91; Ord. No. 93-167, § 5, 3-16-93) ORD # 02-411, PAGE 13 Section 3. Section 12-3 of the Federal Way City Code is hereby repealed. 2 3 ExcilLioll of coullty po'..er~;. P~!f5UaHHß-RÇ-W-.fí.J..9S,"J.64~.¡he- B1, )"A€æhy -de-term iH~s-¡hat-¡heGü\!Hty;;halJ-l1o¡ eJ(ercise aJ1) po'",'ers re~(1rding the le'..els and types of sen ice [or any a,;pect of solid wHs-te-kaHd¡¡"g--iH-~'¡'¡.y-."":¡"he--WHnt)L'feguIH¡.itH.,s-.a1td-offiiHaHee&..'regar4ing-.~e>reH;...¡¡nd LYres of ser..ice lor any aspect of solid waste handling, including recycli;1g, shall not a 1pjy- within the eorporate limits of t~itÿ. fOrd. 'Jo. ')0 73, § 2. 8 7 90; -GRh-Ne-.-9I- 12~, § G. 121791; On!. ¡-¡e. 93 ]67, ~ 6.3 1693; Ord. Ne. 93 ]97,12793) Section 4. Section 12-4 of the Federal Way City Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 12-4 Ownership of solid wastes - Anti-scavenging. Once residential Residential Ræcyclable§ materials, solid waste, Çigarbage,rej'Hse and/or residential Yyard was-te-Debris materials have been set out in an Administrator- approved container on the Çeurbside, or at such other locations as autflorizecJ...Ðyagreed to by a Service Provider pursuant to a service agreement with the Çeity, ownership of those Residential Ræcyclable§, se.J.id-waste-,Qgarbage,.....ref¡¡se and/or yYard waste-Debris materials passes to the fnllleRiseeSer"i£.e Pg)yider LInder the terms of the currs.IlLsIT'Vi,:"" agreement with the Citv. It shall be unlawful for any fperson other than tÌIß--fHIH€kise<:;¡, ';¡5'rvice Provide~ to remove or collect any such gfecycIable§ materials, Çigarbage_,.se+id w-a~fuse-and!or '{yard wast-e.-j)ebrisJHateRa!s-onee they are set out irUL2.<::rvic£ 1'[Q..v:ide~:m.9\'ÌllQ<J_QLaPmgYcQ.':()Dlajllcxon theÇeurbside or other approved location,; J-)fffi'i4:f1; flhowever, tltal-sHelt-e'c~Hs+ve.righ¡-"llaj.I-eJHst only withitHhe...f.ranehise. ar"a ~~+Ç--tm~H..theaHthBri~-franchisee effective Dcccmher- kl99L ORD # 02-41t PAGE 14 and-shaH-eKc-1ude-4he..WIoJT{,.-ffall€hiS<HtF 1}8i'IHÌì -he 1d-by --B1 her-l'ö rties;iHld. -1m) v ided; fuHl1er, any occupant may donaic reeyelablc flffil.--..ynffi-..\'ffi5te----IliilièÀtt1s---4B.-¡my nOllt'BfHllle1"€iul..mtilY-ûf--Il'lily"¡mwide-ür--anv Person lllav c"Jkct Rccvcl¡ili.k<; amicoI' Y,\[I,j [2çhr:.i.~)11Ëtçri.~.l§_deliverQQ to such effiÌti€&-f~crs,)!}..~e-"ür yard "'a.;le lllaleriul~; dtJli-vffedill !tt..a location where it is legal to accept such materials. In addition. an v Person l1]'I..Lçg-'kc..!...Ç;~m}.!]lereial S-"_\![fe-sepa!..<I.~Q....!]1ateri;J-'~Jr9I..l). his or her (,.\'()l...çQ.!ltainers~_gr un-containerized Commercial Source-separated materials !Tom his or her customers. (Ord. No. 91-124, § 9,12-17-91; Ord. No. 93-167, § 9, 3-16-93) Section 5. Seetion 12-5 of the Federal Way City Code is hereby repealed. 12 5 Commercial recyeling program. Pursuant te CA.apter 70.95 RCW and tA.e eounty comprehensi'¡e solid waste l1la¡lagement plan, adopted by the eity, the city cletennines that it shall participate, at a level aeeefJtable to the city, '.VitA. the eeunty in a cen'IRlCrcial reeyeliag program. (Ord. !'lo.91121,§8,121791;Ord.No.93167,§8.31693) Section 6. The Federal Way City Code is hereby amended to add a section numbered 12- 6, wfuieh section reads as follows: 12-6 Annexation. The Administrator shall be authorized to prepare Ii-aneh.ises or agreements to ç)l:..t"'-!.l!j City authority lium.l2Q-,':L¡i!:ç~.~, Section 7. Section 12-21 of the Federal Way City Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 12-21 Administration and enforcement. (a) The diFeHer--.--N~tJÜtor"; rcpre~;eFllatÌ¥e--,ðgLì1i'l¡';l@19[ is hereby authorized and directed to administer the collection and disposal of all garbage; arm It 02-411, PAGE 15 rec.ye.Ii,oles"aHd-yaHl-wBsttJSalid Waste in the Ç'eity, and to enforce the provisions of this ehapter. The director is authorized to prepare any implementing regulations necessary for the development and implementation of a voluntary garbage collection program with recycling rates imbedded to encourage participation by residential generators of Solid Waste. (b) Civil enforcement of the provisions of this article, as against all J'f!ersons other than authorized tfBfl€hi5t,>e5Service Providers, shall be governed by Chapter I FWCC, Article III, Civil Enforcement of Code. Civil enforcement is in addition to, and does not limit any other forms of enforcement available to the .[eity including, but not limited to, criminal sanctions as specified herein or in FWCC 1-13, nuisance and injunction actions, or other civil or equitable actions to abate, discontinue, correct or discourage unlawful acts in violation of this article. Enforcement of the provisions of this article and chapter against authorized ~Service Providers shall be as provided by the applicable franchise service agreement and as otherwise provided by law, including but not limited to criminal sanctions as specified herein or in FWCC 1-13, nuisance and injunction actions, or other civil or equitable aetions to abate, discontinue, correct or discourage unlawful acts in violation of this article. (Ord. No. 91-124, § 3(F), 12-17-91; Ord. No. 93-167, § 3(F), 3-16-93; Ord. No. 99-342, § 9, 5-4-99) Section 8. Section 12-22 of the Federal Way City Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 12-22 nl~L<:i!.J...I:I:!lljtlg prohibitQCJC:'entaifiersrCtjHir"d. All Dorsan, acCllmlllatin;; garbage in the CfJ.v-4tattt*>ee and accumulate the san;c In "apprev "d- st1.1neanJ."gHrfHlgB--€-afI5,'.Hr.appre v"d g '11' ¡)age. ""ll nifs c-mini-eans-,.1t'€€ t*H€les, Hf'tmt%'fí+RBhi-te-io-ters. or approved-<ete-t.oofmhJ,'{'¡lfiIfÜHc4S-¡tS-H.'ttuired by the city.I.t.s.b<ill ORD It 02-411, PAGE 16 be unl<l..\\'llilJ2.....Q.çj2Qsit. Ihro~ or placcilDY Solid Waste or Source-separalcd'lJegl'r,.,.d.El (JJIy_I lll?lic..~tT"çIgr()\bçl:p-uÞli<:..pl"ç,',_()r.L()~CI)~Sil,_Lbr.Q~\,gLJ21¡(:.c.,lllY S()I ill \\ as Ie 01' SourcS'-=-'3-ç..P!lrmcd_I}l.lltcrial ÌJI anv l'.!:ivatc Road. Private Drive or on anv llr:i.y"tc P':<JjJçri)' reg".!"I,! I.csS.9( Il1e~()\\,llçr_:;ILæ'_llrlLçs§Jhç..~9Ji(L\y:,,?\ç_~2t:__S9U rc_"è,§Ç ElI'I[C(j. ..' nUl crlal... . is placed in approved collection containers. (Ord. No. 91-124, § 4(A), 12-17-91; Ord. No. 93-167, § 4(A), 3-16-93) Section 9. Section 12-23 of the Federal Way City Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 12 - 2 3 P-r€f*H"~-ooJ.Iætien GenerallyColllPosting allowed. It shall bo lInla'vfHl te deposit, threw, er place any garbage in any land. alley, street or øtheJLlmblie.-place, or to deposit. throw or place an)' garbage Dr slteh-matcrials on altJ' private prope¡1y regardless of the owllership, IIlIless the garbage is placed in approved garbage cans,mini car,s, garbage IInits, receptacles, cel!tlliAerG or toters, the covers of ,,\ hich shall Het be removed except when Aecessary for the depositing or removillg ef gaffiageVegetablc wastes. ashes. leaves. grass. plant cuttings and other organic debris !!lliYJ;)e eomposted on private premises provided the compost site is maintained so as not IQ_.c;.r:ç"tç~,!Qr?~ç2\nose food waste, allow debris to l~çeol1le scattered or increase the risk ITO.!TL...DCstS. Composting any waste that creates a public nuisance or health hazard is prghi bit,(!,. - aH{\-!;tIC-h-materi al s; pro ','i ded,....ltøwe"eF.-11¡at-ÞøJ<-e5-.--&mall~hanel&--ffiFIOO5-, %'ffij3&- of v. ooden crates all(l boxes. broken up household furniture and equipment. ¡Japer, 1101 to \vw a re .. aml-nlbÞísh-ffi....gene; aI...ma-y-be-lmlkel1.ufHH"' .€Ut~ anfÌf}Iffi-'<.4-iR-gaflmge ¡mtb-Hs-delincd in nvcc 12 I. (Ord. No. 91-124, § 4(8),12-17-91; Ord. No. 93-167, § 4(8),3-16-93) ORD It 02-411. PAGE 17 Section 10. Section 12-24 of the Federal Way City Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 12-24 Garbage ŒHSÇ()flt.,ÜnçIÌ;.:¡¡¡iw. All Residential Garbage shall be _JJlaced in a Service ProvicJ<;r-províded or 'lQ QI.:9','ecLf_l[ ~tC)tl¡çr::l'gJVic1Ç(LÇ¡.~rÞllgç..~))Il~l\1jgQ - c a I L[I.<!jIl.! - can --gL_ç~¡¡JJ.,.ltl_~IJ_.ç~~£.s, customers will be directed to have at least one rigid container as their primary Garbage £_()Ql¡Ütl"L.. P]as.t.içJJag8...tl!~Y be used as Extra Units for ovçrfl9w volunlC8._Q.[_ÇiA.d!!!g£,hlJ.1 not as a customer's primary container. Extra Units will be subiect to an additional sel}'jce-y!!.¡¡.rgc or_fu.~.AIl containers shall be packed so that the contents of the eontainer will dump out rapidly when the container is inverted. Containers and contents shall not exceed l~}VeighLli.tl1its set forth in their respective definitions in FWCc. section 12-]. Containers shall be stored behind the front building line. or screened from view fi'om the street and behinc! the setback line of FWCC. chapter 22 (Zoning). except on the day of scheduled pickulJ. Containers shan be placed at Curbside on a Public Street or Private' Roa\Lnrior tCLL'hm,J)}l the scheduled collection day, and shall be removed to their proper storage location as soon as possible after eollection. but no later than 8 p.m. l\lLJ'v)LlltifilnÜ1Y_Ë_nd Commereial Customer Garbagç..5.~U.be_pJ¡¡ç£!Li.Il.J!. Service Proyider- or approved customer-provided Garhage Can. Micro-can. Mini-can. Cart, !2çt¡¡f!!.ahlc(ont<¡illcL.9T.[)rop-box Container. Plastic billis..J.D¡¡Y.þÇIJ.~ç(LasExtraj)nit.§.f()r overf1ow voLumcs 0 f Garbage, but not as a customer's primarv .f.Qntaincr~ Extra Units \vilJþç suhjçct.lo .aILacIcjitígll_~J..5.ervi,,-e CflillRç_9r3.9c...L\ILc(!Dt¡i.Ìll.Cr.s..sl¡¡111..lJejJaçliç,L§.Q thatLhç_C-").1llç[1ls(jLtI.l£çQntainer will dump out rapidly wilen the' conlaínn_IS invCl1ed. Containers ORD # 02-411, PAGE 18 definitions in FWCc. section 12-J~..61Lç..lml"-Lfl"rS shatLbe located in conformance with 111Ç rC(llli[ÇJnm.t~~,,-çLf!~!:thi!ŒWl~ç:,_çb¡lplç r22.CZ()fli flzJ. A-flY'~HHt(4affi-gar-l7ltg\:Han-wheH.. fill"d -5 haHflHtweigh-more-H\üft..é¡wuntls .ilntl tilwll be so packed that tile eontcnt~; shall-duffilt-fHII l-cadily ....heR the elm i:¡ im-crted. All g a fit age... e-af!5-a ~ iI ffiag tHtR-i+ &-&I "it. - 00 -¡t ! fie eft ~ R . € HI W€fli€ ffi ,.ae c œ 5 t bJ€. - J o€ a t iBt , 5 .1I r 0 fI Ihe ground level or ground floor and a:; near as practicable to the appr())(imate roar ()f the bui4dittg-flf-ooaF-tlJe-.aJ ley, s tree tüf-foad-al-.wfl.it'h-æt!e€tiGn-ffil€k5--afe-f&Ò€-løaded¡-aJJ walk:;, patHs and drive\'11Ys 10 tHe rlacc ()f loadinö sHall Rave an ()\'erhead cleanmee of flot-!€s&-tOO&~eIo-.(Ord. No. 91-124, § 4(C), 12-17-91; Ord. No. 93-167, § 4(C), 3- 16-93) Section I I. Section 12-25 of the Federal Way City Code is hereby repealed. +2-ð--+BlefS-. Any mobile teter, ",,'hen filled. shall Rot 'Neigh mere tlian 200 poundG and shall Be so-packed that ~!s-{Rereef.will dump OHt readily. ,^JI recycling andlor-gareage containers shall Be rluced at curBside or alley bef{)fe 7;00 a.m. and remoyed fmm the 6HFO-or-aJ.Jey-as-seen as possible after colleetion. but no later thaR 7:00-jMR, fGr4c-Ne-.-9+- 121, ~ 1(D). 12 1791; Ord. No. ')3 167, ~ 1(D), (G). 3 1693) Section 12. Section 12-26 of the Federal Way City Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 12-26 Prc"çntigll_9Lç()IlLamitl<il.L°fl_,-l-.i.S\:Htkf!fllaiOOf5-l"-estfÌ<,'led- ('Hvers, It shall be unlawfut. coccept as authorized by the ()ccupant, Ihc-.¡.ffiHehi~ ('ity, to deposit CJgarbage or..othertnaterial-in any garhage-.çQI.1w.i.nçr .CatL garbage unit, eBlHE'wm-le. c{>nhtiHerfw fHBfH!ek.'t<c'+è-designated ree-ye+e-f()r S9JlrCCciCp;Jrakdll "1terraL', ORD # 02-411, PAGE 19 eoHllHllerR<:&)'clables and/or Yard Dgl1.m, or to remove the covers there from unless such rCln()\.al",í,~",nccç55.~r)'lQL(I~P9~jL I)"~ ,1'",l1JSJ, v,!LQC.S~JllJ:gç:5çEaI¡!tgI,Lmill.gri£1l5>ßç£)lçJiì\1I"'5 è\.nd!QL.\' ard _Debris. _-..sud¡,coversslla11",he.securely-p!aeetl.-on-eaet.-sud¡,,-e-atl~.{oteF; e<clflhtittef or unit at all time.:, G)(Cèplwf1ett..i.t.-is neCGs.:ary to rcmove ,;all1e for depo,;it or at timesofeoHeetieft,-(Ord. No. 91-124, § 4(1).12-17-91; Ord. No. 93-167, § 4(K), 3-16- 93) Section 13. Section 12-27 of the Federal Way City Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 12-27 Restdernifti-Ml!intc.l1_anc.£,.of containers. (a) Residential units shalillse a eontainer aHthorized and approved by the city and tfle....fFaHç-fl.i5t1e,-AJ.I-gaffiage--iiRè-r€€yd-altlo-creceptaeles, eJ¡eept standard gar~alJ&-, shall be provided by the fmnc1:ic;ee and Service Provider-provided containers for the collection of Solid Waste shall remain the property of the fraRehisee Service Provider. unless othe¡wise provided for under the service agreement. and areshall be provided ¡¡¡ffi as&ig¡æd-te-resMeHeos-for the health, safety, convenience, and general welfare of the occHpantscllstomer. The containers shall not be damaged, destroyed or removed from the premises by any ftJerson. (b) MarkiRgs and identification sen ices OR the containers. C)(ccpt a,) placed or 5pWj.ftæ1.!y-~eà-by-the.fm¡Kh is€e.,-aree"fressl)' pro h ib i ted-~Þe.-re.gaHNdHs damage to the containers and an unlawful injury to property. (Ord. No. 9]-124, § 4(H), 12-17-91; Ord. No. 93-167, § 4(J), 3-16-93) Section 14. Section 12-28 of the Federal Way City Code is hereby amended to read as follows: ORD # 02-411, PAGE 20 12-28 Placement o[s:l,mtaincrs in l:>Business areas. Any PI~erson accumulating SgJi(L..\'\/",'.tç-Ql: .~I,).l!rC.c=scpar,\tç_d_JJ1at"Ü;IJgarha;;c in the dovmtov, n or sHlHlrøan business areas wh.ose locati.on requires the plaeing of HUt5-, m1Y tYPC()( c.ontainers or J;~Lm..l.¿Hnits .on a sidewalk .or alley for c.ollecti.on shall not place same on sidewalk or alley until the close of eaffi-the business )kday prior to collection, and shall rem.ove ffiltS--suchsontaincrJrom tll~.sidewalk or alley immediately after the .opening for business each morning or c.ollection whichever if collection is later. (Ord. N.o. 91-124, § 4(E), 12-17-91; Ord. No. 93-167, § 4(H), 3-16-93) Section 15. Section 12-29 of the Federal Way City C.ode is hereby amended to read as follows: 12-29 Prohibited wastes. N.o hot ashes or .other hot materials, dirt, sand, rocks, gas.oline, solvents, oil, liquid paint or dangerous or Hhazardous lYwastes shall be placed in any Qgarbage eaF!.eontainer of anv kind, garbage unit, detacHaBle container, mobile t.oter, for collection or rem.oval. All kitchen, table, animal. vegetable and cooking waste or of!àI. before being deposited in Qgarbage eiffffiContainers of anv kind, ;;arha;;c Hnits, detaehed containers or mobile I(HefS, shall be drained and wrapped in paper .or other material in such a manner as t.o prevent, as nearly as possible, the moisture from such Qgarbage from cominginto contact with the sides .or the bottoms of the c.ontainers. l)jslJ.,yateL.or .olhcr liquid or semi-INLi.LQ kitcl1en wastes that are propcdv disp.osable down the sanitary drains shall not bc (lepQ§iJç\LilLÇì...<lLb_aEç_çg.rllllll1.fL'i.jOrd. N.o. 91-124, § 4(F), 12-17-91; Ord. No. 93-167, § 4(I), 3- 16-93) Secti.on 16. Secti.on 12-30 .of the Federal Way City Code is hereby amended to read as follows: ORD /I 02-411, PAGE 21 12-30 Number of g;¡rbage containers - Discards or replacement or.garb~ conl,llner. When use of ~¿garbage Œn&'containcr~is allowed or required, sufficient Qgarbage CdthcOlllai)!"T9.1Qil.citymust be provided for the collection of all (¡garbage as defined by this chapter. Worn out and improper 6an5-COnlainers shall be discarded or replaced. (Ord. No. 91-124, § 4(G), 12-17-91; Ord. No. 93-167, § 4(G.I), 3-16-93) Section 17. Section 12-31 of the Federal Way City Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 12-31 Yard wastesdebris containerization. Deposit of Yyard waste-Debris in containers Ii.>!" Ggarbage receptacles or rw)'£-H-ng-Recyc1ables re6eptlleles for collection by the .ffart£-I.¡i-see-Serviee Provider shall be unlawful. No Qgarbage or &ecycIable~ materials that are mixed with Yyard waste Debris will be collected. Only Yard Debris from Persons participating in the City's Yard Debris collection program that is separated and contained in Yard Debris Carts or such other method approved by the City's current Service Provider will be colleeted. ¥afà waste will only be collected if the yard v, aste is separate and contained in approved containers and the resident is partioipatini; in the city's yard waste collection pro&'faffi. Yard Debris Carts are provided for Residential and Commercial reevcling of Yard Debris il1ld easç. o.LCurbside sçtout for coll(;çti9.n.þythc(jty~conlr¡¡ctçsL;)çrvice Provider. Yarq I)çhris will not be accepted fDr pickup by a Cltv-contraeted Service Provider if placed in ¡JlaSllc þi!gs_-¡¡L~r.Þ~ide. ApproV9.cj.(':l~nl,¡jllersJ()r..'ya.r(L.I2çÞ.1i<;_l1)lIgÇJL()D._illclud~Y¡¡nj L)ebll~Cal1S. Detachable Containers~ J1!~[Ìç gr_g;¡J\,anl{çcj_Earbage containers no larger C..l1stolner-o",nç(L cQ.!ll.aiTlJ.:rs ,11,,11 be labeled witl1 a durable stiçh.çrJ!li\t.cl¡¿".!t IcjenliJksj".l.O.container's eonten.\S as ORD # 02-411, PAGE 22 Yard De.bJ:is. C(jlltamers.sb.<!lLhe-1)laced at Curbside on a Publif SIre.çt or Private Road prit)r!q}_- ¡~lll, - Oil tl1c - schctlyJ~'tlcgJ!£Çli9J1._tJ.<lY~_.lI,!!Q..§lliIILÞ£r£rll(1ved (t)tJlçÎr PIllp.çr storage location '¡~~()lU~S possible alter collection, but no latcr thanB.~(Ord. No. 91- 124, § 4(1),12-17-91; Ord. No. 93-167, § 4(L), 3-16-93) Seetion 18. Section 12-32 of the Federal Way City Code is hereby repealed. I 0 ~2 Schedule of collection. ( a }- -A ~ 1- . -gill' bit ge, - . t '€ej' " ~ ste&--fi l-mt !--- be- . € 61 lee t ed-- w -AAffi---..tfle boundaries oftl1e ci:y as lollows: (l ) - R -t- 'g u Jar -€& II eeÜ Oft-fer...b tlSffiess..[ +fffi5 -arnJ...€ OfHffi er -à aI . e n t e f ¡ffi se s-ffia!l be as ollen as requested by tHe etlstomer seven days per week. between the botlrs o¡:+.{)t}.lHn.....-ætd 8:00 p.m., lIDless the city altthor~-üf!-B*ienfiiefl of such time, or Htt!es5 otl:er collection times are authorized ¡m:'suant to the tenns aRd conditions spec-Hteè-in-the solid waste franchise agreement. (2) Regular colleetÎofls of garbage shall be made once a week and regHlar eollwtiBn-of-recyc1ables shall be made every two--weeks-from rDsideRees. :\11 recyclable material shall be collected e\ ery tv.o week.; on the same day as selid waste--€olloc-tttHl. Regular co-lJection of yard wastefmty¡..resitl'*'~~ loca:ed in mobile home courts shall be weekly durin,; the months of .^43ril througH Novemher;.moffi11ry....htfÍflg- the months -of-I.)eeemher and-JanHill'y~tWB wecl¡~; duril:g the months of February ¡md Murch. During periods of weekly or S"'ltli"HH)ntItJy-yaro piclmp, colleettoH-shalltw madeo ] lhesam~L-daY-¡WF-Week-as Fe~Iaf--garlJ¡¡;e coliectimJ. :\11 residential colleeHo!t:Tshülf-oe :;chcduled to be cülkeletibelween-the.-I1Ottf5-ot'-7'{/(.)-a,rH-,-atllj ,,'{¡Ii 1),1>1" .\1""day- through-Hiday-. to).I'HF-5f'et-ial-.,¡ispatch requests made bY--fes-id-"YH-S or J.HIc;-H1ðses--at--tímc:; other ORD # 02-411, PAGE 23 thatHhEHimesaH d ¡ HI' . da y s... .i sted.iff-fhe.abf>v etwø-¡~affigr aphsA f;e.j t'a neh I SB.,.is'i\ulhnri'",d ~a~"Eòia¡--di<ij*H£.R-+ef--lhe collection øHfH.s--ffiitterÌ.ah-+I--Wtwcen 7:()1I lLffi~ 8;Ü()'p,m,.or j. ¡'lHlefnergell€Y'ol' ifapprøved- It y -fIH:'di.rec tor, \t1-++te-fl'lHl€-hiS"<'Ht!itÿ-e~+I;., -00 I J e c t i 011 d a j' þ.y-gtv~fetiee-te-4e- (.J#e<.'\N-.¡¡ fuiuim.unHf ¡--6i ¡days.; n .... oovanc.;'}..aIKI-the- aHe"'!,,...~-eUstHI'I1e!'5-~I- ¡.,as!- St.-"Ven-ea en dM-days prior to tile effecti,'e dute of such change. The form of the notice to Ihe customers shull be 5Hb.~1.t{)-HfJpmval.hy.th<H:'ity , (d) When a legal holiday fulls duriRg the week and Ihc franchisoe does not ...,.ork ~ - ~ 1&1 Hi i\ Y , -Sit ill ffiay-c -eJ *'" 4Ìefl5-w.i. ~ Þ{G ffi-. ...¡. "Ie-. . . 9-l-\. M.-+ - ¡ . ~ 91;0[(J. ~;o.93 167, ~ 10,31693;0[(1. No. 95 '36, § 1(8), 7595) Seetion 19.5ection 12-33 of the Federal Way City Code is hereby amended to read as folløws: ~ 12-33 Reeef¡taeles for recyclable wastesRecyclables containcrization - Location ofrecycling containers. Gesi.guaœàReeyclables may be accumulated in Recycling Bins..ß.ecvclillg Carts or Recvcling Containers. or such other collection container approved bv the Citv's cllrrçnL~_cJ:~'ic_Ç_PIQyjdcr. Service Provider-provided contai ners J2LB~f)!f.l¡¡hlç~>.i!lc.lli\E!:!g rec) ole rel"eplaclesRccyclin~ Bins, Recycling Carts and Recyclin~ Containers. shall be placed at ('curbside, aH~e--.or at such other 10cations{fs-del1èHninedhy.thedire€lør-t}f' the IrllFlchi¡;ùc with the conCl-lITence of tile director agreed to bv..the Service Provider purSUatll.. to. a servlcç..~gr.£Ç!!~IlUvi.t.Þ_Lh.s:J;Jty. ('.C1.!!.t;ÜtlÇ_IS.sh_a]J"þcJ)l,).cc(i'lt.Çurh~:i(legrl a PgþlicSII:r:..c.l2I_l.'rivate Roaci prior 10 7 a.m. on the sehcd".I~<lsg.LlwtL()JutaYLJmd shaJj lillerl.hanS lLI11 H-i¡elc;:ard collection ofreeyclah1c.; &hal+-UHt-Be-æctttiH'.t+ t+I:j.Ht'tH J.eeHoH ORD # 02-411, PAGE 24 0 OfHpanY.Of-+i'HHOfl ;see..."x-üOp I. .. II lHI e l' "I)eo i frlcircu f1 ,5 \ HHc1ès--detemHHetl..&Y-...(.fIB-.d; redOF; includil1¡; di:;ahlcd or eItIerty~ifè~~anffi-.(Ord. No. 91-124, § 7(C), 12-17-91; Ord. No. 93-167, § 7(C), 3-16-93) Section 20. Section 12-34 of the Federal Way City Code is hereby repealed. .1;1-34-.Weigl ,t-ol~r..'&y c.1 i Ilg-ræertac'¡e-. Any recycling recep:acle '".hcn ¡illed shall not wei;;h more than 65 pounds in w e i g h h .fûnh -No-. I) ;...u;. M .:If E ) ; - :; - + (r.. 9-3. ) Section 21. Section 12-35 of the Federal Way City Code is hereby repealed. 12 35 Weight of antra ullit. Any extra unit when-HUed shall not exceed 65 pounds,-fGf4-Nf,,-9J....I.Ú+-'f4ff+ ~ Section 22. The Federal Way City Code is hereby amended to add a section numbered 12-36, whieh section reads as follows: 12-36 Public nuisance. Every Person sl1all have the dutv to ensure that Solid Waste or Source-separateq material does not acculllul,üe on or around his or her property in a manner that causes such SQ.!.ÜlW.~~gr Solll}:£:lli:'!?<\I.:,\tcd material to become a public nuisanc£.l:>9.tll!!~.12Jhç amount of such Solid Waste or Source-separated material. or the odor emanating li'orn §.l.~h~Q)jd W<!.~!Ç_9.!:-,'?9l!t:.cÇ:~çI'!!Iatcd nlatcrial. Each containeL_lI,§ç.q.tQLlhç.~çc_lImll.!.~1J.9.Q of Solid Waste or Sourcc-scnaralf.d material shall be ke Jt clean inside and out, and the a,rf<l.,!I9.I!Lltl..Jlle....c.'!L1!"irLCrS shatl jJÇ1\,QLÚ!..i!...neat a.L1.tI._§<llÚ"lrycOI)(litiQILIi.JçS.\'c,jcc I'.roviclcr slgt!Lpro\id~.I~yiltgl..n()li tication to the Adminisln!l(lI: ..èll~Llbe- C.U,s.LQ!11c.r ORD It 02-411, PAGE 25 shaU_~lJb.icct the Person to pcl]altics dS:;;frihc.<LiD.FW~:ç~~'<:l:lÌiHIJ2-21. Section 23. That the Federal Way City Code is hereby amended to add a section numbered 12-37, which section reads as follows: I ;ZcE)¿i.§.@lt:<.L~-,,!:Ü~e. Carryout service shall bc offered to Residential customers lacking the abilitLJ'-' pla£9_çl,m.1,ÜDers aJ.1h.«-,Cllrh,..<TI no_¡¡<J.tlj1j9Il;tLc_h_'!Œ.çJ].Ltllt:_Ss:ryi.çD)rovidç!:,q~..Lhc_(i¡y:S Service Providers shall use qualification critcria that is lilir and meets the necds of thç City's disabled residents. Section 24. The Federal Way City Code is hereby amended to add a section numbered 12-38, which section reads as follows: 12-38 Hazardous waste. Hazardous Wastes shall not be disposed of through the Citv's Soli(t_WJ!.~ç coJlection system. Such wastes shall be delivered by the Person generating such waste to an appropriate and authorized handler of such wastes for proper disposal. Any Person found to have violated this provision shall be subieet to both civil penalties and/or criminal prosecution under anv and all federal. state or local laws that may a¡m.lY.9L!ll.gy be adopted in the future. Section 25. The Federal Way City Code is hereby amended to add a seetion numbered 12-38, which section reads as follows: 12-39 Suspending collection from problem customers j\nv c;i¿<;1.Q.!"!leLt.l1_aLc,11lss:~!jiS.mP.\i.91~QLfonflit1~Jhat make continlJe<Isçl:\iI.cc..lo that customer unreasonable or unsafe mav be denied service or have his or her SCLvicc damage to Serviç_e-'Jlgvi.tIel'=()..VllC_(Lç< _IlliIiner~,-.rc Jcatcd suspect claims 01' tiJ.llelY-Sl:t'.(\[11 ORD # 02-411, PAGE 26 ß21~)\\.ecL¡'Y._~krll!II1CLs It)!. return collectjQ!l~UL9_-";Jl,,I:g£,__I"J!eated claims of Service I'ro v i de r Cl;llJ:lagc.toil. Ç\I.sJ<2 ]1£L'"~_J1.I:Ql2e[tY,.rep_ç'ILcdll (If] :p"Yll1ellt(lrgthçr:su~llpl:()¡' lçTlls, Section 26. Section 12-5 I of the Federal Way City Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 12-51 E,,"mjJttttn-J~'-B€ffiS-Ìt}n¡¡l~e5identiaIS.ÇIC:hauling. This article does not ¡¡",ply to the oceasioRal Self~hauling by residential customers of refuse--SQll~L Waste -Q.( SOuK.c-Se¡2,,!:,1!y-,L.!ll'lI,gr:i,!IH~-t""'7€lah'¡e--matefiill5 to an Administrator approved site is allowed. (Ord. No. 91-124, § 3(C), 12-17-91; Ord. No. 93- 167, § 3(C), 3-16-93) Section 27. Section 12-52 of the Federal Way City Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 12-52 Authorized ~scrvicU'JQB~1crs. The eollection of. disposal of and billing for Garbage generated within the fQilloratc limits of the City shall be aeco!l1pJÜillçQ""þ"y_~ervice Providers under written service agreement or franchise entered into with the City as aIltherized therein and [Jllrsuant to ordinances of the City. Onh.J;J!£ILS.'-Lyiçe Provide, s that have entered into a clllTent serviee agreement or franchise with the City are authorized to eollect Garbage LæTlJ within the ineo.morated CityJÚIlH?_¡]l1_clJ.Q..Jl'!l!i...Qillilli£;Ç. through the strcetsgLtJ1Ç Citv; however. Ancillarv Disposal Providçrs shall be allowed to collect, haul and dis~ oLJ¿arbage that is gel1er,!LgQ.(1~.U!lg... the. c()u("segfJhgjT..!:.egl,!l<!!:. busillç!,s_iletiyjtle~. Garba;ø coJløetion shall be ITHlde by §*4>age-'lInd refuse collection companiøs.-as Huthür-W1Jd..by-Htß.-Wt.,¡.:rt-pUFSHantto.('hapk'f. g I. 7 7.Rc.W--and-lInd"!Cf~aF1€hi%'wilh .th€ ORD # 02-411, PAGE 27 cily-t{~r'SU6h"H!I~6ti{>f), (Ord. No. 91-124, § 3(A), 12-17-91; Ord. No. 93-167, § 3(A), 3- 16-93) Section 28. Section 12-53 of the Federal Way City Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 12-53 Business registration required. The francl1i~;ee operating pHrsuant to and in compliance with this chapter shall be iss¡ted.tlj'),}!HtppJ.i,,-atimJ.-aAlI Service Providers I1l1J_~L~y_c_'~S:I!r:r\è.11! Federal Way business registration, and shall be liable for collecting and remitting all applicable taxes as ("-"l,miT~(tby Imy. (Ord. No. 91-124, § 3,12-17-91; Ord. No. 93-167, § 3(E), 3-16-93) Section 29. Section 12-54 of the Federal Way City Code is hereby repealed. 12 51 Pennit required. ft-shaJ.!-b&tmlawftll for any person, otherfuan.-tltose--duly atlthorized by the city, to haul garbage through the streets t)fthe eity to dum\,! garbage. (Ord. Nt). 91 121. § 3(B), J.2-++-9-H-GRI. No. 93 167, § 3(B), 3 1693) Seetion 30. Section 12-55 of the Federal Way City Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 12-55 Duties required. To provide for the public health, safety and general welfare, Service Providers or other collection companies operating within the city, to the extent permitted by law, at no additional eost to the city or its residents, shallc fB -Gf:omply with all provisions of the e<..;ity Code and any amendments thereof, applicable federal, state and county laws and regulations> and City contracts or franchise agreements pertaining to the collection, handling, ORD # 02-411, PAGE 28 transportation and disposal of garbage. The eÇity shall be entitled, during regular business hours, to inspect the books and records of the collection companies operating within the eÇity. (~+>tek~t~tB~ natural CltRstffitl!.i-tfæ5"""H l>e€<e!Rø,,' and ~)anuafY-¡f-em..a¡¡'-fe&id"f)tial4õHs-tBfltefs--whü-'HJ€ ei ve~~y afd.was-te~sHøsH i I) ti on ~;cnicc OR a date or dates a;;reed to by the franchisee and the cit). (.}t-r!r~)"ide-tBr--seHHæ-HH.laJ...res-ideffi¡al...€~eaf)Hp-iH-+he'-5pfjHg' and -fall ...ül each your to allow for clean~fJ of garba;;e in fJ!lblic rights of \';a) and.'or on public Jæ-t€J£-.-+fl€..4i.rootof..shal I pro m ulga\e-i¡4flÜllistra~HJes-c-fBf-tlte..jfHpleRt€HtaHofl of this .;,Ülsection. follo'.vin;; eoRs!lltt:tion ,...ith the tfaRcllÌ~;ee. (Ord. No. ')1 121.~ ~.Dh-121791;Ord.No.93167,§3(D),3 I~ Section 31. Section 12-56 of the Federal Way City Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 12-56 Agreement with coffil'Janies, fraBehiseesservice provider. {;ollec+ion compal1ies and the aathorized-frafl€ffisæss..crviec Providers operating in compliance with this chapter are permitted to eBter into under aR ~rviee agreement with the Ç,:eity aml-are permitted to enter private property to collect soJi-d-wilsteGarbagc:, yyard ~Debris and Rfecyclable;; materials from pm1icip"nts customers under a program administered and agrced to by the Çcity or as may be further prescribed in regulations promulgated by the ffire€.teFAdministratoL Sullject to temlS and conditions of any ~. SH C I) !;a ,', c hise~atH.!-r"'glttatieœ;,sH€fl-€-etJ1I)im¡es.al"~ 5<)lely ~respensi hl.e...for.all,c{-}sts-e-I r-efn{)t~al,-ftHffk€-t'¡llg and disposal of solid '\aBle. yaH+--wœ;te and rocYt"¡ahIe--~ plaCCÜHU1IÙrcoHe"'lÍHn-hy-pregram-jl<n1ieipanlS. (Ord. No. 91-124, § 7(A), 12-17-91; Ord. No 93-167, § 7(A), 3-16-93) ORD # 02-411, PAGE 29 Section 32. Section 12-57 of the Federal Way City Code is hereby repealed. .fl...-57 Implementation of re,;utaWtftti-. fa} THe àirector is allthorizeà to prepare any irntJlementing reglllations necessary for the development and implementation of a '¡oIHHtary garbage collection pro~ram witl1 recycling raiDS built iA for partieifJatioA by resideRtial aAd 6oÆlffiereial ¡;DAeratorG of 'Nasle materials. SHch program shall Rot proHibit the cHstomary collee:ion and sale of rec-yeJttble-ilHtl-feHsaltle-fAffierialS-9y-pefseR~; 0 r p ri \. ate rec yc I efS-Br-afføeHhe-figlt\5-ef waste ¡;eaerutors to continue to acCllRwlate, buy. sell or give recyclable materials to 3eFSefls-Nher-~HmchÜ;ee; pro';ided-,4hat the franchisee-fta&4he-ex£tHst_-Fight-ffi collect cHrbside rec'lclahles, and yard waste in mobile toters or yard waste bundles. fffiwtded-.furt.her, that tl*;-~ve right shall not apply-te-oolHfHer€tat-€u5t_s-. (b) The director shall provide for public service aflnOHI1CementG, cooperatioR with tf¡e-fI~ffiiflation with the collection comfJooy aAd I~LLthorizeà-fFanchisee, and infonnatioR in cit) pHblieations to the pHblic notifying tHe pHblie of recyclin¡; program eI€HtetJfs-ilHtI-oollec+i~n accordance with the franeiliS€-b€tw€€1t-ffl€.€H!leHien and recy'cJing company and the city. (Ord. 1'10.91 121, § 7(8). I" 17 ')]; Ord. ~!o. 93 J.Ú.i'.+.7{B ),+.-J-é-Jg¡ Section 33. Section 12-71 of the Federal Way City Code is hereby amended to read as follows: ORD # 02-411, PAGE 30 12-71 Rates for services. 'LhçþiJJill!!'r¡¡.tÇ~JlJl(L§,IyjÇ,j"ç".~_IQJ),.cJlargL'rI gesirI,gliilI..LbDJh5ill,l',.le fAllljJy Residentì,il...!lI1d Multifamily Residential} customers le,x Garbal!c. Recvclables.,llld Van! pgþ.ri.s~ .'lI1C Ie Qm!:11çIçÜtl....CgsJQ!IlÇ¡:~IÌJIJì¡¡Lb<11\Çl!m L )'clx<1 [) c.bnHQlJ,-"U 1,J.lJ.éill,Itl! ¡;PQ~¡¡J services sl1all be set bv the current service agreement between the Scrviee Provider and tlKÇitY,-$Jl£h..l)jUi¡¡RD!!~§_'l,nd S,ÇIYiç.eJ~es sl)<!.LL~-"tQLù;.b.c.Q as ,'cquired.E-W_'llil1Ü.1gtQll State law. and made available to the public upon reasonable request and as required by Wasl1ing!on St,!!£..law. Changes to such billing ratçs and service fees mav be maçie as authorized in the current service agreement between the Service Provider and the City so long as proper public notice is given and the new billing rates and service fees are published as required by Washington State law. and made available to the public upon reasonable xequest and as required bv Washington State law. The current billing rates fuf and services fees rendered cinder this ehapter shall be on file with the Qeity clerk. COrd. No. 91-124, § 12,12-17-91; Ord. No. 92-125, § 2,1-21-92; Ord. No. 93-167, § 12,3-16- 93) Section 34. Section 12-72 of the Federal Way City Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 12-72 ~c:ion by franehiseeBiliing and eash reeeipting by service provider. ,:\I.lY.SSrvicçf'IQyjek.Lt[¡¡¡Lhas enterçQ....into a serviee agreem£11U",it.h tJi,('ityJQr the collection and.Q(mosal of Garbage. Reeyclables and/or Yard Debris is hcrcbv mLthc~il.,.c¡J().can.y OLI.l.t )£þilliDR_a1.lçi- cash rcc~.i.Il.g.Jl!.!lction~çI.'ltc:Q.J')Jb.c~.c.QllcçtjQIl and JJi.¡;PQ§¡¡J.~er\lee51'rQYiili:.(1 for in tbc service agrcemcIILJ!Llh<LJ:!lJc;§.--'lI1.Jnf"ççs (¡,signaled Iherelll le)r Rc;sidcllti.élllbQll.L..$jIJg]~.F;IIlliJ)'J~ç§IQellllaland.\1ullitÚI11lly l~sjclc;l}lìal! (Elrhagc'..!ic.c.yc <tQ!cs all.cL Y ard Dcbri:;'--'1I1QJ:~olllmçrcìaL C""s\l,)l1lcr(rilrb"gc ORD # 02-411, PAGE 31 a.lld_Yar<LL2cJ'!:Ii;Lll1ld_such 9ther..sgvices aUt¿91lÌrcd [\11<:1/01' provided for under the ~çrvlçcagrc_cnlçllt,~et-!tffwis€--&~4~~eity and :he CH'y's 'c(}HeDti(}fllì'afH)hiwe-,--th"--'(.faHch¡see-sha¡~-£ol~€£l" chargð.I('>1' -st'Fvi£e:;"feHdered HtldeHJHS--iÒhaJ*t'~'Sfffi.f~}f- '.\ hom collection seFV-Ìcûs arc fUFHtshed-afldffif OWHt'ff)(.:-the-j'}ropefty-lBf.whieh-the--€oHe€ti-of¡'-5efVK-Ð-iS-Feflde-r€tl,.(Ord. No. 91-124, § 11,12-17-91; Ord. No. 92-125, § I, 1-21-92; Ord. No. 93-167, § I I, 3-16-93) Section 35. Section 12-73 of the Federal Way City Code is hereby repealed. 12 73 freqlleRcy ofbillin~. gilling-f:er-Fa~4--iH-1pO_~-by-this-artffile shall be mad€-monthly or quarterlY' and may incl~de charges for ;;uch other services rendered by the franclÙee. €Grd. No. 91 121. ~ II. 12 17 91;-C}rd,-Nf>,92 125, * 1,12192; ard. No. 931&7-;+1-1-, ~ Section 36. Section 12-74 of the Federal Way City Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 12- 74 ResponsiBility for delinquenciesColleetion of debt. All tiebt collection under this article must be handled by the fræ~ehisee Serviee Provider and the francHisee Service Provider is responsible for all delinquencies. Any such delinquencies shall not alleviate the franchisee Service Provider fTom any obligations to the eityÇjJy. (Ord. No. 91-124, § 11, 12-17-91; Ord. No. 92-125, § 1,1-21- 92; Ord. No. 93-167, § 11,3-16-93) Section 37. Section 12-75 of the Federal Way City Code is hereby repealed. 12-7SFHlHchisctJfctai fHlgC +he---Ji-anchi.;ccs+H+f-I-æt¡¡i.¡¡ <hc ¡mH-HtHts..:¡uthori/.cd as franchiseD' -æta¡Ha~c li'om J ' ORD # 02-411, PAGE 32 revenue. ef,Heet<*!,in'HJHsideFäÜOH-tt)I'!l1e'€B st.of seFvì€ec +Gr~:I,.No, . 9.1-+24,,*-11,-.12-1,7- 9'¡7+ff{I,Nt+c-9-2-1-?-~, I 21 92; OrÜ,-N&-.*'-I€tf,++I,~j{+-lJ~1 Section 38. Section 12-76 of the Federal Way City Code is hereby repealed. .j..¿.. 76 Payments to city. 'I 'hefranc!Ü see-sha/1-makei'&ymenls-!" the.. c i ty-wtthin~()-däys'.Hf¡er-1ht'-hj.jlm¡;-Hf eu5lt:>tner accounts. The payment shall be equal to the monthly rate less the fTanchisce retaÌf1age'iHnooflHOrd-. No. <) I I 21 , +++~-I':¡-9-h.O!'d-..NB-..'!)2-+2-5","--!-;-+--2-l-91t-Gf(1-. No.()3167,~11.31693) Section 39. Section 12-77 of the Federal Way City Code is hereby repealed: 12-77 Lien and enforcement. Failure to ¡Jay aH)' charge for solid waste collecti0n and disp0sal, recyclable materials collecti0H-fIH€l-..Eltsposal or yard was[e.-€BIlætÌBH--iHlfi-{jisposal shall Became a lien against the ]3f0]3erty for which the collection service is reRdered. COrd. Na. 91 121, § 13,121791; Ord. No. 93167, § 13,31693) Secti0n 40. Seyerability. The pwvisi0ns of this ordinance are declared separate and severable. The invalidity of any clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, section, or portion of this ordinance or the invalidity of the application thereof to any person or circumstance, shall not affect the validity 0f the remainder of the ordinance, or the validity of its applicati0n to 0ther persons or circumstances. Section 41. Ratification. Any act consistent with the authority and prior to the effective date ofthis ordinance is hereby ratified and affirmed. Section 42. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force five days fwm the time of its final passage, as pwvided by law. ORD '# 02-411, PAGE 33 PASSED by the City Council of the City of Federal Way this 2nd day of January, 20o¡. CITY OF FEDERAL WAY ~NN~~ APPROVED AS TO FORM: 46 Q-~~ CITY ATTORNEY, BOB C. STERBANK FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: P ASSEtD BY THE CtTY COUNCIL: PUBLISHED: EFFEC::TIVE DATE: ORDINANCE No.: 12/12/01 01102/02 01/09/02 01107/02 02-41l ORD If 02-411, PAGE 34