06-07-2022 - Sabrina EttingerFrom: Stephanie Courtney To: "Sabrina Ettinger" Cc: Jennifer Marshall Subject: RE: Public comment letter to be read into the record for City Council Meeting on June 7, 2022 Date: Monday, June 6, 2022 3:38:38 PM Good Afternoon Sabrina, Thank you for your letter. A few months back the City Council changed policy and letters are no longer read aloud at the meetings. The new policy is to have emails forwarded to the Mayor and Council prior to the meeting (if they were not emailed directly) and also uploaded to the city website as part of the packet materials. I will forward your email to the Mayor and Council as they were not cc'd on the email I received. If you would prefer to attend the meeting virtually and provide your comments at the meeting please visit this link to sign up, or you can also attend and provide your comments in -person. If you sign up for virtual comment, you will be emailed the Zoom login and code to access the meeting and will be added to the list of people signed up to speak. Please let me know if you have any questions. Best, Stephanie From: Sabrina Ettinger Sent: Monday, June 6, 2022 3:31 PM To: Stephanie Courtney <Stephanie.Courtney@cityoffederalway.com>; Jennifer Marshall <Jennifer.Marshall @cityoffederalway.com> Subject: Public comment letter to be read into the record for City Council Meeting on June 7, 2022 [EXTERNAL EMAIL WARNING] This email originated from outside of the City of Federal Way and may not be trustworthy. Please use caution when clicking links, opening attachments, or replying to requests for information. If you have any doubts about the validity of this email please contact IT Help Desk at x2555. Good afternoon - Please read the following letting into the record at public comment during the City Council meeting on June 7, 2022. Please confirm your receipt and that this will be included in tomorrow's public comment. Thank you. Sabrina Ettinger Good afternoon, Mayor Ferrell, Council President Kochmar and City Council members. My name is Sabrina Ettinger, a 50 plus year resident of Federal Way and a recently appointed Parks Commissioner. Thank you for your time and listening to an idea that was presented on June 2, 2022 in the Parks Commission meeting. At my invitation, Rabbi Wolff presented during public comment regarding adding a menorah in one of our parks for the holiday season. He says that this display will be added to a "long list of large and small cities from all over the world that are positioning menorahs in public places." He also pointed out that in a Supreme Court decision of Chabad v. ACLU and City of Pittsburgh v. ACLU of Greater Pittsburgh which determined that a menorah is considered a non - secular symbol of unity, freedom and the holiday season. Following the Rabbi's speech, we were informed by Parks Director Hutton that the Parks commission was not the appropriate venue to present this idea. He recommended that the Parks commission should use public comment at the next City Council Meeting to request consideration and implementation of this idea A lot of things happen in June. It is pride month and Juneteenth is recognized by our great City. In the Mayor's continued efforts to create a more inclusive community and celebrate diversity of our community there was a flag put up for pride month. I like that the pride flag is being flown, as it well deserves. I think that it is a beautiful thing that there is a Christmas tree in the park with a tree lighting ceremony. I have learned that there are plans for a Korean garden. An installation of the requested holiday menorah will not detract or take away anything from any of these events. I am pleading the case to include everyone. Maybe this holiday season we will finally have a menorah standing side by side with our other holiday symbols for freedom and peace on earth. I am hopeful that there is plenty of time this year to have this addition to our holiday season celebrations. It would be wonderful if Federal Way could join many cities and places, including 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington D.C. and around the World that are able to enjoy a menorah along with any other symbols of peace on earth during the holiday season. Thank you. Sabrina Ettinger Long time Twin Lakes resident and newly appointed Parks Commissioner