Council PKT 11-09-1999 Special/Study SesionAGENDA FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL/STUDY SESSION Council Chambers - City Hall November 9,1999 - 6:00 p.m. (www. cL federal-way, wa. us) in-, CALL MEETING TO ORDER 1999-2000 PRELIMINARY BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS - DEPARTMENT PRESENTATIONS ~,~-' ~.~~ /hty f Federal Way Pm oPOSEB BUBGET CALENbAP, Council Study Sessions - Special Meetings City Manager Presents Proposed Budget: Public Hearing No. l: Property Tax Ordinance - I st Reading: Council Study Sessions - Special Meetings Department Presentation: Council Discussion Public Hearing No. 2: Council Deliberation: Property Tax Ordinance - 2nd Reading and Adoption: Budget Ordinance - 1st Reading: Budget Ordinance - 2nd Reading and Adoption: November 2 6:00 p.m. November 2 7:00 p.m. November 2 7:00 p.m. November 9 6:00 - 9:30 p.m. November 15 6:00 - 9:30 p.m. November 16 7:00 p.m. November 16 7:00 p.m. November 16 7:00 p.m. November 16 7:00 p.m. December 7 7:00 p.m. Unless otherwise noted, all meetings are conducted in conjunction with regular Council meetings. K:'xFIN B IEN2Xcovcr.doc CITY OF November 2, 1999 Honorable Mayor, City Council, and Fellow Residents: This memorandum will transmit to you the City's mid-biennium budget review process and recommended adjustments for the 2000 Budget. Starting this evening, the City council will receive staff briefings on the proposed budget adjustments, which we anticipate to conclude on November 9~h. A special meeting has been scheduled for November 15th, where the Council will begin the deliberation process, which could result in the adoption of the property tax levy and budget adjustment on November 16u' and December 7th, respectively. Revenue Adjustments The proposed budget adjustment includes an inflationary adjustment for property tax and an adjustment for building/land use fees at 3.2%. The 3.2% inflationary factor is based on the CPI-W for the Seattle area for the twelve months ending June 1999. Property Tax: With the inflationary adjustment, the City's property tax levy rate will be reduced from the existing $1.53 to $1.50 per $1,000 of valuation due to an average 6.9% growth in assessed value. The proposed City property tax amount is also below the amount allowed under the Referendum 47 limit due to unused past capacities. In addition to this inflationary increase, the City will also receive property tax collections from a recent annexation and new construction of approximately $125,000, or 1.9%. These figures are still preliminary and may be adjusted by the King County Assessor's Office. Building and Land Use Fees: Pursuant to Council fee resolution 98-281 adopted as part of the budget last year, an inflationary adjustment is applied to building, land use and public work development fees, to prevent sporadic steep increases. Other Revenue Projection Changes: Based on 1999 results, we are increasing some of the revenue projections. This includes $700,000 in gambling tax, $200,000, in fines and forfeitures, and $100,000 in building permit fees. In addition, the City will receive $438k in referendum 49 funding beginning in 2000. This revenue source must be used for transportation and cannot be used to supplant current transportation programs. However, should 1- 695 pass, this revenue source would be repealed and would no longer be available. Expenditure Budget The 2000 budget adjustment reflects the City Council's priority to ~trengthen our community-based public safety program with the formation of the Municipal Court. I have reviewed the four basic governmental service categories and have refined it to better correlate with our service delivery system. These four functions and related support systems form the structure for the delivery of basic municipal services. City programs or services that do not fall into one of the four categories are considered discretionary to the general fund and may be sustained by other financing sources such as public-private partnerships, donations, contributions, grants, and user fees. The sustainability of our organization in the long-term will require us to continue to focus on these basic functions. · Protection of public safety, health, welfare and promotion of the common good; · Enforcement of laws, codes and ordinances so as to ensure public safety and maintain an orderly environment in which people can live, learn, work and play; · Maintain public investment such as infrastructure, right of way, buildings, parks and the like; · Mandates that are levied on the City through external contract or legislative changes without accompanying revenue sources. Highlights 0£ Changes This year has been one of the best years in local economic activity since the City's incorporation in 1990. This is reflected in the increase in sales tax collections, building permit applications, and the volume of real estate transactions. Preliminary projections indicate the City will end the year with $2.25 million in additional general revenues from sales, gambling, permit fee and other miscellaneous sources; and $1 million in additional restricted capital revenue from real estate excise taxes. These funds will provide $1.4 million to bridge the gap for one year while staff and Council develop a long-term strategy for managing the impact of 1-695, should the voters approve it; and still allow approximately $2.0 million in capital programs. Should the voters not approve 1-695, I am recommending that Council set aside the $1.4 million until next spring when we revisit Council goals and begin developing the 2001/02 biennial budget. Using preliminary programmatic recommendations developed by the former City Manager as a base, I have worked with the department directors to ensure the proposed revisions to programs and services are consistent with Council goals and the four basic functions of municipal government. In addition, it has also been my objective to minimize adjustments to operations in order to preserve the City's flexibility in the event 1-695 comes to pass. As a result of this analysis, I recommend the following modifications to the adopted 2000 budgeted programs and services. Operating Programs: Protection: · Add 1 police officer for the Washington Criminal Justice Training program which will be fully reimbursed by the State; · Convert 2.5 FTE temporary Public Safety Department clerical assistants to regular office technician positions at an estimated $44,000 annual cost; · Add Public Safety equipment to be funded xvith a combination of seizure funds, grants, donations, and traffic school revenues including: a critical incident command vehicle; critical incident/hostage negotiation equipment; and traffic reconstruction program and equipment; · Replace 8 police patrol vehicles with replacement reserves, and retain the existing 8 for less demanding operations within the department; K:\FIN\BIEN 2\00TRNSLTR 1 .DOC · Continue the City's participation in Airport Communities Coalition at $30,000; Enforcement: · Add temporary assistance in Community Development Department for a six- month period for sign code enforcement after the February 28, 2000 due date for compliance for $39,000; · Convert a contracted Associate Planner to a regular position, and increase intern hours to cover the continued high permit activity level over the past two years, both will be fully funded with the higher projected permit fees; · Convert a contracted Public Works private development and capital project inspector to a regular position, which will be fully funded by SWM fees; Maintenance · Replace 4 general vehicles funded with replacement reserve; · Replace 4 copiers with leased copiers, and continue the accumulation of replacement reserve for future purchases if needed ($9,000/year); · Provide maintenance for Wedgewood Park ($5,000/year); · Provide maintenance for Celebration Park (1.25 FTE), which will bring the total staffing level at the Park to two FTEs (of the 4 FTEs initially projected), and will be fully funded from the Park's revenues. This was approved as part of the 1997 capital improvement program. Mandates · Increase the jail service contract by $300,000 primarily due to higher level of utilization and to a lesser degree, from fee increases; · Add $80,000 in one-time consultant services to update traffic counts and to provide the service level and economic analyses in preparation of the 2001 required comprehensive plan update. These changes will add a total of 6.75 positions (3.5 PS, 1.25 Parks, 1 CD, and 1 PW) to the existing staffing level, 4.5 of which are services currently provided through temporary help or contracts where the associated work loads are anticipated to continue. The adjustments also require $150,000 one-time funding ($80k comp plan, $30k ACC; and $40k sign code enforcement); and $358,000 on-going resources ($300k jail contract, $9k copier replacement reserve; $5k Wedgewood park; and $44k conversion of Public Safety positions). The projected revenue increase in 1999 and 2000 from gambling and sales taxes, permit and other fees, grants, and donations will fully fund these budget changes in 2000. Capital Projects: Regardless of the result of 1-695 election, the City will have approximately $2.0 million available for capital programs, for which I recommend your consideration of the projects listed below. The $2.0 million dollars are made up of $1.0 million from real estate excise tax, $29,000 parks mitigation funds, and $977,000 one-time General Fund from higher revenues. The real estate excise tax and parks mitigation funds are restricted for capital purposes and cannot be used to offset the operating impact of 1- 695. I am recommending these projects based on Council priorities identified in the 1999 capital strategic planning process, as well as the Council's vision of creating a great community in which to live, learn, work and play. In addition, many of these projects will maximize the leverage power of local resources by providing matching funds to major grants. K:\FIN\BIEN2\OOTRNSLTR I. DOC Recommended Capital Projects: · Skate Park $ · Hylebos park (to match $100,000 grants from the state and King County) $ · BPA Trail Phase III (to match $620,000 in Federal pass through grants) $ · Alderbrook Park Play Equipment ($29K funded with parks mitigation funds) $ · Provide funding to 23rd Ave. S. widening project to match the $7.2 million in $ anticipated grants and developer contributions * Fully fund the downtown revitalization project to cover the design guideline changes $ and increase in utility undergrounding costs · Allocate the remaining funding to the proposed public safety (Police & Court) $ building to partially offset inflationary increases and to accommodate the addition of the municipal court operation 250,000 50,000 150,000 0 660,000 300,000 567,000 Adjustments to incorporate prior Council action: In addition to the aboYe proposed changes, the mid-biennium budget adjustment will also incorporate a number of prior Council actions: · Implement Municipal Court (11.55 FTE and $143,000 in expenditures, net of the projected increase in fines and forfeitures revenue), approved by Council in March 1999; · Add one CD Development Specialist position due to increased development activity and funded by permit revenues as approved by Council in July 1999; · Move the necessary amount from the current years' uncommitted City Manager contingency to fully fund next year's contingency account per Council fiscal policy; · Incorporate CDBG Grant funding and allocation previously approved by Council in August 1999; · Add I police officer for the School Resource Officer program at Truman High School, which is fully funded by the school service fee and grants as approved by Council in October, 1999. These adjustments will add 13.55 FTEs to the existing staffing level and require $143,000 in on-going resources, primarily for the Municipal Court operation. Conclusion In preparing this mid-biennium budget adjustment, it is of paramount importance to me that the revised budget meets the stability, sustainability, and predictability tests into the near future. Barring the 1-695 impact, the City's basic fiscal condition is sound and stable, and provides some flexibility in accomplishing overall Council goals during 2000. If 1-695 is approved, the City will need to examine service options in early 2000 for potential changes during 2001 and beyond. It will be my goal to position the City organization so it can professionally perform and effectively deliver municipal programs and services into the 21st century. David H. Moseley City Manager K:\FIN\BIEN2\OOTRNSLTR I .DOC CITY OF FEDERAL WAY PROPOSED BUDGET CALENDAR Council Study Sessions - Special Meetings City Manager Presents Proposed Budget: Public Hearing No. 1: Property Tax Ordinance - 1 st Reading: November 2 6:00 p.m. November 2 7:00 p.m. November 2 7:00 p.m. Council Study Sessions - Special Meetings Department Presentation: Council Discussion November 9 November 15 6:00 - 9:30 p.m. 6:00 - 9:30 p.m. Public Hearing No. 2: Council Deliberation: Property Tax Ordinance - 2nd Reading and 'Adoption: Budget Ordinance - 1 st Reading: November 16 7:00 p.m. November 16 7:00 p.m. November 16 7:00 p.m. November 16 7:00 p.m. Budget Ordinance - 2nd Reading and Adoption: December 7 7:00 p.m. Unless otherwise noted, all meetings are conducted in conj unction with regular Council meetings. K:\FIN\BIEN2\calendar.doc 1) FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL MID-BIENNIUM BUDGET ADJUSTMENT - BUDGET HEARING NO. 1 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1999 INTRODUCTION: This is the first public hearing on the City's mid-biennium budget adjustment, which will modify the City's revenue and expenditure budget for 2000. The purpose of the preliminary hearing is to solicit input from the public during the development stage of the City's budget. Earlier this evening, the Council received an overview of the proposed adjustments to the year 2000 budget. A Council study session is scheduled on November 9, when city departments will make presentations on the proposed changes. After that meeting, council will deliberate on November 15 and November 16 and finalize adjustments on November 16 and December 7 council meetings. The public will have the opportunity to comment throughout the process and a second public hearing will be held at the November 16 council meeting. A complete budget meeting calendar is available at the table directly outside the Council Chamber. You can also obtain the information by contacting city clerk's office or through the City's Web site. All meetings will be conducted publicly and will provide an opportunity for public comment. 2) CONDUCT HEARING: · The first public hearing for the adjustment of the City of Federal Way 2000 budget is now open. Public testimony will be limited to three minutes per person. PUBLIC COMMENT · If you have not signed up, but wish to speak on this matter, please raise your hand. · · Seeing no additional comment, is there a motion to close the public hearing? The first budget public hearing is now closed. K:\FIN~BIEN2\SCRIPT.DOC 1) FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL MID-BIENNIUM BUDGET ADJUSTMENT - PUBLIC HEARING NO. 2 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1999 INTRODUCTION: This is the second public hearing pursuant to RCW 35A.33.055 on the City's proposed budget adjustment for 2000 and 2000 Property Tax Levy. 2) CONDUCT HEARING: · The hearing for the Federal Way 2000 budget adjustment is now open. Public testimony will be limited to three minutes per person. PUBLIC COMMENT · If you have not signed up, but wish to speak on this matter, please raise your hand. · Seeing no additional comment, is there a motion to close the public heating? The budget public hearing is now closed. K:\FIN\BI EN2\PH2SCRIPT.DOC ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, FIXING THE PROPERTY TAX AMOUNT FOR THE YEAR 2000. WHEREAS the City Council of the City of Federal Way has adopted its budget for the 1999/00 biennium which includes an increase in property tax levy for the year 2000; and WHEREAS the City Council, in the course of considering the mid-biennium budget adjustment has reviewed all changes in projected revenues and expenses and other city obligations for the city during the year 2000; and WHEREAS while the national inflation as measured by the implicit price deflator for personal consumption is 1.42%, the local inflation, as measured by consumer price index (CPI-W), is 3.2% for the year ending June; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED, by the City Council of the City of Federal Way that the limit factor for the regular levy for the calendar year 2000 shall be 103.2% based on local inflation plus an additional 1.9% for the increase in assessed value ORD. # , PAGE 1 resulting from annexation and/or new construction for a total of 105.1%. Section 1. Levy. There shall be and there is hereby levied against the property in the City of Federal Way, Washington, a municipal tax for the year 2000 for the purposes of paying the of municipal government in the amount of general expenses $7,007,358. Section 2. Severabilit¥. The provisions of this ordinance are declared separate and severable. The invalidity of any clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, section, or portion of this ordinance or the invalidity of the application thereof to any person or circumstance, shall not affect the validity of the remainder of the ordinance, or the validity of its application to other persons or circumstances. Section 3. Ratification. Any act consistent with the authority and prior to the effective date of this ordinance is hereby ratified and affirmed. Section 4. Effective Date. effect and be in force five passage, as provided by law. ORD. # , PAGE 2 This ordinance shall take (5) days from the time of its final this PASSED by the City Council of the City of Federal Way day of , 1999. CITY OF FEDERAL WAY ATTEST: MAYOR, RON GINTZ CITY CLERK, N. CHRISTINE GREEN, CMC APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY ATTORNEY, LONDI K. LINDELL FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: PUBLISHED: EFFECTIVE DATE: ORDINANCE NO. K: \ F I N~ B I ENNIAL \ORD INANC \TAXLEVY2 0 0 0. DOC ORD. # , PAGE 3 /0 Mid Biennium Budget Adjustment Summary Available Funding: Sales Tax Gambling Tax Referendum 49 Funding 4 Permit Fees 1 Fines & Forfeitures 1 Public Safety Grants 1 $ 750,000 800,000 430,000 140,000 125,000 Total Available Funding $ 700,000 438,000 Recommended New Programs: CD - Sign Code Compliance - (funded for 6 months & then review) CD - Associate Planner (funded w/permit fees - $60K) CD - Increase Intern Hours (funded w/permit fees - $13K) CD - Comp Plan Update - Consulting Services CD - Airport Coalition Dues MS - Vehicle Replacement (4) (funded w/repl reserves & proceeds - $51K) MS - Replacement of 4 Copiers (convert to lease; continue to collect reserves - $22K) PAROS - Ongoing M & O for Wedgewood Park PAROS - Celebration Park Maintenance (funded w/Celebration Park fees - $52K) PS - Jail Contract cost increase PS - Patrol Vehicle Replacement (8) (funded w/replacement reserves - $209K) PS - Critical Incident Command Veh (funded w/grant, seizure & donations - $120K) PS - Wa Criminal Justice Training Officer (funded w/WSCJTC - $61K) PS - Convert Temp Data Entry to FTE's (partial funded w/temp - total $85K) PS - Traffic Reconstruction Prog - (funded w/traffic s~l revenue - $41K) PS - Critical Incid/Hostage Neg Equip (funded w/grant & seizure- $129K) PW -Conv. Contracted Capital Project Inspector to Staff (fund w/SWM - $30KJ$ PW - Traffic Counts to Update Transportation Model PW - Comp Plan Update - Consulting Services CM Recommeded New Programs Implementing Prior Council Actions: OM - Municipal Court Formation (costs not funded w/fees & contract) C D - Development Specialist (funded w/permit fees: $41K) PS - School Resource Officers (funded w/grant & contract - $61K) 1.00 1.25 2,245,000 1,138,000 39,000 40,000 30,000 9,000 5,000 300,000 1.00 2.50 44,000 15,000 25,000 1.00 6.75 (149,000) 11.55 - 1.00 1.00 (358,000) 143,000 Continue Implementation of Council Approved Programs Total Proposed 2000 Adjustments 13.55 0.00 (143,000) 20.30 (149,000) (501,000) Balance available under existing condition 2 Yes on 1-695: 4th qtr, 1999 MVET collection, distributed in 1st qtr. 2000 Revenue impact of 1-695 2,096,000 637,000 300,000 (2,056,000) One-time fUndin~l and ongoin~l impact of !:695: ; :::$2;396;000 (1;419;000) [~.,,.mJa.,~.h.; '1,~''"~]' Excess nEET in 1999 $ 1,000,000 1,000,000 Balance available 2 977,000 2,733,000 Total Available Capital Funding! $ t,977,000 3,733,000 Capital Project Recommendation: PAROS- Skateboard Park $ 250,000 250,000 PAROS - Hylebos 50,000 50,000 PAROS - Alderbrook Park Play Equip (funded w/fee-in-lieU - $29K) PARCS - BPA Trail Phase III 150,000 150,000 PS - Public Safety & Muni-Court Facility 567,000 567,000 PW - Downtown Revitalization 300,000 300,000 PW - 23rd Avenue South 660,000 660,000 Total Capital Projects $ 1.977.000 1,977,000 Balance Available $ 1,756,000 Ongoing revenues are considered as net cost in the CM recommended New Programs If No on 1-695, the projected available balance will be $2.1 million in one-time funding and $637K in ongoing for a total of $2.7 million in 2000 REET revenue in 2000 is projected to be higher than budgeted which will be available for allocation in 2001 If not overturned by 1-695, this funding must be used for transportation purposes w/o supplanting current funding / 9900newprgm Mid-Biennium Review (2) 1111/99 CAPITAL PROJECT LIST AS PRIORITIZED BY COUNCIL - MAY 1999 c E