Res 00-326 RESOLUTION NO. 00-326 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, DECLARING A CONSTRUCTION AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT SURPLUS AND AUTHORIZING RELEASE OF THE EASEMENT. WHEREAS, RCW 35A.80.010 permits the City of Federal Way to protect and operate utility services as authorized by law, including RCW 35.94; and WHEREAS, RCW 35.94.040 and 35.67.010 permit the Federal Way City Councilto determine that any land, property or equipment originally acquired for public utility (including storm drainage) purposes is surplus to the City's needs and is not required for providing continued public utility service, and to sell or convey such land, property, or equipment after determining the fair market value, rent, or other terms or conditions for such disposition; and WHEREAS, Robert Shin owns property located at 1627 South 312th Street; and WHEREAS, the City of Federal Way owns a construction and drainage easement ("Shin Easement") on the Shin property, attached as Exhibit A and incorporated by this reference as if set forth in full, and WHEREAS, the drainage improvement constructed by the City ofF ederal Way have rendered the construction and drainage easement unnecessary, and WHEREAS, on November 7,2000, pursuant to RCW 35.94.040, the City Council held a public hearing to consider the Shin request; Res. # Jl.Il=.12d'age I Ç~~1f NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Declaration of Surplus Property. The Shin Easement is hereby declared to be surplus to the City of Federal Way's needs and not required for providing continued public utility services, because other drainage facilities have rendered the Shin Easement unnecessary and of no value to the City. Section 2. Determination of Value. The City will sell back the drainageeasementto Mr. Shin for the original purchase price of $4,797.49, plus closing costs. Section 3. Authorization for Release of Drainage Easement Based on the foregoing, the City Council hereby authorizes the City Manager to release any interest the City may have in the drainage easement by executing a release acceptable to the City Attorney and substantially in the form attached as Exhibit B hereto. .;, Section 4. Severability. Ifany section, sentence, clause or phrase of this resolution should be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this resolution. Section 5. Ratification. Any act consistent with the authority and prior to the effective date of this resolution is hereby ratified and affirmed. Section 6. Effective Date. This resolution shall be effective immediately upon passage by the Federal Way City Council. Res. #oO-32(jPage 2 RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, this ~ day of November, 2000. CITY OF FEDERAL WAY ~¿ , MAYOR,MI ATTEST: c?z£Z~~~ APPROVED AS TO FORM: ~c.m~ INTERIM CITY ATTORNEY ROBERT STERBANK FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: 10/31/00 PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: 11/07/00 RESOLUTION NO. 00-326 K,IRESO/SHIN Res.1á0-326. Page 3 ......"""....:¡:,~" ":.M.oL' <. ~~"&~::::-:"':~~,~'~::";""....... ""4.,i....;._~~"" ..'"...""---, ..;-."-;"...!>¡~~ " " " """". ,,' ""'" /~~ /33530 1_.:W.ot,~ :: Fec oW8I W8'1iWA.-0D3 "':,...." /' .,{ .;.,' "\. '.;;, ,.,.,/ """"",. """,.........,.".." EXHIBIT A ,,' """"""",, ...- "" . ~~~~k~ 12/5 PnJperrv LtQII De.:riptIaA i8bIIrMI8IICß: sW';/4," ~!J~ ~1'N. ~ ~ on ExhibIt A- I =~f~~::3~~~122 c tit 1III1ÎI18IIt"~ lCøREAN SAN SlRoIG PRESBYmII~ CHURCH' rGr~.~ Q" end . w8ß8IIC8,;io 1h4Í cmt' OF,.ÄjDÐW:'>WAVo . W~ municipal CCIQIOI8tioo{"f:GÌ8ni8e"}'for the i =:~~~-::=::- EIIœpt -IN\' .. ødwwIR .. fonh ~.~...ri~'IhaIi6a,ex. aIs8d upon 1hat portion of the ~ COI1IIÎ8tiftO tit . udIIty ~,:~:,~,.,~I ~~:.j~',,~~C Fullegel ctesaipdan III ea-nent øttaehød tiiemtø"asiXhlbit .Š". erièÎ" inc~ herein by 1hIa """"""""""7 ,',,' .f "".' //"",,:', ;""""", 1. Puopoae. Gr..- and Itsagema. dul J\H8 8lIdIor ~å ø'iall Jiaw,.~ ~Miw~-prIOi'~ to 61-. . IUCh lImN .. deemed ~ by GrIll1l8e. (o.,ø'j,_i~ thIj" ~ 1D ~t, œrIIbuct, ---........... ~ -'t. teP- and anleJge .1I,iiu~ ~~"~ci~~.' Including. but not IIa1bd 1Iø, undefground feciliUes and/or &vat8m1 ~ 8JÎd uiid8r tb8b8mënt tGgel- wiltllIIIlIIC8e8IIIY " CJIIW8IÎ8IJt ~ ther.. Irv;'iuding~it~ ~~;.p pes. cateh buIns,¡,"""'" and d8YAIIon feciIiIIeor, pOnds. biofIhrWon _alee. ~. wÏÍ18i::"""¡¡Utv," trealmBnt:fdíïesvUtsi, ani ~ argrounllllOul'Od tacUltie8\"Facllitles'1. FoIkIwiw.the,inItiaI ~ oI1ha F8cIIider, Gr8rWM may ftom 1Ine 10 time ~natnJÇt :su<:h 8ddItion8I f-=iIitIes ~'Jt nliiv "-i1N. . . "." ..:' : 2. ~ ar- shall 18w1h8 fight Gl1ICCNII1II1h8 eu-.c OV8t and EtORll 1he Property to enable'" Grantee to oxtrd8e Its rIg wa h!nunder. -1-, PARCEl: 9162. ClibPDF - www.fastio,com zoo~ an T.L MN "JJPTld ZT .LINfl o~n ~.~ an7 vv.' nn'nT ^^.u """ t,. I :;jf I I : I,. : I.. I ¡ ¡. ~ .," ..",' ---"" ""","£,¡j", ~:;.;.~. -...,......~u.;.~;:,ZÃ::,~.~"~~' fâI1r.~..._:.i... " - : -----, .~. .-... ..~, '"- " ,,' , " , ,c3. O,~ 1.8nd8ctpIng. GnInt- mav from time to *"- r- waetadan. tNM, or otIw /" ~ 'iiilþnin the ~ and mey ...... and wade the ~ to tha - r.-bly ,: ~ to 9inv GUt the ~ I8t forth in p¡ngnrpb 1 hereof. provided. 1hat foIlowinQ wry auch ~DIk. ~'.... to'" IDItant NIiIonabIv ",..e~ restøra the E8sement to II candIIion 8ImIIar to fit. ~'~,~ auch wack. FoIk>wIng the tnøIIation of the FadhI... 0.- !My underuke any ':. III'd IWy ~.óoèffl\lrltll,~ the I8ndIc8pIng of the Euament. provided thet no IIM8 or a1hør pia"" I11I8II ,"bf"'placø& ~ ~.. woutd be unrNmn8bly ~ or impractical for Go.RIM to - and ,', ,."".:" .,,' f""",; " ""- """4.'~.,tia.l~"~~:;"~"jiïìa'þe 8XC1u81v. to GrIlRlM; pnwkiod.lIow_. Gr8llCOr --...'t!!i IIQbt ta_' th8,,~ fØÍ"8ny ...... not ~ with Gr..-'. lights provided: funIw.1hM ~ I!!id Jiot ~ or mahpIn,,8íi~ or othat SInIC1Ul88 on the Easement. 1h8t Gnrntor ....Ðot""~"ÎIigq i1g.~' ,", " ',' ~br.;l6(1ii'of çonstruodon activity on the PtopeRy, which would rIiSIUrtI. tÎI I ~,& "", the ~ QiI the ea.-nt. or .ndanaer the lat8nll "'ppOrt to the Faclltl..;"8nd.,1I1Ín: ,." ,shd,:not 1JI¥í:,..,~i!h fdteen ItSI feet of th8 &s.nent. ' '/' ." ,f ,,/"¿- ,/ .l 5. Ind8l1UliSoatIon. Gtantor ag~,AQ wemntiY ~ bÍÌId ,Gnlntlle, its " off1ciaIs, officers. employ.... II 8ßt8. and 'WQIuntews 'he...... ft.CIm.~ /IiÍid'8R cIa~;:, .. açtÍQØ8 .nd IIebIGtia ronat.JdinG COIt8and II ~.. trior 1iV 8!J~ 8Í1d "I'~~ or. lnoIucØng. without I1mitøtIon,. 1heir IU IIICIIw -- ..... oi'~.~ ØÎ8inifra,iÍl. .*uiìno tram. or çonnectad ~=§~ffi~ ~ ~~2f"~í~~ ,," i """""'/,"" ,t" ,:,' ...i ',.."., GJlIANTOR '" <:""/ "" "'" ,/""'" ",,",,-,' , t.O t.O 0 N In 0 N 0 ClJ a') '~~: ,"""" KOReAN SAN SUNG PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH . ' '," ,I. """""'" "."."""""",/' -2-~ PARCEL: 91&2 ClibPDF - www,fastio.com coo~ an T~ MN "TJT""d 1:1 ~INn orn roe an7 VVJ nn' OT nn"~ 'H ...\\í,i¡,,¡.¡¡¡ì;, , ',;M ¡i.1 _'.~~.e-'=',,;>~~--~ 'IiII!.',k;¡'",.'.ii\:,:"".;-",------<", "i8;,. ,:";'", '- , \. ,,', ,,' [CarpOl8te Not..,] ) STATE OF WASHINGTON) 1- I. " ':'":?,~,,Ó,~,K~: ': I COUNTY OF KING I \, On t~ ~ piììiiQnellV 8 p88Ied b8f0,.. me. On thIa day PGflOnaUy IppII8IIId beforl me '-"~~.:k~~/-=.~: ~ .. 2 he11IIeIthey tIX8CÏUIÍIKI'" ~ ~ þ¡,,",; ,-~ III>d 8Cknowledged ... said hbJherl1heir It.. III>d ~,~ ~ ~ '\~ tG be ... 'rei III>d vvlumary IOCt IIfId the U$8und P\IFPOIØI tI'i8nIIR'~ }' / cIhI!"'of RId C:Orpllnlllon. fOr 1I'te IIS8I III1d ',/ ,,/ ,/' ,,/,,-..;- .iPu~ thereII\ IIIIIntIGnId. 8IIcI on oath S1at8d L~~ ~:: my ~ ~,~~,/,/"f~~-;. ~ ~oe;:.ll~ ~h~'/ (i.7!9:~.t£~ ,1,seaI",,~,;/) ,,0' ,/, Notary Public ifj'~ ¿ trio ~ of w.8hlI1 tOII. Inotålyi3i~~::)'" /',," , ' My çommi~n ~/ ~"" ,," ,// .. :-~'~~\ (typedlprint8Ö'~,'7~,~/" /""""",.," þj ~~~ Ncjtary Public: 10 8nd for 1M StaIli:1!! yi....t1ìogton. "."""""-"""~. ",,\ :~~,l Jr""""""""'" My commission expires ' ,', ~~1~«:\J ;"i 1I~"~] Sf A 1'E"ÒF WASHINGTON " ~ ~ 0 N 11"3 0 N 0 rxJ C1'J """,...."""",,:0'" I' l -3- . PARCEL: 9162 ClibPDF - wwwJastio.col11 ÞOO~ anT.L .\IN :JUpu,{ ZT ,T,"", ~-.:i1:£ ,,'" ::,~~ þ:.\f'~~,:;~-::.~:'i~.' '-'~~;:".of.ï;"'_:' :- ----"_"\.~'~"" ""","'..,.." " ( c :.; f ~, 5' ,.' "i,i- ""'" y EXHIBIT "Au ". ,.", .i ./ " ' ",<..,/,,- i./ -,.' ,:,,-:,.,- """ -;-, ThE .il;ìhd'f;c~~erred to in this commitment: is situated in the County of ""',.."."",...~ing/ S1"t.~Y ot"/w~,~!Ü¡;¡,~~on. and described &s follows: Th~."ea'¡'t' ~6o i..'¡;'t oJ." th'~ wes.e:""'j'šl!i feet of the north half of the norf:'b.iba.\f of ,Æh,,/ño:¡¡th'¡;eç1:-'qu~:çt:er of the southwest quarter of section -fJ.. ,.To'[iins#þ ~1 ~,¡",i:.h. ~g,,"'"4""!!;ISt, H.M., in ICing County, :~~~~~~isokh"'f£~ ß~e.ltGël,r;':' ("fir') . J\ND gXCEPT the-"'nQ,;F.J;h"30,/fe¥: t~eoq9<?ftvi.yed to' King County for road, by deed recorde~fun4er ~~ofdiyg ~r 1024019. è "-",.i/- ,,:/ /i ,../ -" ' .!;'., ," """-/ / .. '.' -,- '-'.J' l (þ CD 0 N ¡", 0 ~ Œ) ,~ .. ClibPDF - www.fastio.com soo~ "TH.L MN ::>UP"d ¡n .LINn nrrr rbr an, VVJ '"'OT .~.~~," ,..', ' . ..,... <'-~"<..._M';"',';"'" :'~- ~ " "">,',, '... '" ""'-~'---'" - , - ;--. ~ EXIImIT "II" IÞ ~ e N I/) ~ ~ en EN'mANCO MICHAEL G. YEOMAN, PLS l'ROJEcr NO. 9SOZ4-20 South 3121.. Street April, 1997 //':'::::"\ ,,/--j / ~ ~A@~~ASEMENT ; (, /' ,f"l r,t~1~/ "") \.." ""t~{~I'f~om'}Ati~ "'~ß~l un~'~~i;C~~., /'>, ' A pamancnt draltlagc ~.Ôver'M!t'~~ró~'~ p~fuor tM{9'lowing de.!cnòcd pan:el: ""."i {'~,..../'/' it"/ \,,) /I";,~ "0"""",.,,, '" ThC};~200fcetoftbcW..t3)Ötef'!'or~ rtJí'1¥'o(,,~~O~ / '7 Half ot'\ho, Nort1t\rut Quarter of th.,S ØcaIÍct p&Šè<;lí!1b 9., ¡' /' r<i~p "iJ Nonh. !lange 4' b.n. , ¡,f J(ing....~ùntj.' ,// ,/~~~~outh 150 feet thereof, , -,I :L>,,~:::: j/>'/ // ,/' "'1IDfX~;!:..~~orth 30 lèet ~f conveyod 10 Kinf.c..ó~¡oity / :' 1<11::,1;00<1, ,!""et Rccoiift!1g Number 102~OI9""'J "". i' f ,"". '., Sn¡d'~~rmonetld~c ?,..Je¡¡tmöi'ì;' lJ>rliCUlnrIY described n. {oDow", '. '.,,-, " /' 00.. ", COMMENCING -"lit the ,~"'" ¿~r J;h.ald parcel; thenc. South 00008'36" Ea.I, along"'t1iÓ ~t /Ìn~, a dì~~"or )2."11,1 feet; thence North 89"34'47" W..., a distance of..~7.§g ¥ 1;0 'itm.l' fÖi.;anŒNNJ:NG; thenoe SÓUtb 0(1°08'36" Bast.,,<IIitino~ of61,á .. ~'N.ortb 89. 34'47" West a dlstanœ of37.14 feet; tluÍnce ~orib 6"-West å-dl!!allce of6U7 æt; thence South 89"34'47'" Í!ast-'&'di.tiuI,Ge af37¡14 ~ to ".thð POINTOl'BBŒNNJNG. '~""'/ .(j' " f i'./ Containing an are'.. of2,m .quare tèot, RIOrc or Icss. {, ,,( '\"/ I' ClibPDF - www,fastio,colll 900~ arH.L MN "TJP"d ZT .LINn MOT ~b~ nn? vv" 'n'nT Return Address: Robert Shin 1627 South 312'" Street Federal Way, WA 98003 EXHIBIT ö RELEASE OF STORM DRAINAGE EASEMENTS Grantor: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Grantees: ROBERT SHINN Property Legal Description (abbreviated): SW Yo of Sect. 9, T 21 N, R 4 E; Additional Legal Description in Exhibit A Easement to Be Released Legal Description (abbreviated): Portion of SW Yo of Sec. 9, T 21 N, R 4 E; Additional Legal Descriptions in Exhibit B Assessor's Tax ParcellD#(s): 092104-9102-07 RECITALS 1. Robert Shin, a single man, owns property located at 1627 South 312'" Street, legally described in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated by reference. 2. The City purchased a construction and drainage easement from Korean San Sung Presbyterian Church, Mr. Shin's predecessor-in-interest, legally described in Exhibit B attached hereto and incorporated by reference. 3. The City of Federal Way has determined that, in light of other drainage facilities subsequently constructed by the City, the easement is no longer necessary and surplus and the City's interest may be released. RELEASE OF DRAINAGE EASEMENTS 1. Release. The City hereby releases the construction and drainage easement legally described in Exhibit B to the full extent of its ownership interest in the easement. 2. Successors and Assigns. The rights and obligations granted herein run with the land and shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties' respective successors, heirs and assigns. IIIII -1- DATED THIS day of ,2000. GRANTOR: THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY By: David Moseley City Manager STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) On this day personally appeared before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, David Moseley, to me known to be the City Manager of the City of Federal Way, a Washington municipal corporation, the corporation that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he was authorized to execute the said instrument. GIVEN my hand and official seal this - day of ,2000. (notary signature) K:\Pubwork\shinn.rel 10/31/00 (typed/printed name of notary) Notary Public in and for the State of Washington My commission expires: -2- EXHIBIT A The east 200 feet of the west 350 feet of the north half of the north half of the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 9, Township 21 North, Range 4 East, W.M., in King County, Washington; EXCEPT the south 150 feet thereof; AND EXCEPT the north 30 feet thereof conveyed to King County for road, by deed recorded under Recording Number 1024019. -3- ';, ~ EXHIBIT B PERMANENT DRAINAGE EASEMENT ref. D9162 Tax Lot No. 092104-9162-07 Korean San Sung Presbyterian Church A permanent drainage easement over and across a portion of the following described parcel: The East 200 feet of the West 350 feet of the North Half of the North Half of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 9, Township 21 North, Range 4 East, WM., in King County, Washington. EXCEPT the South 150 feet thereof; AND EXCEPT the North 30 feet thereof conveyed to King County for road, under Recording Number 1024019. Said permanent drainage easement more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at the northeast comer of said parcel; thence South 00°08'36" East, along the east line, a distance of 12.01 feet; thence North 89°34'47" West a distance of27.99 feet TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING-, thence South 00°08'36" East a distance of 61.87 feet; thence North 89° 34'47" West a distance of37.14 feet; thence North 00°08'36" West a distance of 61.87 feet; thence South 89°34'4T' East a distance of 37.14 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. ' Containing an area of2,298 square feet, more or less. -4- JLL (á) MEETING DATE: November 7, 2000 ITEM# CITY OF FEDERAL WAY City Council AGENDA ITEM S UBJE CT : ,.."~"~~~~~~!~~~~~~~!~~~~,~~~~~,~_nty'~,~,~,ti()I1",,, CATEGORY: BUDGET IMPACT: _CONSENT _ORDINANCE _BUSINESS _X_HEARING _FYI _X_RESOLUTION _STAFF REPORT _PROCLAMATION _STUDY SESSION _OTHER Amount Budgeted: $ Expenditure Amt: $ Contingency Reqd: $ -ATTACHMENTS: " Prõposeëï ResõÏïïtiõñ;'M'ëmoiõLãñëïÛseãñëïtrãns põrtãÜõÏÏc"õïniñTttee"diïiedÖëiõber 3, 2000; copy of letter from property owner requesting easement purchase; and copy of land appraisal. SUMMARYïßACKGRÖUND:Thë"TñiÜiïTëïesigñõfs3Ïi\OsireeiTi1Ï996iñëïïïëïëëCãëïrãii1iïgeŸiïüïiihiïi was to be placed in the parking lot of the old Metropolitan Bank. This location was selected because all the drainage from this area was carried to this point in a pipe system that went south across private property, under a building and then west to Pacific Highway South at approximately S. 314th Street. After a detailed drainage review, a second alternative was developed, which bypassed the private system and took the drainage down Pacific Highway South to connect at S. 314th Street. All right of way and easements were acquired for the project and the project was put out to bid. Then, based on costs and the existing drainage system conditions, it was decided to route the drainage south along Pacific Highway South. The design was constructed and the pipe running onto the Metropolitan Bank property from the right of way was plugged. Therefore, the new drainage construction along Pacific Highway South eliminated the need for the vault easement. The current property owner is requesting to purchase the drainage easement back from the City since it was not needed for the road project. Originally the City purchased twelve feet of right of way, a ten-foot utility easement and a 1,845.19 square-foot drainage easement. The easement purchase price was $2.60 per square foot, and the City's cost for the drainage easement was $4,797.49. The easement is no longer required since the existing drainage runs south on Pacific Highway South, and will not be needed in the future. CiTYcOUNCILCOMMITTE'EïŒcOMMENDATióN:Äi¡¡;Òciõber9;2ÕÕÕmeeÙni;iheLãñJÜSe and Transportation Committee made the following recommendation: Approve Resolution vacating the 1,845.19 square foot drainage easement on the old Metropolitan Bank property, subject to reimbursement to the City of $4,797.49, "'CïTY"-MANA'GER"RECOMMENDÃTION:"NiõÜoïïioapprovë-R:ësõïüÜoïï'ror"vacating"tïïë"'T:¡!45:Tif' square foot drainage easement on the old Metropolitan Bank property, subject to reimbursement to the City of $4,797.49- APPROVED FOR INCLUSION IN COUNCIL PACKET: \?\~"" (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERK'S OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: IAPPROVEDÆ1, _DENIED ~ - T ABLEDillEFERRED/NO ACTION k:\councillagdbills\2000\s 312 drainage easement vacation,doc COUNCIL BILL # , 1st Reading ~~ Enactment Reading \l ) ORDINANCE # RESOLUTION # c~- ~:)..tp