Res 00-318 -...... RESOLUTION NO. 00-318 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF DES MOINES AND GRANVILLE SOUTHERN CORPORATION. WHEREAS, RCW 35A.14.01 0 authorizes a city to annex any portion of a county not incorporated as part of a city or town but lying contiguous to the annexing city; and WHEREAS, on February20, 1 998,pursuant to RCW35A. 14, the City of Des Moines filed a Notice ofIntention for the annexation of the area known as "Redondo Riviera" contiguous to an eastern boundary of the City of Des Moines; and WHEREAS, a portion of the eastern boundary of the "Redondo Riviera" annexation area is co-extensive with the Potential Annexation Area ("P AA") boundary set forth in the Agreement Between the Cities of Federal Way and Des Moines Relating to Potential Annexation Area Designation, dated December 16, 1996; and WHEREAS, on August 14, 1998, the King County Boundary Review Board issued its Resolution and Hearing Decision approving the proposed annexation, concluding that the proposed annexation tends to accomplish the pertinent objects specified in RCW 36.93.180; and WHEREAS, Donald and Marie Tavis and the Granville Southern Corporation, owners of property ("Tavis Property") and the holder of an option to purchase the Tavis Property, respectively, brought suit against the City of Des Moines, the City of Federal Way, and the King County Boundary Review Board, asserting that the annexation should not have been approved ORD # 00-318 ,PAGEl (Ç(Q)~W because Granville and the Tavises own property on either side of the annexation area I PM boundary, and that Des Moines and Federal Way should be ordered to revise the P AA boundary; and WHEREAS, on March 31,1999, King County Superior Court Judge Dean S. Lurn entered a decision affirming in part and remanding in part the King County Boundary Review Board Resolution and Hearing Decision; and WHEREAS, the City of Federal Way, Granville Southern and the Tavises appealed Judge Lurn's decision to the Court of Appeals; and WHEREAS, Granville Southern and the Tavises thereafter entered into settlement discussions with the City of Des Moines and the City of Federal Way concerning poteñtial future development of the Tavis property; ~d WHEREAS, in anticipation of the annexation of the Redondo Riviera area by the City of Des Moines, and of the ultimate annexation of the area located between the Redondo Riviera annexation and State Route 99 to the City of Federal Way, and pursuant to RCW 36.70B.170, the City of Des Moines, the City of Federal Way, Granville and the Tavises have negotiated a development agreement, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated by reference; and WHEREAS, the City Council held a public hearing on July 18, 2000, to receive public input on the proposed development agreement; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that it would promote the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Federal Way to approve and authorize the City Manager to execute a development agreement between the City of Federal Way, the City of Des Moines, Granville Southern Corporation and Donald and Marie Tavis; and ORD # 00-318 ,PAGE 2 NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: Section I. Findings. The City Council hereby finds that: A. The proposed development agreement limits the density of development on the Tavis Property by limiting development to no more than 85 units, constructed in the form of single-family dwellings, duplexes, and one tri-plex. B. Fewer units would be permitted under the development agreement than allowed under existing King County development regulations, and would be less than applied for by Granville Southern. C. The proposed development agreement will not be detrimental to existing or potential surrounding land uses, because any development will be subject to the requirements of the development agreement, City of Des Moines Code provisions concerning drainage, landscaping, parking, traffic, height, noise, and future use, and City of Federal Way Code provisions concerning signs. In addition, the development agreement provides for the voluntary payment by Granville Southern to the City of Federal Way of Granville Southern's pro rata share of the cost of two projects on the City of Federal Way Transportation Improvement Program, which projects will be affected by traffic trips from new development on the Tavis Property. Collectively, these provisions protect the existing and potential surrounding land uses from potential adverse impacts. D. In light of the Findings in subsections I.A - I.C above, the proposed development agreement bears a substantial relation to the public health, safety, and general welfare of the City. Section 2. Conclusions of Law. Based on the Findings of Fact set forth in Section I above, the development agreement is consistent with the criteria set forth in RCW 36.70B.170. ORD # 00-318 ,PAGE 3 Section 3. DeveloDment Agreement. The City Council hereby authorizes the City Manager to execute the development agreement attached as Exhibit A hereto, and to take all further and necessary action required by the development agreement. Section 4. Severabilitv. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this resolution should be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this resolution. Section 5. Ratification. Any act consistent with the authority and prior to the effective date of the resolution is hereby ratified and affirmed. Section 6. Effective Date. This resolution shall be effective immediately upon passage by the Federal Way City Council. RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, this 18th day of July ,2000. CITY OF FEDERAL WAY ~Æ4 ~R,JrK Pv' ~ APPROVED AS TO FORM: ~Œ._~ IN ERIM CITY ATTORNEY, BOB C. STERBANK ORD # 00-318 , PAGE 4 FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: 07/14/00 PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: 07/18/00 RESOLUTION NO. 00-318 K:\CD\ORDINA\GRANVDEV AGR. WPD ORD # 00-318 , PAGE 5 .- ~ t A ~; ll'." .'" !.i "i E~ !iil <:;~ ...In( 1 ~....~ n !I ... .::'\. "-"'! "', c~. '. ; 'I ({; g ~ ~ 00 - 3\'l lL, liEe / ,) ~i.j ~:, S AGnEEMENT, WAIVER..AND RELEASE By And Betweq Gnul'riDe SO\1ther:n Corporation, Don.ald & Marie Taf'h, ADd 1.111 Cities Of Des Mobles And Federal Way WHEREAS, the City of Des Moines ("Des Moines") is a muaicipal OOIporation organized under the laws of tho State ofW~ and bas authority to e;uct laws and enter into agrec:me:n1s to promote the he:a1th, safety~ and welfare of its citizens, B2)d 1b.eteby control tbe use and dl:Velopmcnt ofpropet:ty within its jurisdiction; . W'.8EREAS. the City ofFedmd Way ("Federal WaY) is a lrJ\1nicipa1 corporation organized under the laws ofthc State ofWasbington IDd bas authOrity to enact Jaws U1d enter into agreements to promote the hcaltb, safety, a:ud welfare ofits ~ti.,..PQs. aud thereby ccntrol the use and dey~pment of property within its jlDisdietion; WHEREAS, Grauvilk Soothem CoIpo.ration ("'OmnW1~ Sollthmu") IDd the marital CommUDity of DoDald aad Mmie Tms ("Ta'Visj{OrmlilIe Southern and Tavie shall hereafter collectively be refmed 10 as "Gnn-rillo" (Noto: The teml "GtmYiIlcf' expn:ssly includes "Coa.sta1 Paomc DeveIopmmt,loc., " the name or1ho applicant re1lected in BOmC King County .files a.ssociated with t1Rl abov~ref'erenccd sppUoatiou) haYe :fi1e4 IW application with Xing CtJrm1y under- King County Pezmit Application 807C0210 for I&pproVal of a dev-01DpII1e11t project OD real property C'G.mville , Property") known as Pac:lfic Place. King Couo1;ys code, regnl:lticfl!, and land USe eontrols, , therefore, apply to slid project. Tavis OWDS the Granville Property which is legally descn"bed in E:du"bit A atta.ched hereto. Granville Southc:n11s un&:r cun1nct to purchase the C3ra:a'riIle Pro~ty from Donald and ~ Tavis; 'WHE.'RBAS, ~ County's code, regulaUons, and Jam! USe conI;tQLs appli~ble to tho Granvillo Prop~ development ptCj ect known as Paci:fic Place filed with King Comty uu.der Kiug County Pemm ApplQtion 807C0270 would allow for morc lo1xlunits. less open space) and otbu development tba11 'Would be cummtly aUowcd under Des MoiIJes' code, regulati~ and land Wle cotItrols; WImREAS, on Ot August 13, 1998, the BRB issued a decision approving the awexatioIl of prop~bJ.own as the I<.edondo Riviera Am1exation Ar~ Pile No. 2016, which ineJwjed a portion of tho 'ect real property into tho City of Dos Mo_; WHEREAS, Granvillt !led an. appeIl of 1be BRB IS annexatiOl\ decisioa with the King County Superior, Court under Cause No. 93-2..19694-7KNT. Subsequently) the court conducted a hearing and r:ende.rcd a written decision and jodgmaut; WHEREAS) an -Weal and cross-appeal were' filed from said King CoUIlty Superior Co\11t's decisiOl1 in the W uMrtgt'nn State Collt't of Appeals. DivitiOIl 1. under Cause No. 44528-6--1; WHER1SAS) the parties 'Wish to settle the litigation, development isnes, md the UDdcdyiDg dispute, including, but not limited to, c()u1}q~ of the appticable code, tegulations, and land use ~ .. . Settlement Agreement, " ~ and Release Page 2 of8 controls applicable to ~ Gtmvlll~ Property develOp1t1wt pxt)ject known as Paci1ic Place filed with King County onder King Co~ty Permit Application 801C0270J m a mutuaUy satisfat;toxy tUnner; WIIEJutAS, tbi.! S~tt1cment Agreement, Waiver IDd Release (hc:rea:fter "A8reemen1'') is entaed into by and between GnmviUe. Des Moiuel and Federal Way (coUmively referenced U "Parties") to resoNe legal mattet:; arising out of)~ la1Dwn as Granville So'flthem ColpOration. et at v. The Wumnl!tOn B9unWny Review Bolltd for lGnf County. et al King County Superior Court Cause No. 98.2-1969+7 KNT, and Grmville Southern Corp. et at v. The City ofFedemJ W avo et !L Co\U't of.Appeals Cue No. 44528+1, and to foreclose further clainm, damages, l'eqnest$ for iJJj1mttive ~lid or di$p\1tea amcmg the pries ~1atcd to slid matters. NOW THBRF.PO~ in consideration otthe lDUtwll promises ~ forth herein. the pattia agree as follows: . .' 1. Granville, pn its 0WIl behal( its heir&, agents;- bn.'ti1;lt9S putnea, ml'estors, optioneetloptionors, cxecutoIs. admiDistrators and assi~ does hercDy release: each and every- Due oftbe Parties, their succcsaors and usigu, o.flict.ts, officia1s, anployees, agents and attmneys, both individually ancl in their ~ capl\3~ fiom BJJ.)" ~ aU claims, appeals or disputes bet1Veal GranvilJe and the. Parti., 'eithc:r jointly or: ~y, that have been or could have been raised iu GIarnille Sontlv!m ~on. lit at v. The WasbiDeton B011l1cLqy Review Board. fgr YipV' Countv. et at Xins County Snpc:dor Court Cause No. 9$-2.19694-7 KNT, or any appeals rc1.ate4 tb:do:. 1iom any claims for damages arisbtg out of or ~ 10 the City of Des Moine:s' Redondo Riviera ~on, and fiom. the acti011S of any party hllitigatillg' the aho~td'c:rt1nced cases or in CIlterlng _ this Agreemeat. Ptovided, however, it is e:xpnelily undetstood aDd IIgm-.d that this paragraph sba11 in DO way bat u.y party from. fi1iDg .K olaim" demand,. or lawsuit for specdfio pe.rfonnau.ce of tho temJ5 Cd ccmdi1iODS of this Agreement or for cla2nages arising out of breach of the ~ and conditions alibis Agreement . 2- GraD'ville wllmlDts and, afIinns that it has uot sold, transferred, or otberwiso usigncd all or my of its interesb in azq -of its appeals" claims, requests 1br J#iof Qr causes of action released hczein and that it i.t solely eGlpOwcred to waive aud release said ma1tcrs. In support of this represc:otatiOI1 and in mppwt of this Agm:mcnt, Granville agrees to iDdemn;fy and bold harmless my and all oftbe PBItics and aypersons or entities covued by this ~t and any affiliated pctSOll, comp~ or entity for UJ.Y dlllm,F', C;Olts, a1tomeys' feea or other expemes in dcfmding my action brought by Gramillet or anyone claiming 10 hold an interest from GnmYille based OD the appea1s11 claims or causes ofactiou'eacompassed bytbis Agreement.- 3. As coDBide.mion for this Agreem(mt, and upOJl lho approval and execution of tbis Agreeaset;1t by the Parties, Gnmville agrees 10 m~$S with prejud:l.c.e iw otOS.i-appc:a1 DOW pending bdbre the Wasbington Court of Appeals entitled Gnnville...Sputhern Coro. et. aI. v. The City of FedFll Wav. et. at. Court of Appeals for the Sta.t6 of WashUlgtou,. No, 445284-1. execute a stipulation providing tor 'Vacation of the Fioa11udgmeat prmouly entered by 1he Honorable Dean Lum b1 Granville Southfm Conxntion. et al V. The W.th"n~ Brnmdlllry Review Board for KinJt Cou;ntv. ~al King County Superior Court Came No. 98-2..19694-.7 KN1'J and diSlDi5s with ~ : . " " I \ .L....oI....... .. - S~tth:ment Agreement, " ~ aud R.elease Page 3 of8 prejudice its appeal in Cause No. 98~2-19694-7 KNT. Gmu.viUo. however, shall not be rcquiud to withdraw my applicatiODB for 1aod 1I8e develcpmeat OIl the Gmrvi1!~ Property that are now pending and vested with King Counly, includin&. b'll:t DQt -limited to, the application filed 'lll1der king County Pe:aait AppJj~ 807arnO. Onmv.ille. however. agrees that \1pOn annexation of a poJtion of th8 GrauviIle Ptcpcrty lo Des Moines. as set :fbrth =ein, that Kiug County Pemrit AppliRtiOll 807C0270 shall be t:raJJsfcm:d to De; Moines :fur pIO~ subject to the ternJs and CQDCtiti~ of this Agree:m.em. It is r:xprcasly understood that subsequent building and other pennits sougbt for UDits to be CXIIlSt::ructed OIl the subject propeuy ibllowing mmexation of I!l portion of the Granville Property into the City orD. Moims shall be PlOCeS$ed ltIlder 1he land use and building codes oftbc City ofDcs Moines, subjeet 10 the terms and eonditions of this Agreernt:Dt , 4. AJ con.sidm1ion for the J)'nJtuaJ promises set .fbrth herein, the Parties collectively agree as follows; A. The: Parties shall jointly seek relief; modification, satisfactiOl1, or vacation of that judglnan filed in King County Superior Court undet' Came No. 9g..2~ 19694.7XNT.. on the basis 'that all issues, c19;mR. and defmses relative to said JudgDlClllt bavo. been eotDpromised as reflected in thi$ AgteeInem. Des MoinallbaD. fUrther proceed to modify. TInlllh:o, and obtain all appropriate IIppIOvala 1Q: the Redondo RiYicn ~an Area, Fil~ No. 2016 so that th= PQrticr.u oftbe Granville Property lyiQa westerly of the eastml bo1D1dary of IS. Ava. South as depicted in the -mnstrative SitePlan~' attached hereto as Bxbibit B &ball be lIEDlca:04 into Pes Moinea The Parties ihaU :fully support the .~atioD of the said portion of the Granville Property into ~ Moines. B. WIthin 15 da}'5 of,tbe date of this Agreez;Qeut, Des Moines aDd Federal Way will WlDIQClDCe the public PfO"SS for ameacting thNr Intcrlocal: Agreem.eut, dated ~ l~ 1996, re1atiDgto their respectivo Potential Annexation Area DesignatiOlL Pollowing completion. of the publio process, the Pes Moinca IDd Fede.tal Way City Connells will consider . propOsed amended P AA futerJocaJ Asreemem whidJ sets the PM boundlly betwee:o Des Moines and Federal Way at 1be cutem edge at the right-of-way of lSlJl A'tClllle South. as depicted on the lIlustrative Site Plan att.&ched hereto as Exhibit B. C. Prior to tho lmnexatJon of my pomon of the Granville lWperty to Des Moines or Fcdcn1 Way~ Des Moines and Feclent Way shall adopt pte~ ~OD zomJ't and other 1md lbe c:omrols am.d rega1atiOJ:lS in comcmnance with the '1llustta1ive. Site Plan" attached heteto as Exhibit B, and the ZorImg and Building Deve10plDeDt ~eat attached hereto as Bxln"bit C. In cue or conflicts between the Illustrativo Site flan and Building Dl'Ve1opJneIlt Agreemeot.,md Des Mobles', King County'IS, or . Fedcn1 Ways zoning. code.s, 1'egolations. ad land USe (OJ1uols, the ~ - , Settlement Agreement, '" 'eI' and Re1ea$e Page 4of8 "lllustrative Site Plan" attached hereto as Exhibit B, and the Zonihg aJ),d Buildini Deve1opJnt1;l.t Agreement aft:Il"hed hcmo as Exhibit C shaD control D. Upon aunexmou of said portion of the Granville Property to Des Moines King County sha.lI ~ to Des Moines the processing of Gnw.Villc'; application for the multiwfamily developmeot project' on the entire Granville Ploperly known as Pacific Place CondominiQlm, IGng County Pemrlt ApplicatioJ1 807C0270. Said Xing County Permit Application 807C0270, $ball be deezned modified at the request of King County. Des Moines, and Federal Way to confom11rith tho ~11Itra1ive Site Plan" attached 1="010 as Exhibit B, and the ZtmWIe _ Building Development A.greemc'lJt attached bereto ~ Rrln'bit C. Provided, that laid King CoUllty PemJit Application 8070>270 shall not bo-withdtawn from Xing County. shall DOt be deemed to have been J:J1odi1ied at the request of the applicam. and said tnms!er Mall have no impact on the vested st&ta:l of said Xhlg County PettDit ApplicatioD 807C0270. E. Upon aid transfer, said KiDg Coumy P~t Application 807C0270 shaU be processed by Des Moines in c;on.fbnnanc.c 'With tho te.ons and conditiOllS of tis Agrer;ment It is expressly uudentood that subsequent building and other pemdts sought tor lIDi1s to be' constructed 011 the subject property 1bllowing C1Dp,x#ltioa of a portion of the GranWle Property into tho City of Ilc$ Moines shaJ1 be processed UDder the land lISe and 'building codes of the aty of Des Moines, niject to tho terms and condition herein By this Agxeement, Federal Way eol:ISeI1ts to tho Uao.smr of said application to the City QfDes Moine.s, cd 1bc p:o~ of said IppJiea~OD and/or subsequent peimit appUcatiO!l8 CD the Granvillo Propc;rty by Des Moines, subject to the: ternuland conditions bnhL F. Upon ~~OD of said pOrtion of the GraUviUe Property to Des Moines. I>t.s Moines shall pIOeess OnmvilIs'. application for the development project on the mtirc Gnmvillc PIoperty lcaown. as Pacific Place Condominiutm, Kiug County Pennit Application 807C0270. Granville shaI1 not be required to nbmit. tile. or prodace any. additional ~on, reports, or infb!'l'l"llilnon other thaD pmiously provided to the Parties as part of said Kine Colmty Pcmit Application 807C0270. It is expressly understood that this limit on additional dOCQme'lf2rlon shall not be construed to apply to any pmmii application filed after annexation of IJl)' portion of the Granville l\uyc:rty into b City of Des Momes, except tor any JUd1 pen:tlit 'applioation that is required h approval as a. Plann.d Unit D(!ve1opment or Su.bdiviaion ofth= development ptOject on the entire Grmville Property bown as Pacific Place eoTlrlt'lmil:1iams. Kmg County Pennit Application 807C027o. The Parties agree 'that the documentation provided to the Parties . as part of said King County Pemit Application 807C0270 is as follows: ~ \ Sett1cmem Agreement, w c aud Release Page 5 0[8 . EaviromuentaI Site A.ssess:rnEmt by Earth Consultants. Xul;:. dated Septe.caber 23. 19.97 . Road Variance bY})BM Con.suJting Engineets dated Feb:roary 19 1998 . , . Subdivision Guanmteo by First Ameril;:tUl Title Insurance Company Ordet No. 345322-5 . Wildlife Smdyby Wetland Re.scaes. Inc. dated March Z5, 1998 . Level One Drainage Report by Eastside ConsnJt.nt'i" Inc. dated August 25, 1m . Geoteclmica1 Re,port by 1. Keith CroSs, P.E.. dated May 31. 1997 . . 'Iiaflic Rqxt1 by David lfAmli" & Associat~ and wb$equent 1I~~eurmn", . Level Two Downstream .Analysis by DBM Consulting Engmecn dated]me 8,1998 . Teolmical InfoIDlation Report By DBM Consulting &ginecrs dated October 24. 1997 . Weahmd Report by Wetland lUsoU1'C65, Jnc.. dated 111ly 29, 1997. Des Mom.es' review. plOCessing. aQd appIOVal of said appl:icatioo shall be limited to a dcbrmtn~OI1 that Aid project complies with the '"lllustrative Site Plan" attached hereto. IS :Rxha"bit B, 1be 2'..onh3g and BlUlding Developnent Agrecmmlt J.Uacbcd hereto as &:mbit C3 md other cwditions stated herein. MoleOVal'. Des Moines sbaI1 not review. rescind" or othenvi:;e modify appmvals pwviOU51y gnmtcd by Xing County wdec $aid King County Pamit Application 807C0270. Except as otherwise stated herein, Des Moines shall fudber approve aid project 5Ubject ODly 3Ild e:xclusive1y, witbont IDtNtificatiCD, am~rfm--f,. or additiou, to the tt:m:u acd c:onditious of 1be '-uJ.ustrafiVt Site P1aD." ltttaohed hereto as Exhibit B, the Zoning anli Bailding Developmcut Agre.:;mcnt I~ed hareto as Exhi'bit C, 8I1d other COJlditions stated herein. Des Moines and Fcdcra1 Way shall not object tel, ehallenge, or othonvise oppose deveJopmant of the OnmviUo Property in accorWmcc with the "Illustrative Site Plan" a1t1ahed hereto u Exhibit B, the Zomng and Building Development Agreement attached hereto as Exhibit C, and o1her conditioDS stated htnin. l'rovi~ 1hat Oes Moines &ball provide Fcden1 Way a ",immT1ft\ offoartcez:l (14) c1a)'B within wbleb to review and comment on Pea ~es' approval ofGranl"ille', Pacific Place project. G. The tCUILS lWd conditions or the "'l11usttative Site :Plan" attached. hereto as ExbI'bit B, the ZooiDg and BuJIdingDevdopn1el1t Agreeo1mt .tt~t'W hereto IS 'BxlnDit C, and other conditiam stated herein can be amecded. modified. or changed upOD tb.c expttas wrlttll1 approval of Granville (its successors or assiSos). Des Momes, and Federal Way. ~ , CJlT \ . . S~ttlemCJJt Agreeme.nt, ~ or md Releuo Page 6 of8 H. All process, review, and appt'O'Val of suhsCque,ot applicatioDS filed relative to the =tm: Granville Property, ~luding but not limited to, gta$iing-,. dtaiuage. CODStrUotion re:lated, and 'building pemn1s~ shan be by Des Moines and subject to the eodeJ regulatioDB~ and requiremen1s of Des Moines, e>tcept as othe.rwi$e .set tbrtb in the tem:Js and conditions of the .'Dl1lStnltive: Site Plan" attached. hereto as Exhibit Dr the Zoaiag and Building Devclopme.t11 Agreement attacbed hereto as Bmiliit C, and other COnditiOIlS stated herein, Provided, howev<<:r, that Pedaal Way Sball be giv8ll a two 'Week period following submittal to rmow and ~ on said applicatiClIlS. 1 'Ibe City of Federal Way will ~imTl;ss its appeal noW pending before the Washingmn Court of Appea1:s cntide4 6nmvt1le So\l1bem Com. ~ al. v. The Ci\Y ot'P1!lrter-.1 WILY. et. at Coutt of Appeals for the Stale of Washington, No. 44528-6-1 I. Each and every ot the nmned Parties agree to prepare. revise, llUppOrt aodIor execute pll'!MiTl~ notices. and colltem~ agreements,. aa well as COJlduet and/or participate iD any pobHc hearings, dcomed JIeCC$sary to effeetnate the intem and Pmpo:lef of this .Agreement K.. Eaeh and eway one of the nmaed Parties agRlO to support uphold and defend lbis ~ in the e*nt of an BJPcia1, challenge,. or lawsuit seeking to set asi~ modifY, or rcnde{ void or ~d 4ds Agreement. 1:0. the event, that tbis .Agreement is sat ~ modified. voided. or invalidated by a court of law, Q.raQviIle Bhal1 be 1iee, in its disaetion, to proceed with its applicatiw for appI'On11mder King County Pennit .Application 807C0270,. as initially filed. 5. Although King County is DOt . rlignh1.g party to this A~cnt.. the Colmty is enl;Oura~ to support and tab ac:tiODS con.siste:ot herewith. 6. lbe Partie:; understand and agree that tht: couidcntion the Parties herein agree to undertak~ in the fOnD of compliloco with the above-refercrnced conditions, constitutes tho Partiest total offer to resolve md settle BDY IDd all app~ claims, damages or disputes :unong the parties hereto and that'it is 1Wl, complete and adequate goDSideration IDd compensation for each other's acceptaace of the tama mted hc:re.in 8IId that 110 PIrty wm receive my other or :further ~de:ratioll Qtlder the tmDa of this ~ o1bc;r than that expressly set forth herem. 7. In the event of that tiihttc or inability of the :Parties 10 cotI1ply with the tet.Q1S and cooditiQ1)J of ~ .A,greerm~ GranviUo sbaIl be ftee, in itJ discretion, to proceed with its applioatioI1 for approval under Kiua County Permit Application 807C0270. as initially filed. In such m event. the City ofl'edetal Way and the at)' of Des Moines arc likewise free to comment upon. object tot' oppose. challenge amVor appeal development of the Gr.u1ville Property under King CoUIlty Pennit Applicatioll 807C0270. as uwaUy filed or as subsequently modified. . ; . . Settlement .A.g:reetnent, Vi :r BIi.d Release Page 7 of8 8. This .Agreement may be executed in identiOJl counterParts. For PUXPQses of recording, filing. or providing copies ofthiB Agreement, the counterpart fri8""I~)re pages (and any other pages that are specially marked by the sipaton) may be inserted into OI1e of the CQunterparts tocroate a singlo ~ginal or copy oftbe e.mire agreement. . 10. 'I'bis Agre~ shall be inte.tpreted und~ the laws of the State of Washington. 11. The Parties hereby antbori2e ~ attorneys 10 (1) execute the appropriate noij(;eS to effect dismissal(s) with prejudice of ay md aU appeals or claims the Parties haye initi,ted against any other PGty(ies) or my peI'IIQDS covem1 by this Agreemcmt; and (2) take all Dece&Sa:ry and Prope.r steps to ensure that ench notit:e$ are 1i1ed on execution of this Aereemem. 12. 'Ibis Agreemcot shall be binding llpOJ;1 the heirs, succesams and assigns of the partieB. Bach of the signatories ~eeeots and wam:ots that he 03: she bas the authority to sign for his or her represented entity. 13. Attomeys' Feec. Should it be necen~ for any party to tbi:s Agreement to iDi~ legal proceedings 1.0 adjudicate any i.ssues adsmg hereunder, the pmy or parties ~ such legal proceedings who substantially prevail iWa1l be GItitled to reimbursement of ~dr 11to1l1eys' lees. costs, e<<penaes and di.sbuJsements (mcbldiag the fees and eo::peMeS bf expert and fact witnesses) reasocably ineutred or made by the substmtiaIly prewiling parties in preparing to bring suit, during snit, on IppC3l,. OD. petition for rericw, and in eniOIcl.ng any judgment or award. fiom the party or pcties who do DOt substantially prevail. 14. Entire A~ This AgreemCllt is the final md COIllpJete expression of the agreemmt of the parties on al11bese subjects. This Agreement ma.y not be modified, inte1pIeted, mnen.ded, w;ived or revoked OI8Ily, but ol2ly by . writing sigDed by all parties. This Agreement supenedes and rcpbu;es all prior agreom~ discussiam _ repEQ~ OIlIll1hese $Ubjects. all ofwbicb are merged into, and superseded bYJ this ~oment. No party is entering into this A$t'eement in reliauce on my oral or w:ritte:n promises, indu.cements, representations, lmdelstandings, interpretations or agreements other than thoso eantaincd in this Agreement audthc Exhibits hmto. 15. The Parties acknowledge that they haYe had :fUll opportunity to review, confer, and diSCUSli this Agreoment with legal- eo\1lJSCl BOd _that their respegtive legal eoWlSCl bas advised thJ.t this Agreement is VIIlid, eotOrceable, 8Zld legal in all respects and t1W: the undogned iIldividuah have full authority to axecute this Agrceme.ot 011 bebalf'ofthe respectiv~:PattiC$. 16. No Mm;~oIl. Nothing contained in this ~ shall coosti.tute an ~ill:qon of error, wrongdoing. liability, or my othe1r kind, by lilY of the parties to this Agreesncnt or by my pmons or entities released or covered by this Agrcemeat; provided, however, it is etpreSsly understood. /I II II ~ ~ -. - . , Settlement Agreement W, .it and Release . Page 8 of8 , . and ap-eed that this pamgmpb shall in no way bar 8IJ:J party fioxu tiling a claim, demand. or lawsuit for specific perfomumce of the tenns and conditicms of this J\greement or for damages arising out ofbreach oftbe terms and eozlC1itions of tis AgreemQlt DATED this day of . 2000. ->~ - DatrcllS. Mi~ WSBA 12992- Reed McClute. Attor.ueys :fur Appellants Grcl"rille Southern CtlIpo~ and Pona1d md'Mlrie Tavis For Donald and Marie Tayjl: ~;/~ /lt1~~ Donald Tavis Mazie Tavis ~ate& 3/.Jf/ iJ ?> Dated: 3/ti I()~ . ~oco.-u~a~ofDaM_: ~ fffJt~ f&Sl'u-~ GoryR ' . At the Dirootion of the Dos . City Council :Pes Memes City Attomey at an lie M . 08 JI J .21630 11111 Aveone South. Suite!= Dated DcaUoines. WA 98198 , Approved: ~(}--~ Bob C. StClbant'. WSBA No. 19514 Fechnl Way h:1tmrn City Attorney 33530 Fim Way South Federal Wa.y, WA 98003-5006 . .~ ~ .-...- ~'.""''''1'''''''''''_ ..LA.........'"'''l..A~.:L ~ Vl\J , ~ =(;Vr-- o IC~ ,( ., ;' " '.:.. -:-:- :~::' &. '1.;,-, . >'\1 " fl ......:: Exhibit A . : t OJ "' : i. /.: ! DEG :.'; '. ..... SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT, ?f~ AND BE1.J!.a.!E -,.-.._._...~...._..... , I Grau~ Southem Corpo~on, DomiJd and Marie Tavis, 8b~ Ole CIties of.Des Moines, Qd Federal Way PARCEL A: THE NORTllEAST QUARTER OF THE NOJr.TIIEAsr QU.ARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF 8ECTION 32, ToWNsmPn NORTH, RANGE 4EAST~ W~ IN KING COlJNTY, WASHINGTON;, PAlCBLB: I - I TlL\T PORnON or THE NORTH 219.70 F.EET!.oF THE NORUlwJ!ST QUARTER OF THE SOlJTHW:EST QUARTER OF SECJ10N 33, TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH. RANGE 4 EAST, w~ IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, LYING WEST OF SfA'IE IDGBWAY. PARCEL c: . ! THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTH 219.70 FEET OF TIlE NORm 439.40 F.RET OF THE NOB.'lHWES'I' QUARTER OF THE SOl1l'BwEsT QUARTER OF SEci'lON 33, TOWNSHIP 2Z NO:R.11I. RANGE 4 BAST. w.M,/IN KING COUNTY, WASBlNGTON, LYlNG WESTERLY OF STATE ROAD NO_l (P~ClFIC mGHWAY SOUTH)? , PARCELD: , . , THESOOTB 219.74 FEET OF TBENOR~ ~ OF THE NORTIIW:E8T QUARTER OF THE SOUl1IWES'l' QUARTERL'YING WE$r OF THE STATE ROAD, SECI10N . 33, TOWNSHIP 22 NORm, RANGE 4 EAST, WoM., IN lONG COUNTY, WASHINGTON. : , I I I : JI"I;{! -(!4Lh9.;:I.~r. -.<<.t'IiI.I' \ .. - - - - - -- - - - - - -- --~ "'E.=I'Y'........ . ~ , . .' !' " ,/' . ~, of-1 , " f ~ ~XH{jlLr ~. . 1nJtiaIs~ . I ~.__ ..J. -~ EB I --. - .1 . . ' I, r '. ; r ' . ' , . jll ' Ii . - t . j'. I' . . '-I' I ' I . 'I' I . " ' . . -I . I } I ;: ' ,. I ! . -,~ I . : I . - ,I' . .-fv · i J . - ' : i . I r ~ s: ~ If I ~ , l . ... kt . ~ . . . -j I ! -..... .- . J~ . . . (.[J, - . . .- . ~ - . I I rfI ~)yni ~ rfJ,rt lum .$11; . I . . " . ,. . . ' .. Exlaibit C . I ' ZONING AND BlJILDlNG Dlt'VELOPMENr AG~ FOR DEVELOPMENT OF THE GRANVILLE J!ROPERTY LEGALLYDESCRmED IN ATrACHED hXlWJIT 1 (1) Zoning shall be R.A 3600; ; (2) Development IIhalI be ~sed and appro~, as a Plumed Unit Development or SuhdiviROll puDUaDt to Des Moines Code conal.tent With tho teIms end conditions set fOlth herein and the SettleJDeDt Agreement. Wai~. and Release to which this document is appended as Exhibit C. : (3) , Except IS otbe:rwJ.se Itafed hcn:dn. the tlUD.'1ber ofiUDltsllota abalJ not exceed 84 consisting of a mix of 21 'ingJe.flDDDy residences. 30 duplexes, aDd 1 triplrJt. The mix of single>- fl%Dily residences, duplexes aud 1ripJeu. shaD be subject to IDiDor IOOdi1ication at tbe .~uest of .the AppJlC313t, cubject to the ~;ot Des Moines 8Dd Federal Way.- as prcMded in ptlIagi1lph (17) btJo'vi. OwnenIhip lof each UDit/Iot shall be in fee simple own~p. I , (4) The u~, locatioD, type, COhfiguration. IDd zp.e of 1111its and lots; size. locllti~n and coofigul'lltion of detention; roadway locatioo. wi~ IIhd]eJ\gtb; buffetS; general layout; cpn ~el; and all oibet improVameDts .Lan be . dcpi~ in the IDustrative Site Plan. dated March 17.2000, prc.pIk~ by Peten01l ~g Bn~ und.oI- Job Number COPD-oool and attached a& Exhibit B (''IlIastrWve Site Plao") to the Set&ment A~eut. Waiver. and RelNR to which this docDlnent iI Mtacbed as &hibit C. Minor deviatiOJ1S 60m $aid mustrated Site Plan may loCwr subject to the approval of Des MoiDe6 and Fedent1 Way, provided that the n1Jmb!et: of Jots, units. ~d buildhig sites shall mnai:Q vncbanged. exeepr 1haf the J11QIJber of iots. tmits, IUld building Bites may.be toduced. . tho sole discretion of !be applicant. 1l1~ deteudOll. dIaiJlap, cmd fQad layout IOflected in ~ mlU1rativc Sile Plan may abo be Changed, subject to appovaJ by the Ciry of Des Moiae.s and tho Oty of PcdetaJ Way. In c.se of CODfDcts ~ the lllustriuive I ' Site Plan and Des Moines' Of p~ Way's ~g, C<Kb, n:gulatjons, ad lSDd -USe conuols, tbia Zoning aDd I>cvclopmcnt ~l and the IDustrative Sitf; Plan shall control. . : (5) 'The City of Des Moines shall provida the City Of Fedeul Way a minitu1l.U1 of fOUrt.em (14) da)'3 within which to revi~ and cn~t ~D;the mnstratlve Site Plan prior to the City of Des Moines' approval of the Paclftc Place flamed Unit Development. Prior to approval. the City of Des Momes shaD also provitfeltbe City ofPederal Way a minim.um of fourteen (14) days within which to reyjew ana comment on any applications fot hunding pemnts for individual boildinpllota ~in that pOrtiQD of the Granville Property contained within me City of Feden1 ;Way P AA, as dotined by the P AA Interloca1 Agreement bct~un tbe City of Des Moines and tile City of FedetaJ Way in - , , effect at the time of tltJ.y application for I building ponmt 0J1 any lot locared on the east side of 1S~ Avonue South. To implement this paragraph, the City of Des Moines shall pJ:Ovide copies of the mU$tlaliw She Plan. or ~ding peIJDit application, as applicable, ~;t:,4'( '!. V'~ ' ~JI~C} I . ! ; . " , i .. : I . to 1he City e>f Fedond Way, and tLe 14-day reviU """ ~ period .ball COIIlnll:IIc<: upon Federal Way's ~ of the Plan or application, as applicable. I I (6) The City of De.s Moines shall provide to the c~ .k:Ftdernl Way IS% of the application fee amount charged to the ewlicant for any ~=g permit for lots on the GranVille Property anc:llocaled east of IS" Avenue SOGtbi Payment to FecIeJ:aI Way ~hall be 1D3de within 30 da)'B of Dea Moines' receipt of the fee frbm the ~pplicant. I I i I (7) IS" Ave.. s. as depicted in smd llinstrative Sitc~1n ~ be ~ to the City mDos Moines as a pDblic street; ; j (8) Development applications that arc ~ ~ the terms of thiJ development agrecmc:nt &ball be ~ to have ~ deslgl1 COIlSidc:.ndons aI)d untigatioD measum that me sufficient to avoid ~ sigoif'icant envirCJJU:Dmtal imp8cts; acc!ontingly. sum application shall be 1!iU~ lto issuance or an MONS, with no additional conditions othCl'1ban as &et fonh h~t and DO EJS wiD be JCqUired; . .' i j , (9) PJeviOU3 studies rclated to wetlands and draiDa~ on the .site ptq)arcd and submitted to King County under King Cowlty Penult A~~OD 807C0270 shall be deemed tUlly adequate and autlicient and aba11 be used. No ~tiona1 8tudies shall be JeqUired. . The Puti" ape that the doclJ:meDtatlon prov.lded ~ 1be Paties as pan of !Sid King County Peaoit Application 807C0270 is as foDows: : EnvitoDmemral Si~ .Aq-.-m~Jlt by Earth ConstJJu. mc. dattd September 23. 1997 R>>ad V:vi~ by DBM CcmmItinI Engineers ~Febmuy 19.1998 Subdiviaion Gwnn'b!.e by First AmerieaD TItle ~ Company order DO. 345322..=5 Wildlife Stody by Wetland RC$CUeS, 1Dc. dated ~ 25, 1998 ' LoYd Oue~ lteportbyEastaide~, Ioc.. dated August 25, 1997 ,. Geotechnical Report by 1. Xtoith em.. P.R, =MaY 31, 199'7 Txaffic Re:port by David "JUn1;n & Aaaociates I subsequent addendums ' LeVel Two DowDstram Anal" by DBM Con$ult:inC EngiD~ dated JUDe 8, 1998 - \ Technical InfODDllion Report By bBM ~ Eu&ineets dated October 24. 1997 Wetlmd Rc:port by Wetland Rc&O'CIl'CCs, Inc. dm!d~uly 29, 1997. ' , (10) The level 2 Plow Control S~ as detin~ J the 1998 Xing County Suxface Water · Design Manual, Ihall apply to dct:ntion facijlit'iQ fwthc projecL No downstream anal)Sis shall be requhed. The detention faci)j~' tor the project shaD cmly need to meet additioa81 drainago demands czeated by this ~ This project shall not be Ie$pODsible for solving preexisting draiDap iS5Ue5 faced by adwnhiJl prope.rty owners; . /. (11) School impact fees (for FedcQl Way School DiStrlet) wiD be collected.; . . J (12) WSPQT must _. (i. wri1i1lrl) ..y IIIld 1"llllIl<os and exJ18 J><Di'OSl'd .o/from HIghway 99. pJOvi~ however" thai AppHcih agrees not to seek applQval fOl' :ruch entrances and/or wls to or from Highway 99 fCom the Gnmville Propeny; I '. , <;);:f. ~ T: ~'Mf, . ~ , ~. -- . . I ~ 'Ibo ~ .""" ..m be dcmoJished if 1be ~ upoo which it i. located in included . (13) witlUn the pIOject; , (14) The City of Des Moines shall apply, and the ~licant and its successors, heirs and assigns shall cqmplywitb. the City 01 Pedeta1' Way $ign code. Federal Way Gty Code Sections 22-1596 - 22.1629, or a&_ amended, ~lespect to that portion of the Granville Ptoperty within the City of Federal Way', P ~ as defined by the PM Interlocal ~t between the City of I>es Moines and ~e City of Pedma1 Way in effect at the time Granville Or im SUCCCSIQD. hein or assip seek to COIl,b;1JC:t CJt install anyaign. (15) lbo City of Des Moines shal1 apply, IIId the JliCUJl shan wwply with, the City of Federal Way $treel development req~~ fotitbat ponjoo ofraci:fic Highway Souili abutting the OranYillc Property; PJOV.ided, h~r' that the applicant &ball not be required to construct sneet improvements ferr P<<tioo Pacific Highway South. To mitigate the traffic impacts from the Pacific PlacelPe'veJopmC'JDt. howCYu, Granville shaJI : do the following: : ' (8) Pay its pro rata ,hare. of ~ colt of + ~ Traospo.nation Improvement Project ("1'11"") known u sa 99 from S. 2J$4111 to S. 27214, which pro rata lIhU8 is . hereby detennined to be $21.000., Said ~t shaD be made to the City of Federal Way It the time GraDvWe JeCeives finll PJaDIJed Unit Development or I, Subdivision approval from tho City of Des Moines and the expiration of all applicabJo appeal periods. Pamant 10 IPam Wa.y City Code Section 19- 46(bXS), for a period of twenty (20) ~ the daIB of this Agreement, ~ beteby waives b ibelf and its. and ~s the right to tItly mf1:1nd of ~ pm mta shIM of the SR 99 T S. 284" to s. mud. , (b) Pay iti pro rata sh_ of tbe cost ofthe 11~ as S. 28SJh J SIt 99 Intersection ImptOvement$, which PN rata cbate is-' deteunincd to be $21,000.. Said paymeut IbBlI bo made to tm: City of FedQ-al Way at the time Gt1IJlYiJ1e:recei~ final Planned Unit Dc:ve1~t appro;~lfrom the City of Des Moines and the gpjation of aU appJi~b1c appeal ptd04s l(Note: I added 1his to clarify liming of - pa.ymeut]Pw-suDt to PedenI Way City c&e SectiOD 1946(b)(5). for a period of .,. ~ seven (7) years from Ebe date of., ~villc hereby Waives for , itself lAd ita Juccessors and assigns the rlPt to = of its pro rata share of the S. 288" I SR 99lntenedion Impro,,~ts. 1'( c.fit,L (c) As part or the Pacific Place plaftQed j development, dedicate to the City of Pederal Way a IS-foot rl8ht-d-WlY a1~ the east boundary of the Granville Property lying ilDDWdiately acti8CC1lt to I~d fronting along t'oci1ic Highway South. Provided, that SUCh right"ot..wa}' dfdication way. at the 501~ di~tioD of GranviUe, contain a reversimwy clause, faUling the dedicated property. or any portion tbcacof, to ~vat back, be. ~nve')'ed.. ot' otherwise tnmsfened to Grami1le. its heixs. soocessors. and ~ in the event that the City of Fedelal Way determines, in iti sole dbcretiQD. that;tbe dedi1rated property, or any portion '. 9~~ j: u , .nJ)-tU;) I: ,; . , , , I I, . thereof, is nOt needed for right--of-way pwposes at the time of eonstroc:tion of the SF.. 99 S. 284Gl-S. ZnadTIP. ' , ,. (16) In recognitiOJ! of RlQeation space dedication ~ customarily imposed by the City of Des Moines, the City of Des Moines ~ agrees that Gtmnille shall be given full credit far the total square footage I)f the to-fool wide ~t granted for constructiOft of the walkway SDrroDllding the wet1aDd located in the middle of said projQCt and the wsts of construction for the .si~ along said walkway. " (17) In ~ to the recteatioa space: hDprovement requi:ements customarily Unposed by the City. of Des MoiDcs, GlanVille shall DllIk a:OIJC..tiD payment in the atQODDt of $47.500.00 to the City of Des Moines. As OCIIlSideraion for GnU1villc', ag;reeD3ent to make the full payment of $47,500.00, the City of Des Moines 191te3 to increase the maximum number of lmim aDowed by ~ to 85, which the Applicant, m it sole di5QCt1ou, cau apply to geate a slDgte..flZDiJy ~dcace, ~ or triplex; ~ded. however, if GxlaYille is UDablo OJ' d!ooses not to inCnase the maximum hUlI1ber of lots iu the fiuaI plan to 85, it sbaI1 only be IeSpODS1'blc fQr IUlkiDg a ooe-time payment in the amO'QlU of $35,000.00 to the City of Des Moines as~its mitiVtiou fee for :reaeation space improvements. Alrangaaeuta for said payment. if"appHL'Bble, ad written coI\fi1lD9Qon in the foaa of an .mdod site plan ICfJect1ng CJraa,roe's cledsJoa regardbJg the final number of units and thek tiDll placement and contigwauoo, aha1I be made on or befote : the date on. which tbB Des Moioes City Council ~.ia 5ChedoJed to vote on Granville's proposed Planned UDit Development as described bev:em. Slid payment, bvwever, shaD :not be due until final approval of the Planned Unit Development or Subdivi&icn as demibedkrein and the expInU<m of aU appeal periods. (18) At the time of construc;tiOl1 of IS. Avenue South, 01'l1ll'vjJJe 8bal1 inmll ttdic calming devices, in the fotm of speed bumps, on IS" A~ South within !be ~ Pacific; Place aite and wilbin the Applewood subdmsion. : Tbe number, location and design of ~ speed humps shall tie as ~ined by the City.of Des Moines and City at ~edcraJ WIl'j Public Wodas Directom, rmd set forth by Gtm'riJle on the engineaing , construction plam fee IS. A Veeln~c South. . .. (19) No JDidgation feolll or improvoments shall be ~ IS a condition of approval of the ; Planned Unit DeYeloplDeJlt by the: City of Del ~oine4, except as set' fotih herein; provided, however, lbat thiJ agrcemem doe3 not alter or wai\'e Granville's legal obligation to COIJIply with any and all appticablc ~s x-eprding impact fees imposed by the Federal Way School Diatric;t. . , : : : I- I 9 7- 1vI..~\ I Ii ,iJ11m,