Res 91-052 ( RESOLUTION NO. 91-52 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, APPROVING THE FINAL PLAT OF HAMPSTEAD GREEN #1, DESIGNATED AS KING COUNTY BUILDING AND LAND DEVELOPMENT FILE NO. 786-22. WHEREAS, the preliminary plat for Hampstead Green #1, designated Building and Land Development File No. 786-22, was approved subject to conditions on April 4, 1988, by King County Ordinance No. 8459; and WHEREAS, the applicant has applied to the City of Federal Way for approval of the final plat for the above-referenced preliminary plat; and WHEREAS, city of Federal Way Community Development staff, having reviewed the proposed final plat for its conformance to the conditions of the preliminary plat and to the provisions of Federal Way Zoning Code Chapter 16; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: section 1. Findinqs of Fact. The Federal Way City Council makes the following Findings of Fact: 1. The Findings of Fact, as contained in the Reports of King County Subdivision Hearing Examiner dated January 8, 1988, and March 9, 1988, are adopted by reference. 2. The final plat for Hampstead Green #1, Building and Land Development File No. 786-22, is in substantial conformance to the preliminary plat and is in COpy conformance with applicable zoning ordinances or other land use controls in effect at the time of submittal of the substantially complete application. 3. All conditions recommended by the Zoning and subdivision Hearing Examiner for King County, Washington, contained in the reports and recommendation to King County Council dated January 8, 1988, and March 9, 1988, have been satisfied, and/or satisfaction of the conditions have been sufficiently guaranteed by the applicant. 4. Ninety percent of all required improvements have been made and sufficient bond has been accepted by King County as financial guaranty for completion of all required plat improvements. 5. All taxes and assessments owing on the property being subdivided have been paid. 6. Tract A shall be dedicated to the City of Federal Way for open space upon recording of the plat. 7. Tract B shall be dedicated to the City of Federal Way for storm detention pond and permanent biofiltration upon recording of the plat. Section 2. Approval. Based upon the above Findings of Fact and pursuant to Federal Way Zoning Code 16.410, the final plat of Hampstead Green #1, King County Building and Land Development File No. 786-22 is approved, subject to satisfaction of -2- those conditions as contained in the Reports of Hearing Examiner dated January 8, 1988, and March 9, 1988, attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by reference. Section 3 Prior to Recordinq. Prior to recording, Tract A shall be dedicated to the City of Federal Way for open space and Tract B shall be dedicated to the City of Federal Way for storm detention pond and permanent biofiltration. section 4. Recordinq. The approved and signed final plat, together with all legal instruments pertaining thereto as required pursuant to Federal Way Zoning Code, shall be recorded by the City in the King County Department of Elections and Records. All recording fees shall be paid by the applicant. RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Federal Way this ~ day of March , 1991. CITY OF FEDERAL WAY ~*E~. !~ ~Pl~ /Î'711Æ!.' 6;9réS ANEY, CMC FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: RESOLUTION NO. 91-52 February 15,1991 March 5,1991 91L121 -3- '. Jlnu..y " 1988 RECEIVED JAN 1 7 1991 EXAM I NE R CITY OF FEDERAl. WA' BUILDING DEPT. or neE or TME ZONING A"" SUBDIVISION KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON COM81NED REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION TO THE KINe COUNTY COUNCIL: A. RECLASS¡r:OTJON ?£OV£S7 B. PROPOSED PLAT ~ Building end ,end oevdopment file No. 2J)-87-" and 786-22 ?ropoHd Orèioan<e No. 87-)56 ond 87-)57 ",",57'" ??0?"7:[s,---'-2S..:.- " to "5 5000 ~ Proposed ?l" of HAM?SH"D GRE!~ 1..6 Hr.. lying between 20th Avenuo 5, W. end 16th Avenue 5, w. (if extended) ond between S. W. J5Bth Street (if extended) end the Picrce County ) i ne" SUMMARY Of RECOMMENDATIONS: Division's Preliminary: Division's rinel: Approve Rezone; Approve Plat subject to conditions Appruve Rezone; Approve Plat subject to conditions (modified) Approve Rezone: Approve Plat subject to conditions Examiner: PRELIMINARY REPORT: The Building and Land Develop...nt Division's preliminary Report on Itu No. 211-87-R and 786-22 was recdved by the Examiner on December J, 1987. PUBLIC HtARING: After reviewing th" Building and Lind Development Division's Report, ezamlnlng available Informltion on file with the Ippllcltlon and visiting the property and surrounding lrel, the txnlner conducted a public hearing on the subject as follows: The hearing' on Item No. 211-87-R and 786-22 was opened by the txulner at 10:35 A.M., December 17, 1787, in Roo" Ho. tBDB and moved to RoO.. NO. 402 It 1:00 P.... King County Courthouse, Third and Jam.. Street, Seattle, Woshlngton and closed at 2:00 P.M. ParticipAnts It the public hearing and the exhibits oetered end e,,'ered Ire listed in the IttHhed minutes. A verbatim recording of the hearing is available in the oC/ice of the Zoning and S"bdlvi.ion Examiner. rINDIHeS, COH,"LUSIOHS . RECOMMtNDATION: Havl"g reviewed the ,ecord in this mltter, the Examiner ";;-~w mokes and enters the following: EXHIBIT (L. rllo NOG. 211-87-R and 786-22 Page 2 ~§.:O-(" d,ðpi(L 'L.ð- 7y1-BP, (F-i-') 1. Thi, report adde..ses t"O requeSts, a. Reclusllication 01 1406 He.. adjHent to the ?¡.,co County boundory, obutting "en 'v,nue N.E., feem SR to RS SOOO. b. Subdivisien el thH sue pceperty into 50 single lom;ly r..idon".1 building 10". ";en 0 typico' lot size of 5,500 squ.re f..t, 'I"ge "oclond p""rvatien tract, "Ht 'A', is proposed to be set ..ide. ~~ E,hibit Noo " 2. Cen".1 ¡nformotion: ST'" Loc.tion: tiE , SE 25-21-) "otwe" 20th 'venue 5"",, ond 16th 'nnue S,W. I if .."ndedl 'and b«"..n S,W. )58th Ste..t (il ,,"nded) .nd the Piorce County lineo S-R 1< .6 SO S,500 - Let size is subjeCt te the appcoval 01 the cezone. Oetached single-Iamily residenc.. fedeeal way Wat" , Se"" District fedecal way WHer , Se"" Di St e i ct 139 1210 Zen i n g, Acceage: Humb" el Lots: Typical Let size: Pceposed Use: 5e"age Dispesa¡, Water Supply, fire District: School District: ). Ho Environmental Impact StHement is required. The Building and Land Development Divislen issued a mitigated threshold detormlnHlon 01 non-signillcance (HDHS) lor the proposed development on Narch ), 1987. The HDHS reguired completion and approval of a ~etland Study and establishment of ~«land boundarl.., ratings and buffers surrounding thH portion of the Hylebos Wetland 120 ~hlch encroaches upon the subject property. Exhibit No.6, tog"ther with accompanlng wetland inv..tlgHlon and analysis, satisfies this HDNS requirement. No party oc agency, filed any appeal 01 the HDNS. 4. The Ruildlng and Land Development Division recommends appcoval of the RS 5000 ceclassiflcatlon requeSt, without conditions. The Division further recommends approval or the pcoposedplat, subject to 18 conditions addressing drainage, wetlands protection, cecreatlon requirements, street Improvement standards, and SEPA compliance. The applicant accepts the Division's recemmendotions with the following exceptions: a. Recommended Condition ~o. 10. This recommended ~ondltion would require a homeowne,,' assoeiHion oc .other workable organization. to be established tD usume responsibility lor Tract .A. maintenance. The applicant uks thot opportunity be provided to consider dedieotion oC the w«land to King County as an alternative to homeowner association maIntenance. rilt Nol. 211 .7-R And "6-22 PI9t J b. Recommended Condlt!on No. 11. Thl. cond!t!on "qulru compliance with Kcë 19.38 '...by paylnq a f.. to the Park. Dlvi.ion in ll.u of providing on .!t< open 'poce. KCC 19,38. whIch ..eks ro prevld. land or fundlnq to compensate Cor cocr..tion !mpact. eC cosldential developments, accepts only 'dry, levol, ,"d u"ble. land" acceptable Open Spoce. The propo..d TraCt 'A' wetland pruervat!on ar.. there Core dou not nece..ar!ly comply w!th KCC 19.38 .tandard.. The applicant contends, howe"r, that lhere are approximately lwo acres soulh of lhe wetland, w!lhin the subject property, whIch are rIal, dry and u"ble, The area may be used for a pedutrian/bicycle Coot pathway which may be linked wilh the neiohboring BonnevIlle Power Administration ri9ht-of-way for community wide pedestrian/bicycle "ail network, consistenl wilh the Feóecal Way Community ?lan, The applicant ..ks for opportunity to demonstrate compliance with the recreation open space requIrement, rather than to automatically pay the .Cee in lieu' .. suggested by recommended Condition Ho. 11. c. Recommended Condtion No, 12. The Subdivision Technical Com";;"ee recomm-;nds Improvoment of 20th AvenUe S.W. from 5.". BOth Street southward to the north boundary oC the proposed subdivision with an eight Coot paved shoulder. The applicant asks to be permitted to overlay the existing road surCace rather than to construct a wholly new road, arguing that to tur out the old road and rebuild it is unnecessary, and exce..ively costly. Ordinance Ho. 80n,-whlch adopts 'Kinq county Road Standards: 198" assigns such technical considerations to lhe County Road Engin.." The County Road Engineer has authorIty te grant' variances whe" they are feund te be in the public Interest, consIdering safety, functien, fire pretectlon, appearance, maintainability and seund engineering judge.ent. d. Recemmended Cendltien Ne. 16, The STC recommends that the nact lecatien ef the read Hub previdlng .ccus te nertherly .buttlng preperties .hlll be determined by the subdlvl.ien Technical Cemmitt... Fellowlnq public hearing testi.ony and argument the applicant and the STC agree thOt the stub stcoet mly be provided generilly as depicted in Exhibit He. 6, prevlded that the STC may require the nerthvard extending Hub .treet (lBth Avenue S.W. te be lecated .Iightly west of the lecation depleted In Exhibit Ne. 6--!n the general vicInity oC proposed Lot Ne. 19. This location veuld provide .i.ultaneous access lo beth the Felter and Wuhburn properties. The applicant I. willing te revise the preposed plat In thl'. manner. e . Utility RequeSt Cer EUe.en!.!.. Wuhlngten Natural Cu "quuts that a seVen Ceet wide easuent b. prevlded along all str..t rlghtl-ef-way to be"ofit III usual utilities. Thi. is I .tandard precedure common te .ubdlvl.lon. !n Klnq County. The applicant npr..... cencern that In are.. ef HOOp .Iop.., leveling and grading by utility easement holder. ceuld adversel;.' affect landscaping and drlvevay acco.. fer individual lots. Tha applIcant thorefort roqu..ts that utility euuents be centalned within tho public str..t r!ght-ef-wlY. rile NOS. 211-87-R and 786-22 Page . 5. '!though the rederol WAY Community Pion hu bun recently revised, the zoning on this .peciCic property hu not been specifically conside..d since it -u cl"siried SR on Jun< 21, 1965. Since the SR 20ne was first applied to this property, the boundar!.. of the Local Service 'rea ILS>!--that area d..ignated by the County Se-erage Cen..al Plan as appropriate for "wer ser'ioe--ha'e oeen .,"nded to Include the subject property. Since that time, sanitary sewer "rdce has bun brought to the property ond substonttol imp,o"monts in 10"1 t"nsportotion fHil!ti.. h"e occuned. county "pital 1mpro"ment plans schedule S,W. JI6th Street ",pro,,"ont to four Jon.. from 21st "'nue S,W, to SR " in 1"'. Other changes in circumstances include substantial pci"to development in the immediate vicinity includin9 de"lop..nt. -ithin ?ie"e COC"'i, ic,c"diately >outO of the subjen pcop,rty, " den.iti.. .imil" to tho.. pcoposed in this reclassiCicHicn/subdivision, (1,100 square fut per 10tJ, Large cornme"ial/re"il "eas as well a multi-family areas have been cl"sified ne" the subject property, sunounding the S,W, JI6th Streernlst 'venue S.W. intersection. Changes in county "gulations have olso aUected the property. 'doption of wetland policies and "gulations have substatially reduced that portion of the property which may be develop,d. 'doption of the RS 1000 classification provides an opportunity to d"elop the remainln9 portion of the property at a density consistent with the rederal Way Community PIon. <xcept as noted above, the facts, analysis and recommendation presented in the Division of Building and Land Development Preliminary Report dated December 17, 19B7 (published November 20, 1987) are uncontested and they are Incorporated here by reference. 'copy of the Division of Bulldin9 and Land Development report will be attached to the copies of the examiner's report which are submitted to the King County Council. CONCLUSIONS: (1 ~"; o.--Q?-/O 6. J.opk! 6¿r 8-1-Bß rp4.") 1. Hylebos Wetland 120 Is a voluable wetland which Is a part of A si9nlficant dralnAge basin. It is not improbable thAt,At some time In the future it...y become A part of A County, .wetland/open space preserVAtion system. ror this reason, the option to dedicate the wetlAnd portion of the subject property to King County should r.maln available, both prior to And following final plat approval. So. recommended Condition No. la, below. - 6. 2. The wetland area lyin9 vi thin Tract .,. do.. not satisfy KCC 19.38. It Is n.ither dry nor usable. Hovever, there ia sufficient evidence in the record to auggest that some portion of Tract .,. may in fact be dry, usable and level. Uthou9h the portion of Tract .,. which is potentially useful for recreation purposes does not abut 0 public street, there are other benefits It may provide which' may qualify It as roereational open apac. land u contemplated by XCC 19.38. spe~iflcallY, tho oppo"unltY to estAblish A llnkage throu9h Tract ').,' to the BH rI9ht-of-way, as promoted by the rederal Way Community plan ~.:ri¡;'¥nting open space credit to the developer 1 ,a, pedes..:.~.1.,~.,\jb,I.,':J~_e,:"\p.a.thway "~(J:d:e¡":e~¡;,(d nm~,J"s-,~""":t""'1'th'""J<:~'~'9'~Coun'~,s..t¡'~ndarda . ~ r oeommend. d Condition No. II, below. ' 3. The roAdwAY plan and profile issues "9ardin9 required upgrading of 20th 'Venu- S.W. arc t.chnical Issues which rile Ho., 211-87-R And 786-22 PA~. 5 should be "solvod by the county Rosd Engineer, See FInding L c., above, and recommended Condition "Õ-:-12, bel ov, The ,nor.th.y,ard ..tending ""et ",ub ideriÙiied as propose) 18th 'venu;S':~:-,-a',s,et¡orth--¡'ñ£'hibit 110, 6, vill sat is Cac.",., ",.. "ro,-, o. 0 .~", ,-00, _:::-~. ~o,.= north oC the...u""ect property, providd-thot..t.he street stub i"-Mv-.d vestvard appr08imotely 60 feet. Soe' reco;;;-;~nded Condition No. 16, belovo - 5. The provision DC utility easementS vhich are not located vithin public right-of--.y is the common and normal practice in King County Cor neighborhood Streets having less than 60 Ceet oC right-of-vay, There is no general polley reason vhy this approach should be abandoned in this case, ., a pranical matte', It provid" (or "'I utility access, protects Str..t "'tegrity, and reduc" long term "aintenance coSts. On the other hand, the applicant's concern regarding utility .."ments aiong the front seven feet oC each proposed lot may be a legitmate concern in those unique situations in vhich the development of such easements "ay vor' a hardship on lot acce.. or lot development potential. To add".. tho" ocea..ional special situations the Stsndard practice may be modified as set Corth In "comoended Condition No. 19 bel ov. 6. .ased upon the vhole "cord, and according subStantial voight to the determination of environmental signUicance made by the Division of "uilding and Land Devolopment, it is concluded thot approval of the subject action as recommended belov, vould not signlCicantiy affect the quality of the environment. All evidence of environmental Impact "lating to the proposed action and "asonable slternat,ives to the proposed action have been included in ,the reviev and consideration of the subject action. , . Considering the substantial evidence that the subject use appears not to have been specificaliy considered during the prior area soning, and also considering the subsequent 'authori..d public improvements, permitted private deVelopments and other CircUmHances affecting the subject property it is concluded that the proposed reclassification as recommended belov vould carry out and help to implement the goala and objectives of the Co..pre,hensivo Plan, the zoning Code and other policies and obje..ives for the grovth of Xing County. The "que"ed use vill 'not be unreasonably incompatible vith or detrimental to, affected properties and the general publ ic. 8. If approved subject to the conditions reco....ended belov, the proposed subdivision viII co..ply vith the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive plan, Subdivision and zoning Codes, and other official land USe <ontrols and policies of Xing County. 9. If approved subject to the conditions recommended belov, thi. proposed subdivision viII make approprlst. provision for the public health, safety and g.nera¡ v.lfare and for drainag. vays, streets, othoc public vays, vster supply, and sanitary vast..: and it viII serve the public use and inter.... 10. Th. conditions recommended in the Division of 8uilding and Land D.v.lopment's Preliminary 'eport as amended belov are in the public interest and are r..sonable require.ents. RECOMHENCATION: File Nos. 211-./-R And 786-22 Poge6 REQUESTEC REC~USIrIOTIO!!. ,"PROVE RS 5000 <l..slfi<ation os reqo..ted. ? II' I'i ,L.ð.('e/( YR'~!i)." ~2.!:.."!. (6)\ð'I~/¡¡;C'.1- 1'/ ) j ,( (, b ' ~ ~'1 -iI 1{P \'1"'(," 1<:"- 'Pr- GRANT' preliminary approval to the propo..d plat 01 lIampStead [,('J.r Gr..n as set lortn In Esnibit No. ,6 01 this h..ring rHord. sobjHt to Approval 01 proposed Ordinance No, B7-156 Igranting the requeSted RS 5000 recla..iIication) and subject to the lollowing conditions 01 lin,l 'pproval: ~5. 1, compli'n<e with ,11 platting regulations 01 Title 19 01 the King Coonty Code, All persons h,ving ,n ownership interest in the subjHt property sh,ll sig,' on the lace 01 the lin,l plat a dedioation which includes the loo9u'ge 's set lorth in King Coonty Coundl "otion No, 5901, 2. 3. The area and dimensions of all lots shall meet the minimom reqolrements of the RS 500C :one ol..silica<1on. or shall be as shown on the lace 01 the approved preliminary plat. whichever is greater. (Hinor revisions may be consideredl. Condition on approval of the rezone appalic"ion. ,. All constroction and upgrading of poblic and pdvate roads shall be done In accordance to the standards established and adopted by Ordinance No. H6J and 5725. If an area-wide fieo protHtion asse..ment Is aothori..d by King Coonty prior to final rHordlng of this plat. this plat shall be subject to any ossessment provided by that ordinance. The applicant .ust obtain the approval 01 the King County rire Marshal for the adequacy of the lire hydrant, water main, and tire flow standards of Chapter 17.0S 01 the King County Code. 6. 7. FInal plat approval shall require foIl compliance with drainage provision. set forth In King Coonty Code 9.0< and current storm drainage requlruents and guidelines as established by surface Water 'Nonaguen" Compliance .oy result In reducing the number ond/or locstion of lots os shown on the preliminary opproved plot. The following <ond!tlons represent portions of the Code And requlruentS and shall Apply to all plots. .... ( o. ~, ".... Sulldlng and ~ond'Develop..nt Dlv!slon approvsl of the dralnoge And roadwsy phn. I. reqoieod prior to Any construction., b. A apacHe ESC plan for this projHt shall be sobml"ed with the enqin..rlng phn.. The plan shsll show acus to be <lured 11Imits of the <haring) and provide a schedule of <onstruction «onstru<tlon sequence). ~<J.(,~~tentlon (R/c) fW¡.;\T't'r"ì'".hä'I'î':1;~ .... 10'« te d" fn' t ,i'ctS';"t:u'n,j e s'i"'Yo«, ed"o I tliìñ'>-i...pr-o-vf'í! Xing County right-of-wAy. Molntenance oeces. shall b. provided to oIl tadllti... Thi. will require ~;J.-,~.",~~_çe.., r~dwoy to a I.!, manholes .(,!!/.~~~,ç¿,.,s"JI)II,s,~~a'I'. o.",~ ~;;.P:r:CTVI'd'H""f a ¡- m.lntenonce of the enUr. pond. c. JtV( ~" I ~\ : Filt Hos. 2. .B7-R and 786-22 rage 7 d. Prior to recOrding of the final plat tho.. portions of the ret<nt¡o~I.~..!,.!~>J,Q.J>-LaDI'l-Ity,.- n«..sary to ,.£E.'\,t,r;;o'I"-"th~'f'low8',dI8ch8rgrng' from th,e",,~:J.:;~7&ñã"II"be construtted and operational. ._""":;::":",~""""""":'~~'-::::T:;:~~~"""",:-"",~,,,,,,-~-,.,, , OII/wU,u¡:;s,eparatlon fadl\th.,~sh'81"l"'b'e..'provlded at _~~C_h:>,~',I~,t"';;f-'P}!.!":£5',;:-n:t~:"t'~,¿~..ß"alnage ,el.a.." Irom'the'81t'~:80':cont..lnant8 do not entH natural drainage featur... In addition to ,standard Kln,9-CouJ\ty_oll/wat,H_..parators" the '~pPï'rè-";;t"'î~"r:.Qu;i':,e,";';'o,-:p,<:ci~î d'é"'bT~.I,!~Ù,r a t 1 on pr"I'o/',:to:Td'îíièharge'of ,tormwa¿'.",'rnt'o any se"sltive area le.g, sttt..."_w...U,an-d,.,~,hk..,,,,-- ttc,' I '. s,,~.~;~,;,0.,f~!rEr_~~,i_ó,~:':i,n_~I_~.d,..';,200"'feet of broad"'llat'"bot't'om,,,grus-lined"'8wal..1 or eq'¡'lvalent 'ysrems. d. Prior to "ccrding o~ the linal plat thoSt portions 01 the ,,"ntion/dttentlon facility necessary to control the Ilows discharging from the site shall be conStructed and operational. Oil/watH ..paration ladlitl.. shall be provided at each point 01 pe«,anent storm drainage relea.. from the site so contHlnants do not entH natural drainage leatures. In addition to standard King County oil/watH sep.!.!...ators,.'~"h,e_- appll can t i~,~_i,f.~,Q~,t,~-J'.¡:~"!'d~."b2.°f~,~t i on Pr'l":t""-,,o'-nscharge 01 stormwa,e1'lnto any' re'nS-¡Ú;e area le.g. stroams, wetlands, la>,es, etc.), Such bloliltraton includes 200 Cte' 01 broad, flat-bottom, grass-lined swalesl or equivalent sYStems. f, Drainage outlets Istub-outsl shall be provided for uch individual lot, except Cor those lots approved for InCiltratlon by King County. Stub-out shall be shown on the engineered plans and shall conform to the following: 1) Each outlet shall be suitably located at the lowest elevation on the lot, so as to service drains, driveways, YOtd drains, and any other surface or subsurface drains necessary to render the lots ,suitable for thier intended use. Each outlet shall have free-flowing positive drainage to an approved stormwater conveyance system or to an approved outfall location. 2) Outlets on .ach lot shall be loca"d with a five-foot-high, 2. x ~. stake marked .storm. 'or "drain". The stub-out shall extend above surhce level, b. visible and be secured to the stake. 3 ) Pipe material shall con Corm to underdrain specifications described In KCRS 7.0' and, iC non-metallo, the pipe shall contain wire or other acceptable detection Coature. " Drainage .asementS are required for drainage system. designed to convey flows through Individual lots. 5) The developer andlor contractor Is responsible for coor~inating the location of all stub-out conveyance lin.. with respect to the utillti.. le.g. power, g.., telephone, televislonl. rile Nos. 211-87-' and 186-22 'a9,8 6 All individu.l Hub-outs shall be ,ri.."ly owned and maintained by the lot home owner. 9 . In oeme cases, on-site Infiltration systems may be accepted lor de"ntion lor the lots deponding on soil conditions. To determine ~suitability o( the soil (or !nUltration systems, a soils report that includes percolation "sts and a soi I 109 ta'en at 6-(00t minimum depth shall be submitted by a pro(essional engineer, or soil specialist, This shall lnclude, at a minimum, in/ormation on soil textu", depth to seasonal high water and the occurrence 01 motrl ing and Impervious layers, The "port shall also add"ss potential down gradient impacts due to inc"ased hydraulic loading on slopes and struçtures. soi I permeability dota obtai",d from the design of the septic system may be used for the drpell "tent ion system, provi'ed data !s submitred verifying that no impervious layer exists within 6 leet o( the soil surface, If the soils report is approved, the infiltration systems shall be installed at the time o( the building permit, note to this etlect shall be placed on the map page 01 the rocorded document, h. Include vith the drainage plan a downstream analysis, This analysis must extend lor a mini..u.. distance of II< mile from the point of release of each flow discharging from the site. The analysis must addrea any existing problems with flooding, capacity, overtopping, scouring, sloughing, erosion or sedimentation of any drainage facility, whether natural or man-made. Probable impacts due to construction of the project must also be add"ssed with respect to these sa..e concerns. Hhere this analysis reveals .ore restriCtive conditions, more stringent drainage controls may be required than would otherwise be necessary for a project of this type. These controls ..ay include additional on-site rate and/or volume controls, off-site impeo...ents, oe . co~bination of both. Any off-si" improv...ents will requite the appeoval of all affeted peoperty owners. L Curcont standard notes and ESC notes, as established by Building and Land Development Division engineering covlew, shall be placed on the engineered plans. j. The following notes shall be provided In the "'p page of the cocorded docu.ent: 11 "Individual lot infiltration syste... shall be constructed at the tiu of the building permit and shall co..ply with plans on Hie at the Public Horks .ecoed Center.. 2 ) .All building downspouts and looting dcains sh.11 be connected to the appeoved perunont storm dcaln outlet as shown on the appeoved deianage plans on file with the Depart.ent or Public Hoe's. This plan shall be submitred with the building permit. All conn ,crions must be const,eucted and approved peioe to the final building Inspection approvaL. 8. The lollowing conditions specl[ical1y address dcainage Issues for this partic'ulae plat: rile Nol. 21!-B7-A And 786-22 PAge 9 a. Due to the orosion hazard and/or the nHd for protHtion of propo..d drain/ield a..as, cluring sholl be limitod to tho.. arus requirod for construction of roadways and utilities prior to. recording. b, The proliminary plat recelued October 12, 1987, shows a werland locatod within Tract ',,', The final plans andT,<t'.c,o~d,e,d "lat shall identify the wetland, and a ~5'O-:('~.o ""'bú"('--; "~(rc-m'VèTr"n-d""'d9 e';-"'as-Ha t! u,e"C rowl h Pro teet i on"c a S <m;'nt "Tr;cp r',m;¡,,"';'l's"-Yö'o.t"'b-Ùil din 9---- s-;Ù,.l",,"'d-i"fTe"'.hã1-¡"";'I'So' be Sh;w'~"'rfom'~h-e-.é'dg'é ~"i the NCPE. (he drainage plans shall identity the boundary of the werland's 25-year floodplain, rill material and/or' \;' b"ming may be allowed (0: ?ropc"d lot, -nd :o-dw_" 1< WhiCh, are loca"d within the Iloodplain, ,_,_o,me,,~~~tj.!J.9, ,-,".2.1.u1'>e_5hall be provided for propoSed (illing of the floodplain and othor susonal ponding/storage aroas, c. The propo..d SUbdivision.,,;,,'i:ta~ns tw~~\l.r~~,e_--o s..~,b-basins, ,!',e;.el.o", two stormwat",..,-t.acl'l'l'ty,outlets w d.l""b:?~i r e d' :"""i')"'6Vs'.., ~'..cñarg i n<I".Lr.om the ..';'t7'r'I'ÿ~'i'h~nTO-\I'€nãñd~r-rTë-C"-Å' wi Ù-r,e q woiLe_, m.rhods for biotiltration, as "f"eneed in Item 71e), d. The following sta""nt shall be shown on the linal plans and "corded plat, 8u11ding Setbacks and Native Crowth Protection ra..ments Structures, fill and obstructions (including, but not limited to dHks, patios, outbuildings, or overhangs beyond 18 inches) a" prohibited within the building ..tback llne (BSBL) and restrlctod floodplains (if applicable), and within the NatiYe Crowth ProtHtion Easnent!s) as shown. c= Dedication of a Native Crowth Protoction .asement (NCPE) conYeys to the public a beneficial interest in thd land within tloe ea...ent. This interest includes the preserYation of native yegetation for all purpo..s that benefit the publlc health, safety and welfa", including control of surface wator and erosion, maintenance 01 slope stability, visual and aural bu/foring, and protection of plant and animal habitat. The NCPE Impos.. upon all p"..nt and lutu" owners and occupiers of the land, subject to the u...,nt, the obllgation, enforceable on behalf 01 the publlc by Xing County, which permission must be obtained In writing from the Xing County Building and Land Develop.ent DIYision or its successor agency. Befo" and during the cour.. 01 any gradln9, building construction, or other development actiYity on a lot subject to the NCPE, the common boundary betwHn the oa".ent and the atu 01 deyelopment actlYity must be lenced or otherwi.. marked to the satislaction of .in County. I Xing County does not accept dedication or dHdlng 01 Tract "", then a Homeowners "ssociatlon or other workab e or .nl%Otlon shall be established to the satlslactlon of Building and Land Development DIYlslon which provides fo t . ownership and continued ~ n'.n.n.. ~the open spac a ea' Tract .".. The sóiected association organ,.."""" harter, articl.. 01 Incorporation, or other goyerning document ,hall authorl~e that association/organization to II. rllo No.. 211-87-R and 785-22 Po9. 10 dedicate/deed Trect ',' to Kln9 county or any other public agency tor recreation. wetland preservation purpos.. at .uch time as the County or other r..pon.ible public agency "pre.... willingn..s to accept that deeding or dedication. The applicont shall pro'ide dry, lHel, usable open space which p,oddes rH,..tional bendlt or .h.11 p.y a roe to the Par,. Division in lieu ot providing on .ire open space, or shall provide some combination thereot, as provided in KCC 19.38. 12. Twentieth "'enue s.w. (rom S,w. "6th to the north boundary of the subdivision shall be improved with an 8-foot pHed shoulder on the west side. The east shoulder width may "ry depending on County Engineer design approval. These de<ign details, °' other design details regarding 20th "'n" S,w, improHments, viII be vor'ed out with the Subdi'¡sion Technical Committee and/or the County Engine., as appropri"e, and may require variance (~_reView pursuant to ordinance 8DU. .'13. Twentieth ,venue S.W. (rom the north bOU,nd,ar"y of the site to lot 50 of the subdivision shall be constructed to county road standards, urban neighborhood collector , ~s. ----:----'- ¿;;f:",,~rõ~: \ , ' 1'4. Th. street vi thin the subdivision shall be constructed to 0 county road standards, ..o,uE.,,~I_I~ct,o.r "s_tree< ~,a.n,~~..'.dL 15. Where 20th ,venue S.W. inte"ects with 67th ,venue ILEo and 25th Street H.E.. streets within the City of Tacoma, the applicant shall provide a safe intersection. The construction plans for this intersection shall be approved and constructed to King County Road Standards and the City , ,.'» (of Tacom~ standards. !1~\I1..\~6. Th~,th ,venue S,'W' street stub to the n',o,r,th_pt",b-,Põrty {II-A, \'\ boundÙ:rwl,LL_b.!',-ie,~erellY as ~..-t forth--In EXhibi: No.6 L~:Q\ .:.v of the public headnq-r,!,co.r.d.:,:e,xcePt that the subdlvlsion \' '('(' Technical Coomittee".ay require that ,the street stub be t<:f- \' moved w~ard-.'pproximateIY 60 ,feet In òider--to,p.r,~vlde , ~¡,-ruture acce.. opportunity for both the foster and' , , ashburn properties. 17. The applicant has cooplied wÙh the condition required by SEP, which required the completion and approval of a wetland study and establishoent of the boundary, rating and buffer around the Hylebos wetland 120. This condition as oet by the approval of Exhibit Ho. 6 and the Hovember J, 1987 letter (S.. Htachment 7 of the 8uUding and Land oevelopoent DlvišT'õn Report). 18. The subdivision shall be subject to the approval of a rezone application 1211-87-R, requesting reclassification froo RS 7200 to RS SDOO. 19. In tho.. special cu.. where develop..nt of a standard ..ven foot utility easement along the frontage of ..ch Jot oay inter fer with roasonable Jot acc... or development, the e....ent requirement for thou affected lots may be modlt-!ed or eliminated as appropriate to rem.dy the probable neg..tive Impact of the nec...ary e....ent. In tho.. special situations the easement may be located within public right-of-way. In such circumstances, the e..ement located on abutting lotS would be appropriately tapered. lefore the authority 9"nted by this condition to modify the Standud utility e..ement Is .,erci..d, the applicant must cl..rly duonstrate to the Subdivl.ion Technical Coomittee that the acc... or deveJopoent potential o( the affeàed Jot ¡. Indeed diminhhed adver..ly and .igniricantly. rile No.. 211-87-R ond 786-22 "ge 11 ORDERED thl. 8th day of January, 1988. Deputy Eumln TRANSMITTED this 8th day of January, 1988, by certifi,d mail, to the following parties of record: Rachel A. Washburn ROy T. Hansen Earl L. Chambers Irene Mat<h.-s Hampstead properties, Inc, Ceorge Lindsay R. L. Halvorson Edward L. Barnard Willard M. Fenton Nancy Wi "man AI Maurer Richard Friedt Adoph Plouchard Richard Carric B'pn Edgar John C. MCCullough, Jr. Dave Allan TRANSMITTED this 8th day of January, 198B, to the following: Rick Bautista, King County Building and Land Development Divis!on Bernard Thompson, King County Building and Land Development Division Peter Dye, King County Building and Land Development Division Tom Bertek, King County Building and Land Development Div!sion ' P~t Freitag NOTICE OF RICHT TO APPEAL In o,der to a,ppeal the recommendation of the Examiner, written notice of appeal oust be filed with the Clerk of the King County Council with a fee of ~SO.OO (check payable to King County Office of Finance) on or before January IS, 1999. If a notice, of appeal is filed, the original and ó copies of a written appeal stat..ent specifying the basis for the appeal and argument in support of the appeal must be fihd with the Clerk of the King County Council on or before January 22, 1999. If a written notice of appeal ond filing fee are not filed "ithln 14 cahndar days of Úe date of this report, or if a "ritten appeal stat..ent and argument are not filed "Ithln 21 calendar days of the date of this report, the Clerk of the Council shall place a proposed ordinance which Implements the Examiner's recommended action on 'the agenda of the next available Council meeting. riling requires actual delivery to the Oftlce of the Clerk of tho Council, ROOm 403, King County Courthouse, prior to the close of buslne.. (4:30 p.m.) on the date due. Prior mailing Is not sufficient If actual receipt by the Clerk does not occur "I thin the applicable time period. The Exulner does not have authority to extend the time period unless the Office of the Clerk Is not open on the specified closing date, In which event delivery prior to the close -of business on the next buslne.. , day Is sufficient to meet the filing requlruent. Action of the Council FInal. The action of the Co~ncil approving or adopting a recomme'ndatlon of the Examiner shall be final and conclusive unless within t"enty 120) from the date of the action on agrleved party or person applies for a writ of certiorari from the Superior Court In and for the County of King, State of Washington, for the purpose of rev1e" of the action taken. v~ O'i'l,p / ~\f"'" ~ Pile 110.. 211-87-R And 786-22 P.g. 12 HIIIUTtS of 'he December 17, 1987, publ!c hearing on 8ulldlng and Land Development Dlviaion rile liDS. 2l1-87-R and 786-22. Rob.rt Stonley TI,u. was ". participating In 'he hearing Thompson of the Building and HcCul1ough of rooter, Pepper ,Edgar, Edward L. Bornord and hearing ...mlner in 'hi.' maller. wer. Rich Bauti"a and Bernard Land Development Dlvlalon: John C. , Riviera: Ceorge Linduy, Byran Dave Allan. The following exhibits were offered and entered into the rocord: EXh'iblt liD. 1'./ Re'one s'aU report 12/17/B7 Exhibit 11o. lB// pI.. staff report 12/17/B7 EEXxhhlibblltt 1111°0'. 22AB'// Re,one application 4/25/B7 -/ Plat appl!catlon 4/25/B7 e,hibi' No, J/ environmen,al chocUiSt IIlG/B7' e,hibit liD. 4 (' Hiligated declaration of non-significance 3/J/B7 'Uid..it of poSting 10/29/B7 Revised plat 10/12/B7 Letter from Julian lIiraki to applicant 7/15/)7'!.'-- Leller from King county Soils Conservution , Service 2/18/B7 Letter from Washing,on Natural Cas 11/6/B7 Assessor's map Assessor's map of Pierce county properties HCCullough letter and attachments of 10 page. 12/17/87 exhibi, NO,5,/ ~:~:::: ~:: ~,/ tvhibit 11o. Bj exhibit No. ,/ 'Exhibit No, 10 ~:~::;: ~:: ;;,/ RST/n 28770 ~Cbl+--N, 13. 'br:(J,,+- t-lö' If, S€.H[~'vI'Qv-J-~.\ ^~<r-.J2 Z/t.z../S8 'ÒF\LI) (cura'>\.4..<.- -to E.¡t... 13 March 9, UBB OPFICE OP THE ZOHING AND SOBO'.'S'ON EXAMINER KING COUNTY, WASHINGTOH NOTICE Of REOPENED HEARING RECORD I AMENDED REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION TO THE KING COUNTY COUNCIL. A. RECLASSIPICATION REQUEST B. PROPOSED PLAT ~ Building and Land Development Pile No. 211-87-R and 7B6-22 Proposed Ordinance No. B7-156 and B7-157 HAMPSTEAD PROPERTIES, INC. SR to RS 5000 M'J! Proposed plat of HAMPSTEAD GREEN 14.6 acres lying between 20th Avenue S. Ii. and 16th Avenue S. Ii. (if extended) and between S. Ii. 35Bth Street (if extended) and the Pierce County line. SUMMARY OP RECOMMENDATIONS: Division's Preliminary: Approve Rezone, Approve Plat subject to conditions Approve Rezone, Approve Plat subject to conditions (modified) Approve Rezone, Approve Plat subject to conditions (modified) Division's final: Examiner: REOPENED REARINC RECORD: The revised recommendation regarding the proposed Plat of ' Rupstead Creen which follows is based on th. Building and Land Development Division preliminary report and on the public hearing record identified in the Examiner's January B, 19BB report and recommendation to the King County Council. In addition, however. this amended report is based on information received from the appellants of the January B, 198B recommendation and from a memorandum from the Subdivision Technical Committee regarding the issue addressed in that appeal. By this notice, the Examiner reopen. the public hearing record to accept the appellant's Pebruary 22, UBB offer to withdraw appeal and the Building and Land Development Division's March 4, UBB muorandum regarding that offer. See Exhibit List, page 4, of this amended report and rocommendatIõn. EXHIBIT .fL. ,--------- '~ 786-22 , 112-87-R Page 2 fINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS' RECOMMENDATION: Having reviewed the record in this matter, the Examiner now mak.. and enters the following: ~: 1. Appellants Washburn and Morrison express concern regarding future access to their property which abuts the north boundary of the subject Hampstead Green property. Having jointly addressed that issue with the applicant's engineer, the Division accepts and recommends a proposed plat revision to proposed 18th Avenue S.\!. which would stub northward to the north HempStead Green property boundary. The stub street's centerline will align with the property line which divides the Washburn property and the Poster property (which abuts the west Washburn property boundary). This revision Is set forth.. Attachment A to Exhibit No. 14, and Is attached to this report and recommendation. 2. Except as may be modified by the above Pinding No. I of this report, P!nding Nos. I through 6 of the Examiner's 'January 8, 1988 report and recommendation to the King County Council are adopted and incorporated here by this reference. CONCLUSIONS: 1. Conclusion No.4 on page 5 of the Examiner's January e, 1988 report and recommendation is deleted and the following substituted: 4. The northward extending street stub identified as proposed 18th Avenue s.W" as ut forth in Exhibit No. 14, and attached to this report and recommendation, will satisfactorily provide for future neighborhood circulation north of the subject property. 2. Conclusion Nos. I through 3 and 5 through 10 of the Examiner' s January 8, 1988 report and recommendation to the King county Council are adopted and incorporated here by this reference. RECOMMENDAT ION: REOUESTED RECLASS I P IC ATION APPROVE RS 5000 cl..si f!cat!on as requested. AMENDED RECOMMENDATION: PROPOSED PLAT GRANT preliminary approval to the proposed plat of Hampstead Green as set forth in Exhibit No.6 of this hearing record and as amended by Exhibit No. 14 (attsched to this report and recommendation), subject to: a) approval of proposed Ordinance No. 87-156 (granting the requ..ted RS 5000 reclasaificat1on): and, b all conditions of final approval which are set forth on pag.. 6 through ID of the Examiner's January 8, 1988 report and recommendation to the King County Council, except for recommended Condition No. 16 of that report which shall read.. follows: fí6':', The 18th Avenue S.\!. street stub to the north c:.;; property bound'ary will be as set forth in Exhibit No. 14, attached' to thh report and recommendation. 786-22 . ll2-87-R paqe 3 ORDERED this 9th day at Harch, 1988. TRANSHITTED this 9th day of Harch, 1988, by certHied mail, to the following parties at record: Rachel A. Washburn Roy T. Bansen Ear I L. Chambers Irene Hatthews Bampstead Properties, Inc. Georqe Lindsay R. L. Balvorson Edward L. 8arnard Willard H. Fenton Nancy Wittman Al Haurer Richard Friedt Adoph Plouchard Richard Garric Bryan Edqar John C. HcCullouqh, Jr. Dave Allan TRANSHITTED this 9th day at Harch, 1988, to the following: Rick Bautista, Buildinq and Land Development Divlalon Bernard Thompson, Buildinq and Land Development Division Peter Dye, Buildinq and Land Development Division Tom Bertek, Buildinq and Land Development Division Pat Preitaq NOTICE OF RIGHT TO APPEAL In order to appeal the recommendation of the Examiner, written notice at appeal must be tiled with the Clerk at the Kinq County Council with a tee at *50.00 (check payable to Kinq County Office at Pinanee) on or before HARCH 23, 1988. It a notice at appeal ia tiled, the original and 6 copies at a written appeal statement apecHylnq the basis for the appeal and argument in support of the appeal muot be filed with the Clerk of the Xing County Council on or before HARCH 30, 1988. It a written notice at appeal and filing foe are not tiled within 14 calendar days of the date of this report, or it a written appeal statement and argument are not tiled within 21 calendar days of the date of this report, the Clerk of the Council shall place a proposed ordinance which implements the Examiner's recommended action on the agenda of the next available Council meeting. Piling requires actual delivery to the Office at the Clerk of the Council, Room 403, King County Courtho..., prior to the cIa.. of buain..s (4:30 p.m.) on the date due. Prior mailing ia not sufficient H actual receipt by the Clerk does not occur within the applicable time period. The Examiner does not have authority to extend the time period unless the Office of the Clerk is not open' on the specified closing date, in which event delivery prior to the close of business on the next busln..s day is sufficient to meet the filing requirement. Action of the Council Pinal. The action at the Council approving or adopting a recommendation of the Exallliner shall be final and conclusive unle.. within thirty (30) from the date of the action an aqrieved party or person appli.. for a writ at certiorari from the Superior Court in and tor the County at King, State at Washington, for the purpose at review of the action taken. 786-22 . llZ-B7-R Page 4 MINUTES are summarized In the Examiner's January 8, 1988 report and reco.....ndatlon and remain unchanged. excep~ that the correspondence lilted below II Incorporlted In the hearing record as a reauIt of thla notice of reopened hearing and amended report and recommendation. The following additional exhlbita were o!rerred and entered Into the record, Exhibit No. 13 Exhibit No. 14 LeUer from Rachel A. Washburn 2/22/88 Latter from Julian Hiraki J/4/SS RST,hlm J OS 9 0 '~CINITY MAr F~'A' S3<8T!<ST ßAMD.STEAD GREEN PTV. #1 Final Plat Map "B' otilt< ~c. ' I \"'~'O .\ ':f> Q\ v-°"¡" j.J- - -----'----- --'---------- o:i ,.. ,II¡ .... ... 330, J 4' , N 87.23'30" H 995. 73' 51( 355TH STREET MON IN CASE I MASS DISc. /JOV, ,I ~66 o~~~~ 1/16 C lC'/>1.. Iu íl'1~O~~í . '" "'~ .... , .. "'... .... "'" ./ UNPLA TTED :>: (\¡ '" .... '" Q ~ 1-0 æ~ aiffi CJ):>' ~oq;6J Cfl- . oq; I- oq;~oq; . a -J QtJQ a3~êi ,,~ ç}' v ..,~~':J o~ " ~ ~'? IQIQ ~O IQ~ ~ ~.j.\ ~,' ~'iJ TRACT "A" 25 30 FIID 'II,. (.ORNER' SHEET 5 3/4. IRON PIPE co NOV, , \~88 ~ ~ .. ~ I\ ... ... . NORTHWOOO II RECORDIN6 NO. 2934750 ~ ~ ~ <:;'0. ~ , :A.:<- "' ~ OJ FND STONE HON WITH "X' NOY. I \-,a8 1.- - 1.000' OF BEARING: SEE NOTE 3 DOHL ENGINEERS 500 SO. 335TH ST. SUITE: ÆOE:RAL WA Y. WA , (205) 582-4771. .... .--- ... ...- - ~STEAD GREEN P~. #1 Relationship to Hampstead Green Division #2 ftC' --, "--~"---"-"---" "...- - - " '" ..1'- ,7L<f"'1 L~tOj t'T:111"_L,ts,,_-t "r' , ~-,--_J"W_3.56rH JrREET ~.\-;'~ ---- ¡-"- ,~:~~- -\:." ---,;:;;:;-"-r--~~"'--:J'- l [l, »1110' 0 f{J \\\ ,,-=-========== ===== --~ , ,:' -, U ¡;;~ ~ DO ~~ D ¡ê:5 ~ i~ c-, Ih I~ '<: 'e:: C I~ " ,-" I ">, '-~ D (" - -, "------ --,-- - ì ' I I , -,-'>--= ~B ~~ ~~ is ~ ~ ~ DIVISION #2 " , "'-"" ~ ~ "" ~ <: ~I;;: "'~ ~'" ~ G\ / \ ;.~: ,;, I I I / = -- , , ",', ',: " '~L': 'I I ~ / / ' I '~~' ;', I / / - " , , -~..-:,,' - ... I- I J /..- "..--- fNorth- , ""--, ,- - .._,~ -'," ,- I lj -_:-_~-" "\ -- , ~ 1- c""" ." , CóGo --=--- 1/ ',,; C".~ ," Ä ",/>-, ,..;lqJJ..,\ ""/"'- 'o~, ...... JO' XI \ ....^ '-~ I "1\ ", \~ / ofT,! "\ I I I I / '?- \.........."'" )" r" /, \ ,,~/'\ / I "I I I I / .... -ç. // ',>- \ '.( ~-,;( \ ('" I ~ I I I ..../ ~ /,/ ':a / , «',â /~:;. "'- ~ ----'-_...L_-~_-1__J---""',.."" .'*" ~ / /~ ,,~/-,,~ sw J5ð TH PLACE \ , ,;0. ~~ / / '- )/ </4.A -.,.--- 1--- -?:-,~' "'" <S' ~ -. ,'--ì--r, I % <;'Oc::., .. '" 'ý '?~ ~ .p~SION' ~1 r I I '_-<A, ~...... ,/ /o~'f>"J..' )-----¡ I I I Ì'... \ '-, ,J- >' ^ '%.., '¥' ...d J \ I I I " ~/ < ,-"ç~~¥~--l \...--1.-,j" I \ / , /.'<".0 \ I "I ( "'" "'" "'" ¡... 'y/ )-P ¿?~ y< -""- / '~<:f:.o I \ / ...., -" \ ....."'" \ ~.... ~ I \ .... .>..~,.~;o' -- ,""""-" ....---- ," }D §~ C{] ~ ~ 0 ~ '" ""\ ~ '~ , , " ~ :ï! :.. . ~ to ~ ,"" , , "~ ,-..... , - . > ~ ~~ ~ "0 0 '. z ~~ r~' "0 ~ ,.... =:-= ~.!8 ~ ~ ~ ". ~~d¡ - Q ~.5, -< = CZ! I' ~ .S 0.0 !:..... c= = . s"",ØO' ?;; ~ ~ sw-.~:--~ ~ ~ ::t:t: c.u I .LUIV r1. YV .' "D" ~- 0 ,ø' ",< Z ,/", +- ,r>Ø' ::J c.., CJ, I . CJ. IV. . NG COUNT. , WASHINGTON UNPLATTED 5 ,.,' '. '79.ð<I' II,ØO' r CUR,. "'c " ""',,... rAN '" cs ..." ..'.....' ..,.. ",07 C2 352' '" S9' '" ,",00 SO.,, C2 0.58 ,,'.,.,.' ..,.. '.00 C' ,... S7"" SO' 20,00 2 " C!S ,u, " SO' S 58," S'"" co ..,.. 2' ,,',," ""00 S", C, 21,05 ,.'W.. "".00 su' C. ".'2 2.'S.',.' EO.O' '.35 CB 'H' 28'52"" EO. 00 12." CSO ,u. 62'"".' ".00 IE." CIS '",27 90 'ØO' ØO' ".00 ...,' CI2 ".OS 2.'",20' ",00 .." CS2 2"" 2.'2.'". EO. 00 "." CI' ""2 " 0.',.. EO,OO 1'." "" ",12 ,,',,-... EO,OO 12." C>5 21,25 ,.',.'s.' "",00 ",55 "" ".50 '."0"" ".00 su, m 29." 90'00'00" ".00 SE.OO C!9 2U. ,.. " ' OS" .... 00 ".20 CSO 2.... .'12',.' "'... ".25 ell 2>.22 9 ' 09' ,,' "','2 IU' C22 IU' 7 ' 09' '" "'," .." ~ 29 , "" "~i;~'" , ," 30 "',IS" N .'0.'", E (RI "N< ..-oS"'" OISTANCE LS N "'OS 'so' E 2U' 12 S ,,',.',," < 21,.7 L2 S 2"""" ,".00 " N.7 <3"" . so.o' " S '2"""'" . 20,5< L5 S 2'20'25"' 12.2' L7 N 51"21'52" < 21,99 ,. N ,'w,,' E <3,00 l2 S 2.'"',,,' E ",00 LSO N ". SO"" . " 00 w S '2""",,' . SO,53 31. -. ~~ ~ TRACT "A" OPEN SPACE: (TO BF: OWNF:D AND HAINTAINF:D BY THF: HOHF:OWNERS ASSOCIATION) ~; ~. ,.,s"" ...~_..",. CI' SEE SHEET 5 40 ~ 39 .- 3 44 ." ... ~~ ~~ ~ ~ -.-1- >,1 "E" ~~ ~; ~§ ~~ =~ "! - - - Previous 25 YR. Floodplain - Location EXisting 25. YR~ :FlOOdplain LOCation-' -_..._~ .,.------'--. ~' Note: Shaded area indicates 25 Yr. /. flood plain filled to provide for buildable lots. 0 '" .... '" z .. ::j .0 z ." 0 &