Res 91-058 RESOLUTION NO. 91-58 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, APPROVING THE FINAL PLAT OF PARKLANE ESTATES, DIVISION 2, DESIGNATED AS KING COUNTY BUILDING AND LAND DEVELOPMENT FILE NO. 589-21. WHEREAS, the preliminary plat for Parklane Estates, Division 2, designated Building and Land Development File No. 589- 21, was approved subject to conditions on June 20, 1989, by King County Ordinance No. 9028¡ and WHEREAS, the applicant has applied to the City of Federal Way for approval of the final plat for the above-referenced preliminary plat; and WHEREAS, City of Federal Way Community Development staff, having reviewed the proposed final plat for its conformance to the conditions of the preliminary plat and to the provisions of Federal Way Zoning Code Chapter 16; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: section 1. Findinqs of Fact. The Federal Way city Council makes the following Findings of Fact: 1. The Findings of Fact, as contained in the Reports of King County Subdivision Hearing Examiner dated June 2, 1989, are adopted by reference. 2. The final plat for Park lane Estates, Division 2, Building and Land Development File No. 589-21, is in substantial conformance to the preliminary plat and is in conformance with applicable zoning ordinances or other land use controls in effect at eJo;pr 8. the time of submittal of the substantially complete application. 3. All conditions recommended by the Zoning and Subdivision Hearing Examiner King for County, Washington, contained in the reports and recommendation to King County Council dated June 2, 1989, have been satisfied, and/or satisfaction of the conditions have been sufficiently guaranteed by the applicant. 4. Ninety percent of all required improvements have been made and sufficient bond has been accepted by King County as financial guaranty for completion of all required plat improvements. 5. All taxes and assessments owing on the property being subdivided have been paid. 6. Tract A shall be dedicated to the City of Federal Way for open space upon recording of the plat. 7. Tracts C, D and E shall be dedicated to the city without a commitment that these tracts are to be considered fulfillment for of the open space requirements for properties outside this plat. Pedestrian access at the southerly extension of 15th Place s. W. shall be delineated in a manner satisfactory City to staff to ensure adequate protection for pedestrians using the roadway. -2- Section 2. Approval. Based upon the above Findings of Fact and pursuant to Federal Way Zoning Code 16.410, the final plat of Parklane Estates, Division 2, King County Building and Land Development File No. 589-21 is approved, subject to satisfaction of those conditions as contained in the Report of Subdivision Hearing Examiner dated June 2, 1989, attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by reference. Section 3. Recordinq. The approved and signed final plat, together with all legal instruments pertaining thereto as required pursuant to Federal Way Zoning Code, shall be recorded by the City in the King County Department of Elections and Records. All recording fees shall be paid by the applicant. RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Federal Way this 16th day of April , 1991. CITY OF FEDERAL WAY ~kv~ OR, DEBRA ERTE -3- FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: RESOLUTION NO. 91-58 91L121 April 10, 1991 April 16, 1991 -4- !::Y!fIß/ r'i9 ~. .}II no 1, 196 q Ire Ilif 1t1r'¡ , Of PI eo Of THE ZONING Arll) oURDIVISION EXAMINER ----------ï<ÏÑë-r.;¡ii¡¡:iy -, ,i, ;'¡¡iiif.;¡:õ¡¡------------ ./ REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION TO Till: 'IIIC, COIHITY CQUNça. ,I Building anoJ Lan" Do',oinnmcnt fiif. No. Proposed Ordinanco 110, 89-130 ..-' ~UBJ!:Q"- 589-21 Ploposed Pla,( of 1'^i"L'IIV E.,'rH'.' Located genelaiIy ho,w.on 16"h and 12th Avonues Southwest an" qen",',iy "",woon Southwest 344th and 347th Stroe"s (d all roads were extended!. ~~~:!.-.2.!:-"-!:£2~~!!::2~!.!.2!::~ ' Division's PreliminOty: Division's rinaI: 'I'I"OVO, ,"hj.n. 'I'IHOVO, suhject I m,,'¡ i f i ',d ^pp'OVo, subject Im',ddioc!1 to conditions to conditions Examiner: to conditions "-"--"~!::~:!.-"-!"-2"-I: "be Buiiùing ã"d Land 0"'-"°,.",0°' ",'.'isian's Preliminary Report on Item No. 589-11 w", ,ooolvod by tbe Examiner on Marcb J, 1969, "-.f!lli£.J!!:~"-.!.!::£ : After reviewing the 8uild,nn ,'noJ I",nd Development Division's Report, examinin9 ava¡¡abI, information on file with the application and vlsi'inn tho property and surrounding area, the Examlno' conducted a public hearing on the subject as follows: The hearing on Item No. 589-2) w," op_nod by tho Examiner at 9:15 a,m, on May 25, 1989 in R',~,d.ng .nò Lanò Development Division Mearing Room No.2, 3000 - i36th Place S.E., Suite A, Bellevue, Washington, anoJ clnso': ,," In:02 a.m. Participants at the public hearing and the exhib,'" offered and entered are listed in the attached minu'.os. A ',«ba'.im recording of the hearing is available in tho office of the Zoning and Subdivision Examiner, flNDINGSL CONCLUSIONS' RECOHIHliO'r!OIl: Having reviewed the rëëõrdinthTs-iñã:ttë[:-the-Ëx.;';T~';,'-ñõw makes and enters the fallowing: ""'-'J Pog e 2 .u.!!~§. : 1. Goneral Information: STR: Location: Zoning: Acreage: Number of Lots: ,'1-21-'1 ';"ne',11Iyhel:woon ^vcon",," Southwest ,..,Iweon Southwest 30rh Setoets (if 'Jore o"endod) "R ',200 21.' ¡,.visod) ¡n? ¡,,'vio.d; proposed density - cr, d,,/aor.) 1"""1"'. ho'w"on 5.000 and 9.000 ,'I" ",.. (00 I 1i"")Ch',Ù s'n~le-family ,.sidenc.s f.de,al Way Water and Sewer DIstrIct 16th and 12th ud genetaliy ¡'4th and all roads Typical I.ot 51,.: Proposed Use: Sewage Disposal: Water Supply: r.deral Way Water and Sewer Ii,.s" i ot 11? - foderal way Ii,n-fodc',,)JWay fire District: School Distrio.: 2. The applicant ptoposes tn ""I,divi". 23.' acres into 109 single-Eami1y residen',ial oui I"ino lots which range in size from 5.000 to 9,000 'q",1te feet, The lot size range is permitted by the lot ,v.")1ing provisions of KCC 2LOS.OSO. The propeny is """iEied 5R '.200. J. An Environmental Impao ",)"'mon' is not required. The Building and Land Dev.lorm"n, Division manager issued a Mitigat.d Determination '" "..ncinn",c,)nc. (MDN5). febtuaty 1'. 1989, Tho MIi"" '"'("lte.s the applicant to obtain drainago easements (IOJm downst.toam propetty ownetS. An appeal of thi, 11I>IIS h"s boen withdr"wn. 4. The 8uilding and Land D.volc'r.ment Division recommends approval of the propos.d pla'., subject to 24 conditions. Recommended Condition 110, i 1 ¡as stated on page II of the Division's March 16. 1989 Ploliminaty Report. Exhibie No. 11 is revised. This revisinn is discu.ssed further in Finding No.5. below, Th" ,l"rIie.nr accepts the Division's recommended con"i' iooo of approval. 5. The King County Departm.n'.- of Puhlic Works is studying alternative east-west tou,"" in '.-he vicinity of Southwest J4Hh Street. This projen " known as the 'Sourhwest J4Hh Street extension,' fo'" al,.rnative routes are being considered fot the Sou'hwe., ¡'4th Street extension. Three of th..s" ,li'.tn",ives require varying amounts of right of w"y òion~ 'he nOlth boundary of the subject ploperty. An.rn", ivos l and 2 would requite a 50-foot wide right of way S'I ip Icompt ising one-half of a 10O-foot wide arteriai tinh, of wòyl along the entire north boundary of the subjeer. ploperty. Alternative J would require a 50-fooe 'Jido I igh, of way dedication only in the northwest cornet of ,he subj.Ct ptoperty. 6. Future funding of the ptoi.c,- is uncle"t beyond the environmental impact evaluation Stage. A draft environmental impact Stat.mon, is curtently being circulated. Additlona¡ly. f'Hure Eunding of the Southwest 344th Street extension is uncio.. ojue to the fact that the area is being incorpolat.d as the City of Federal Way. It is not known whethet tho now (iry of federal Way will seek to develop the SOuthwest ¡44th Street extension or not. "'1'),/, Pa g e ) The Department of Public ""'>. .¡n'l tho ßullding and Land Development Division tocn""""" 'h,l' the. applican, dedicate the necessaty right of wa'/ ,1 ,nn~ Ihe enti" north property line. However. they """> I""'"mon" tho"~ this condition be w.ived if an alternHivo ai,.,nnent is 'piected which does not ,equi,e that ligh" nr "<>'/ "od,e."inn. Noting that the applicant intends to dove",p 'he p,npo.,ed plat in two d,visions, the Depaltmon' nr Pc,biie WOI'S "commends that the second division (plopn"o" In, nos. 6) through 109) should not be recolde" un' " '"".lhi iohm"nt of Southwest 344th Street has been cnmpi,""", Plovided, that the estahlishment is comple',..' .,'h,"';;;;;;-:¡:;¡-, follnwin~ p"liminalY plH approv,,;. '1'1,.. "I>"ICc,,'r does not object to th..e "commended ennd" ""'" ,<I "ppt oval "lated to Southwest )44th St"et' ""..n""", ,"" ,,>.s fol density compensHion for the ,¡.,h, nf W'! "o"!Catinn. 7 . For any portion of the propet'! which is not included within the West campus "P.' n"inage Pl00 (MDPI d"inage basin, the applicant will 1>0 "'q"i"d to plovide surface water management Conttnl' ':nn:;"'-n': wi'h KCC 9.04. The applicant asks for oppol""ni'! tn P'Ov,"e a detailed field topOqraphic survey which W,;, ",nv.. '.h". ':he eoti" subject ploperty is 10",'" "'I ." h" 'ho h"in upon which the West Campus MDP i' I"","d. -,"ch a 'opogtaphic survey finding would contradict' h. 'Jonetalized West Campus MOP basin boundary depicted in Exhibit No. ¡6 of this hearing record. The Building and Land Dev.lopment Division believes that the topography ',bso,ved during the site reconnaissance conducted in plopatation for this hearing confirms Exhibit No. 16, IIow"vol. 'he nivision has no objection to providing ':h" Ji'"lioJnt oppoltunity to conduct a topographic fi.¡" "'"v"y which may prove othe¡wise. 8. NO party appeared at th. pubuo hoOting to oppose to express concern regarding <his proposed plat. The record contains one letter of npposi,ion, flom Dalla Wright. Her letter expresses concern re~at"ing diminishing wildlife. traffic, school enlollmon' ."owth, and ~uality of iife. 9. Except as noted above, 'ho [,J<"", analy.,i, and recommendation plesentorl in 'ho Division of Building and Land Development Preliminary ".pOI': dated March 16, 1989 (published March ), 19BOI ",e unoont.sted and they ate incorporated hOle by l.ce"nee. 'copy of the Division of Building anrl Land Developm"n' l.pOtt will be attached to the copies of the Examine¡'s report which are submitted to the Xing County Council. s.Q!l.s.!:!L~.!.~,- l. Based upon the whole lecolrl,lnd aocolding substantial weight to the determination 01 .nvi,onmental significance made by the Division of Bui iding and Land Development, it is concluded that approva¡ of this subdivision as recommended below would not conS'itute a major action significantly affecting the guaL,y of the environment, '11 evidence of environmen,,¡ impact relating to the proposed action and reasonabi- aite¡natives to the ploposed action have been ine¡,,'¡-d in the rewieo and consideration of this actinn, 2. If approved subject to tho conditions recommended below. the proposed subdivision w,j I compiy with the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan. Subdivision and ZonIng Codes. and other official ¡and use controls and policies of King County. ,':" .'1 Pa~. 4 3. If app[aved subject ',0 I,h" o"n<1I'..ons ,ecammondod below, this p,apasod subdiviSIon 'J,; i make app,op,iate p,ovision for the public health, .afp,.y and gono'al welfare and fa! drainage ways, SI.,OOI.S, o'.hp, r"hlic ways, wato, supply, and sanitð<y wastes: and i'. wId ".lV. '.ho public use and i n t" OS '.. 4. The conditions ,ecammond"d on '.h" "ivioion of Building and Land Development's Plellm,n,1I,/ Perall; .. amended below aro in I;ho public intelp", .nd "," ":,Bonahle ,oqui,ements. ~DATION:J GRANT preliminary approval '0 '.ho. "rooos.d ol.t of ParUane Estatos as doscribod in Exhibi'. No. Ó, õubj.ct to tho fOllowing conditions for final pIal, .no'o".,;, /. ø Compliance with all pJal.'.lnn o,ovisions of Title 19 of the /' King County Code. All persons having an n~nn""'or ,n'.ore.>!; in tho subject propertyshallsignono.Io"f.,,:poftheCi ~plat.a, V'/ dedicatioo which includ"" '.1", '.nn"'n. H' :o,th ln Klng County Council Motioo No, '0',2. r?5 Tho area and dimension" nf ,'ii ¡O'.S shail meet the minimum ¡equiroments of the S-R 7,2QQ zon. classification Or shall bo as shown on the fac. of '.h. ,polaved prolimioary plat, whichovor is larger. IMloo, ,.viõiooõ may bo cansidorod.1 e~The applicant must Oh'.,l,n fin.'" '1pl>tov, , from the King 1/z.~ County Health Departm.nl.. "2.J'1..cS'-q / All construction and urgr'ldln', of public and private roads shall bo done ln accardanc. with tho King County Road ~tandardS established one adopt.d by Ordinance No. 8041. . If a~ aroa-wido fire prot.cl..on ass.essment is,autharizod by Klng County p!lar 0,0 l,n,'; reCO[d,ng of thLS plat, this plat shall bo subject '.0 .'n'/ ""."smen'. provided by that o[dinance. Ifþf Tho applicant must abt.in '.h" approval of the King County V Firo Marshal for tho adeq"acy of tho fire hydrant, water maln, and fire flow standard., of Chapter 17.08 of tho King _/caunty Code. f¿4r /J/ lo/§¡(/ðØf <>¡=- pi!):lf!n;?-t..- W~ ~ Flnal plat approval sh;¡ii '.o'Jire full compliance with drainage provisions sot fo,l.Io ,n 'ing County Cado 9.04 and 1Ver'- (}J CUrren'. sto,m draina9P '"O"i""'.nl,., and ~uidelines as "J//# establlshed by Surfac. w".." /<"nanemeo'.. Compliance may rrfrlr;,..; result In reducing '.h. num".o H,I/or ¡ocal.ion of lots as r?"~ shown on the p[eJiminaoy app,oved plat. "Exhibit A" I~')J~' attached to this ,eport r.p'"".nts par tions of the Code V" and reguirements that applY '.0 a¡l plats. /, Due to the erosion hazard anri/ar the need for protection o~~af p,opased drainfield ar.a", clearlng shall be limited to [pf.,..¡) those areas requi[ed fa, con"'.[uction of roadways and rtpV'" utilitles prior to rocorriln'j. ¿: With the exception of I,h. ';o"l.h,,"t.,n sub-basin, the final storm sewer desigo Cor the propooed subdivision shall conform to the requirements of the West Campus Master Drainage Plan. Since the southeastern sub-basin ls not within the West Campus 'aster Drainage Plan (see Exhibit No, 16), the storm s.wer design shall conform to '",', Paqo , the standard requiremen" of rcc 9.04. The WeSt Campus Master D,ainage Plan hound", '/, os contained in Exhibit No. 16 of this hearing 'ecoId, 5h',i] conttol the application of this condition to ,'he r,n,', plo', unle.. the applicant provides a detailed fio,d "'I""j,aph, ;;¡;ië¡;-modifies the WeSt Capus HDP boun'],1fy--,n "hieh c"", >he basin boundary defined by . or""""""'" rio,d "'Jlvey shall cont!ol the "pplication oC thi" "",,", , , ion. Seasonal ponding water occur" in ,he southeastern sub-basin of the p[opozed """J,vision. The design of the retention-detention facii",y shall fully compensate for tbe ponding water which exi"s at these locations. ,::>If-../ @ The final engineerinq pl,n, "h"il (ully conform to the *":roE \VI, '\',1)"'" requiled SEPA mitiqa' ion I" "" '" rin'l County approval. ;. / ui. The King County Inte[im r",n"l'o['",on Plan {199D} and the Feòeral Way Community Pl"n ,,"ow ',ho p,opo"ed construction of a collector arterial, Sou"'WeSt ¡4Hh Street extension, traversing northerly polt,ione< oC the p!oposed subdivision. The numbe! of n'.w lOts and trips generated by the p!oposed subdiv,.inn co,n", ibutes to the need for the new arte[ial. ~ Iì ¡J, f¡. w.þ¡. J.?~ç. ,1ØÞ ,11\)0' ë!). To plovide Cor the possihio .." 'e, i.); loadway alignments. the applicant shaJJ dedic", . ,i9h.' oC way measuring 5D Ceet ¡-,>--width and eXtenrlin9 ""'t-;Nst "long the entue north property line. rhe "'v,,.d preliminary plat (Exhibit No. 61 shaJj h" lo"""iqnn; to accoomodate the proposed right of way. plio[ '0 final engineering plan approval by King County. rh,. condition may ~e waived by the King county Depa"ment of Public Works a",J Building and LH,d "evelop"en, DivisCon U an alternative roadwa, alignment is selected which ",oes not traverse the subjett property, ,This condition,"' " .x ire one year"fo_ltowingt-2..0-.cc Council"action on this P[.¡¡"coalY plat if K ng County <-'7 fO'lls to establish a ¡44th s" .nt extension right of way during that period. Soe .1'" Condition l¡.B, below. ¿Phase II, lot nos. 63 'hlO"')" '09. shall he delayed for one year from the date of Co"nry Council action on the preliminary plat of Park i"o E",a,es, in order to provide opportunity to establish the I ight of ~y necessary to accommodate the Southwe" ¡""h S"eet XCension. If establishment does nOt occur within one ear from the date of County Council action, th'.n no d.dication shall be requited and the plat may hn ,.corded accordingly. If establishment is complet.ò wi'hin one year and does not require dedication, the pI", m.', be recorded without (!; dedication and withou~ woi"in'l ,he Cull required year. There shall be no direct vehicular access to or from 12th ~ Avenue Southwest from thno. io','s which abut it; DIV. !(ONLY) Access to the subdivision 5ha', be over a full-width maintained county toad, òed,r."eò anò improved to county standards. The planter islands rif an,' wi,hin the cuI-de-sacs shail be maintained b the abuttin1 iot owners This shal stated on the face of 'he fin,)i plat. . e) If lot make-up area is [equired, calculations demonstrating compliance, inriudin9 the provision of sufficient flat, dry, usabie Open spaCe. must be submitted prior to approval of the pian and ptofile. {This ','I'J.. Page 6 ,equi,ement is sepatate [[nm ,1nd ;n addition to open space f@)reqUiredinKCCI9.Ja'1 \ The applicant shall comply ~".h ~C': i9.18 by paying a Cee 'A,~ to the Pat's Division in-I,"".'."'. r"ov"lin~ n.n-si'e open c.¡.illv,-c1., space, (KCC ¡9.J8 .".."0\""".. "'" r",m",., fol .aid fe. If.')? amount.) ~ A homeo~ners associal,ion or '>'.I,cI "Olkable olganization J./tfl::1J"" sball be establtShed to I.b. "'.isfaction of 8udding and ^...JIIO Land Development Division -hich provides ¡or the ownership (J<'~ and continued maintenance o¡ 'hp open space atea!s). h ¿The ¡ollowing have been '-"',.11" i,hod by ,"PA as nec.ssary f,¡rt-: ¡;>!Irequirements oC this rlovol"I',,"'n', ,1" mitiga'ion. The .ðI}f¡14V applicanJ. shall demonc'.' "'." ""'"nll"noo ~il.h these items nJ"LYJi!J prior to final apPlov.,1. ....Jfð. r'V'- The applicant sha¡¡ obta,n rlrainage easements ¡rom J,}1.1JWS Bit" do~nstream property o~n", (01 pI ior to Building and ~ Land Developmen' Division onnineering plan approval. These easements shal I .Hond ¡,om the subdivision '0 an easement, righl. nr ~"',/, 01 n"'."ral drainage ¡eature, ~hichev., ic "':""I"",hl. 1.0 '.he 8uilding and Lanrl Developmenl. nivi,:,o" Enninpe,inq Revie~ing Unit. A King County Bui ',lin', ",,'I r..1nd Opv.lopment Oivision approved storm drain,,"o '",nvey"nce ,ystem shall b. ~ constructed ~i'hin t.he pocempntois). .ig The number oC lots shaii hp ,,'rluo.d '0 generate less than /J' \ 10 peak-hour, pea,-dil.o',nn '.Iips I.hrough the 11111. interspction of SR l8/S? i", "nIPS. s 'he applicant chooses ~ I" to voluntarily contributp a I',o-,...a 5ha,e in the amount o'f $5,785.00 to King Co"n'., r", '.I.offit: iml"ovemonts to . this intersection. FIf-¡O 11-7...'-- 8q{CO"tOfCHoc-ILI#,F-ILIi') /. A public 'rail easement. shail h. d.dica'ed to King County r/$;,.7 witbin the 8PA easement. ^ '.Iail shall be constructed ~v within the easement, the "id,.h.. anrl improvements matching í.)?1I,S those approved for the open 'r"'C. '.0 the south. The . details shall be ~or'ed nu'. WI '.h '.he Parks Oivision and ¡)ð!l> Lð7ltit. the Subdivision Technical Co"mi'.t... JL'.: fh?("The applicant shall provide ., ,.u,Pt from the Bonneville~ðtb~ °;.q¡ ~po~er Administ'ationthat gl"nl;s.p..,mission for the coFfJ,f,Ift.I:771P/. ~,1-;r.'If7I. proposed road and trail I,hlO"'lh ,he easemen, and for openp"hìrD9 e.<;¡;,.,¡,. space improvements, if any, ~,I,h,n the easement. II--cz-ø- 0 p ~ DHft Redesign Tract B, serving in', no,. ~ and 6, to ensure safety and function. PiC/. I (Otf/LY) ORDERED this 2nd day of June, 1989. TRANSHITTED this 2nd day of Jun., ¡189 by certified mail to the Collowing patties of [ecord: John R. Ch[isUanson William Fo[tm'n POtUane Vento/B. HcAloney John R. Ne~ell, Inc. For>.una,o Pena Jamp" ^. Doherty ',i!'I-.:; Pogo 7 DHla W,ight Dale Offin Alvin C. Burnett Sam S. Tsai ("n',,":/Dnn Ca" ,I"',n :1o l ,nn 0",1rl...,n'. (Otp,/ß. Hendtic~s '-"d""'1 P"h.Sch./.!. Thtðsh.. TRANSMITTED '.his 2nd day of ,I"ne, i~B9 10 I.h. following parties: Heidi Koch, Building and I,,>nd D"'J",ormOn', Division Joe Miles, Building and Land Oov..",pmonl. Division Gary Samak, King County ROJd, "i',"..,oo Jeanette Veasey, King Counl.y Pð<'" Divi'ion Michael Ster i ing John L. Scott Realty, Ann: C,>ii ""'CO, Mgt. Wallace, Wheeler Realty Winde.mete Bealty ££!l.,-E_2!:_p..Ir,I'!.._2:2..~!:E~" In or de< to appeal the teeommond'>';on of the Examiner, written notice of app.al mu,t he fiJod wi'" I.ho CI.tk of the <lng County Council with a fee of .1',n.II" ("h.ck payable to King County Offic. of "nanCOl on 0' ""IOto ,Jun. 16, 19B9. If a notice of appeal is filed, '.he 0, ¡~inal'-.ñ;¡-6-ëõpieŠ- of a written app.al statemen'specifyin'J '.ho basis fot the appeal and argument in support of I.ho .proal must be filed with the Cler~ of the King County CounCli on Ot before June 23, 19B9. If a wtitlen notice of app.a, Jnoj filing fee aëë-ñõ,-ËTïë;¡- within 14 calendar days of tho rl.1'.0 of ',hi, "POtt, or if a wtitlen appeal statement and .) '1IIm"nl, .t. not filed within 21 calendar days of the date or !.I,i.. 10rOII" I.ho Clerk of the Couocil shall place a ptopo.eoj ",,¡.naneo which implements the Examiner's tecommend.d actinn nn 'ho 'nend. nf 'he next available Council meeting, Filing requires actual d.livety '.0 'h. Office of the Cler~ of the Council, Room 4D3, King County Courthouse, prior to the close of business (4:30 p,m.1 on ',h. date due. Ptior mailing is not sufficient if actual t.c.ip'. by the Clerk does not occur within the applicable time rOt iod. Th. rxaminet does not have authority to extend the Ume rOt ""J uni.ss '-he Office of the Cle'~ is not open on the spocU".,1 olo:;ing date, in which event delivery prior to the close of h"iness on the next business day is sufficient to meet the filing tequirement. Action of the Council Final. The action of the Council approving or adopting a recommendation of the Examiner shall be final and conclusive unless wP.hin thirty (3D) days from the dHe of the action an aggtieved p.,ty Ot petson applies for a writ of cettiorati ftom the Sup."Ot Court in and for the County of King, StHe of W,"hin"'."n, fot the purpose of review of the action taken. M'NOTES OF THE MAY 25, i989 PUBLIC HEAPrNG ON BALD rILE NO. 589-21. The hearing examiner in this mat'..r was Robett Stanley Titus. Those participating in the heating were Heidi Koch, Joe Miles and Gary Samak of Building and I.and Development Division, and Dale Offin, Don Carr and Bt i.n McAioney. . The following exhlbits Wete pl""On'od and entered into the ,ocor d: Exhibit No. I Building and Land Development Division Preliminaty pepott, dHed March 16, 19B9 Exhibit No. 2 Exh ibi t No. ) Ex h i bit No. 4 Exhibit No. \ Exhibit No. 6 Exh i bi t No. 7 Exhibit No. 8 Exhibit No. 9 Exhibit No. 10 Ex h i bit No. II Exhibit No. 12 Exhibit No. 1) Exhibit No. 14 Exhibit No. 15 Exhibit No. 16 406JO;RST;ja '"", .', p, ge 8 ,Application, "",°" Oç',oO.. 2B, 19BB Envitonmen""' "hoç' ""'., "H.d Octob.. 28, ] 9 8 8 Mitigaten 00«°' ,",ion of NonsiqniUcance, dated rebtuaty ,4, 1189 Affidavil, of t"", "<n'1, indicoUng Aplil 20, 1989'5"""""/""""n') Revisod /":", '1."0" ,.."I..,u,-"y 6, 1989 Land Use Map (ç"lo..n! TtðUic An" IY5i5 pte.pled by Centtðc, dated Decembet 1988 Lette, ftom feno,,1 Way Public Schools, dated Aptil ]9, 19Bq Letter floo 'H'hino'.on NHutal Gas, dated March 20, IQlJ'J Letto< ftnm ,",1/ ;., Wtioht;, dated Harch 29, 1989 Revision 1.0 ""nd,'.ion No.1) Altetn"-iv. 1'0,)" (,oyout Lettel ftom III i,)n McAloney to G',y Samak, d"-ed May 17, ¡'IR9 Lettet to Jim "t.,CY ftom Rex Knight, dated febtuary 27, /0110 pottlon of Wo.;', c.,mpus Maste, Drainage Plan \8Q - 2 J '-1-. . ). Exh!b" A S tanda rd Storm Dr a L~~,1;-=-';~~1.:;~~_"-!!_'-."-!..!~~l a'J:LD a"provol of tbe <i'.lIn."", ,1n<i rn.dw.y plans is r qu"ed p"or to 'ny ron"""", Ion. b.. A separate ESC plan for ,hi" I'rojo<t .hall be submirted with the engineerinq pl,n". The plan shall show are.. to be cleated (limits of cl.."ng) and prov,de a schedule for /ons"UCtion (conStruc"on .equence). e/ Retention/detention (R/D) fac"i,ies shall be 10cHed in "acts, unless located WI thIn ImproVed KIng County rights-of-way. Maint.n,1n". ,"'C.55 shall be provided to all faci Ii ties. Th!s WI II ""1""0 ,] 15-foot access roadway to all manholes ,p/nl, ^<cess muSt also be / provided for maintenanc. of '.he en,,« pond, Prior to recording of ,he final plat ,"ose portions of theOJ<-)J: retention/deeention faclliq necessary to concrol the ~ . flows discharging from the SIte shall be constructed andl/-7-'lCJ operat ional, /. f~ Oil/water separation facIlI' ",' 'hall he provided at each point of permanent sto,m d""n,'q. release from the si" so contaminants do not en,., n.1"'ral "Hinage features. rn addition '° scandatd "ng (o"n,y oil/warer separators, the applican, is required '° provIde b!ofiHration prior to discharge of stormwater !noo 'ny senSltive atea (e.g.. streams. weelands, lakes. .,c.). Such biofilrtation includes 200 feet of broad. flar-bortom, grass-lined swales, or equivalent sYStem., f. Drainage outlers (Stub-ou,,) ohall be provided for each individual lot, except fo, ,ho'e lots approved for infilrtation by King County. S,ub-outs shall be shown on the engineered plans and shal I conform to the following' 1. Each outlet shall be sui<ably located H the loweSt elevation on the 1o" so as '° service all future roof downspouts and foo,ing dr"ns, driveways, YHd drains, and any other surface or ,ubsurface drains necessaty to render the lors suH,hle for their incended use. Each outlet shall have free-flowing, positive drainage to an approved Stormwa,er conveyance sYStem or to an ' approved outfall loca"on. 2. Outlets on each 1°' sh,ll be 10cHed with a five-foot-high, 2. x 4' H'ke matked 'storm. or .drain., The stub-out sh'll eXtend above surface level, be visible and b. 'ecu'ed to the stake, J. Pipe material shall confo," '° underdrain ' specificHions desc"bed ,n '(PS 7.04 and, if non-mecaJlic, the pipe "",111 concaln WUe or other accepcable detection fe","re, L Dr..nage easemenrs are ,','!""ed for drainage sYStems designed to convey flowo '.',ough individual lots. 5. The developer and/or conrr.HtOr is responsible for coordinHing the loca"on of all Stub-out conveyance lines with respect to 'he "tilHies (e,g.. power, gas, t~lephone, televiSlon), 6, All individual stUb-outs .hall be privHely owned and maincained by the lot hompowner. J 04 5 0 g. In some cases, on-51," tnfll',ra"on SYStems may be accepted for decen"on for '.he lots dep.nding on soil conditions. To derermtno ',h. 'ú-;-ë.blllty of the soil for infil"Hion sYHems, a 'Otl, r.p°rt thH includes percolHion teStS an~ a '011 lo~ oak.n H 6-foot minimum depth shall be submlt"'~ "y .1 professional engineer or soil specialist. This :;h,111 tnc¡u~e, H a minimum, informHion on soil texcur", oepth to seasonal high Water and the occurrence of mn"',no "n" .mporviou. layers. The report shall also addre" pnton"al down gradient impacts due to increased hydraulIC loadIng on slopes and struCtures. Soil permeability daea obtained from the design of the septic sYStem may b. used for the drywell retention system, prov¡de~ ~ðta is submitted verifying that no impervious layer .Xl'" -,thin 6 feet of the soil surface. If the soils r"pnre is 'pproved, the infiltrHion systems sh,," t", tn"-"'ed at the time of the bUilding permit. A no,. '0 ,t",; "ffoct shall be placed on the map page of the ,"onr""" "ncI,,'ont. Th. drainage plan and the recorded documont "","I .ndicate each lot approve for infiltrHion. h. Include -ith the drainage pl,n a do-nStream analysis. This analysis muSt eXtend for a mtn'mum diStance of If¡ mile from the point of r.l.". of each flow discharging from the site. The analy,," """, a~dress any exiSting problems -ith floodin~, o,'r,'"".y, overtopping, scou"ng, sloughing, erosion and '."""'n.."nn of any drainage facility, -hether naeur"1 nr ".1n-ma~e. Probable impaces due to construceion of the projeCt muSt also be addressed -ioh respect to these same concerns. Where this analysis reveals more restrictive cond"ions, more stringent drainage 'ontrols may be requlled than would other-ise be necessary for a project of thts type. These controls may include additional on-Site r,He andlor volume controls, off-site improvements, or , oomb,narion of both. Any off-site improvements -tll r"'luICe tho a?proval of all affected property o-nees. i. Current Standard notes and ~SC notes, as established by BALD engineering reviH. shall be placed on the engineered plan.. j. The following notes shall he prov,ded on the map page of the tecorded document: 1. For all lots: .All building do-nspoutS. footing drains and drains from all impervious surfaces such as paeios and drive-ays shall be conneqed to the approved permanent storm drain outlet as sho-n on the approved construction dra-inqs I on file with the Department of Pub.lic wor,'s'~'-Theplan for the.. connections shall be suhm,,«d -Ith the applicaeion for any building permit, All connections of the drains must be cons"uo<.'1 and approved pr¡"or to the final building inspeottOn "pproval.. 2 . For any lots approve~ ror lo~,..dual infiltration: .Individual lot inf¡lera"on sYStems shall be constructed ac the time t"e resIdence is constructed and shall comply -ith plans on fIle ac the PubUc Works Record Center."