Res 91-082 RESOLUTION NO. 91-82 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, APPROVING THE FINAL PLAT OF CAMPUS RIDGE, DESIGNATED AS KING COUNTY BUILDING AND LAND DEVELOPMENT FILE NO. S89POO16. WHEREAS, the preliminary plat for Campus Ridge, designated Building and Land Development File No. S89POO16, was approved subject to conditions on July 17, 1990, by Federal Way City Ordinance No. 90-37; and WHEREAS, the applicant submitted the application for final plat for Campus Ridge within three years of receiving approval for the above-referenced preliminary plat; and WHEREAS, city of Federal Way Community Development staff, having reviewed the proposed final plat for its conformance to the conditions (modified) of the preliminary plat; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: section 1. Findinqs of Fact. The Federal Way city Council makes the following Findings of Fact: 1. The final plat for Campus Ridge, Building and Land Development File No. S89POO16, is in substantial conformance to the preliminary plat and is in conformance with applicable zoning ordinances or other land use controls in effect at the time of submittal of the substantially complete application. COpy 2. All conditions recommended by the Zoning and Subdivision Hearing Examiner for King County, Washington, contained in report and recommendation to King County Council dated February 28, 1990, and additional conditions imposed by the Federal Way city Council pursuant to Ordinance 90-37, have been satisfied, and/or satisfaction of the conditions have been sufficiently guaranteed by the applicant. 3. Ninety percent of all required improvements have been made and sufficient bond has been accepted by King County as financial guaranty for completion of all required plat improvements. 4. All taxes and assessments owing on the property being subdivided have been paid. section 2. Approval. . Based upon the above Findings of Fact, the final plat of Campus Ridge, Building and Land Development File No. S89POO16, is approved, subject to satisfaction of those conditions as contained in the Report of Subdivision Hearing Examiner dated February 28, 1990, attached hereto as Exhibit A and Federal Way Ordinance 90-37, attached hereto as Exhibit Band incorporated by reference. section 3. Recordinq. The approved and signed final plat, together with all legal instruments pertaining thereto as required pursuant to all applicable codes, shall be recorded by the applicant in the King County Department of Elections and Records. All recording fees shall be paid by the applicant. -2- RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, this ~ day of October , 1991. CITY OF FEDERAL WAY i1r~~L !Sw OR, DEBRA ERTEL M. SWANEY, CMC ~F~' ",TYATTORN~~ FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: RESOLUTION NO. 91-82 October 9, 1991 October 15, 1991 LA\EF\RES\91-0208.CAL -3- EXHIBIT "A" febrUHY 28, 1990 ornCE or TI1E ZONING ^ND SUBDIVISION EXAMINER KING COUNTY, WASHIIJGTON REPORT ^ND RECOMMEND^TION TO THE KING COUNTY COUNCIL. SUBJECT: -- Building and Land Development File No. S89pOOl6 proposed Ordinance No. 89-811 ",oposed Plat of CAMPUS RIDGE 10.45 acres generally lying between S.E. 35th and 36th place (if both roads were extended) and generally between 212th Avenue S.E. and 216th Avenue S.E. (if extended). SUMMARY Of RECOMMENDATIONS: Division's preliminary: ^pprove subject (modified) Approve subject (modified) Approve subject (modified) to conditions Division's Pinal: to conditions Examiner: to conditions PRELIMINARY REPORT: The Building and Land oevelopment Division's preliminary Report on Item No. S89pOO16 was received by the Examiner on January 2, 1990. PUBLIC HEARING: After reviewing the Building and Land Development Division's Report, examining available information on file with the application and visiting the property and surrounding area, the Examiner conducted a public hearing on the subject as follows: The hearing on Item No. s89pOO16 was opened by the Examiner at 9:28 a.m., on January 16, 1990, in Building and Land Development Division in Hearing Room No.1, 3600 - l36th place S.E., Suite A, Bellevue, Washington, and closed at 11:45 a.m. participants at the public hearing and the exhibits offered and entered are listed in the attached minutes. A verbatim recording of the hearing is available in the office of the zoning and Subdivision Examiner. FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS. RECO"MENDATION: "aving reviewed the record in this matter, the Examiner noW makes and enters the following: file No. s89pOO16 pa g e 2 ~~: 1. General Information: STR: Location: 18 -21- 4 Generally between S.E. 35th and 36th Place (if both roads were extended) and generally between 212th Avenue S.E. and 216th Avenue S.E, (if extended) SR7,200 10.45 25 Ranges from 6,500 to 8,000 square feet Detached single-family residences federal Way Water and Sewer D i s t r i c t federal Way Water and Sewer D i s t r i c t 39 - federal Way 1210 - Federal way Zon i ng : Acreage: Number of Lots: Typical Lot Size: . proposed Use: Sewage Disposal: Water supply: fire District: School oistrict: 2. This is a request for preliminary approval of a subdivision of 10.45 acres into 24 lots in the West campus Master Plan area of federal Way. proposed lot sizes range from 6,500 to 8,000 square feet which the Building and planning Divisions report is consistent with the community plan which deoignates the property single family, four to nine units per acee, and the area zoning of SR. Sewer and water wiIl be furnished by the federal way Water and Sewer District which has issued certificates of sewer and water availability for the project. It is proposed to serve the subdivision with a cul-de-sac, 7th Avenue S.w., off S.W. 323rd Street. The site includes approximately half of the lower puget Sound wetland No. 27 and approximatelY 40% of the site will be set aside for the wetland and its buffer (215,520 square feetl. The plat avails itseI! of the recently adopted ordinance which allows the inclusion of interior streets in the lot area. Using lot averaging, the applicant's engineers estimate that 14% of the derived lot areas are in the street which is below the 35% allowed by the county. 3. The subject property is surrounded by single family homes in the developments of West Campus Divisions I and 3. Lot sizes in earlier divisions are typically 9,600 square feet. Area residents have suggested that development at 7,200 square foot densities are incompatible with the existing character of the neighborhood and the lot sizes should be increased. 4. AS noted above, a Type I wetland is located on this site. The County required a wetland study which its experts have reviewed and approved. On the basis of the study, the Division has required a 100 foot buffer around the boundaries of the wetland and a 15 foot building setback line from the buffer which will be placed in a Native Growth Protection Easement. Because of the presence of this wetland, interested neighbors have argued that the site in question should not be developed. Federal Way, it is argued, does not have adequate open space and parks and any further development of open space areas should not occur. Current residents enjoy the presence of the undeveloped wetland and trees as an amenity to their neighborhood. File 1'0. S89POO16 page 3 5. As amended, the Subdivision Technical committee's recommended co"dition 9. a., would require the use of swales and/or open ponds for water quality enhancement prior to discharge of flows to the on-site wetland. The applicant has requested that alternative technologies be permitted If it can be demonstrated that similar water quality enhancement can be achieved by other means. The Cou"ty's engineers have indicated that they are willing to consider alternative methods of assuring water quality during the review of engineering plans. 6. The subdivision Technical Committee has recommended that a grading plan be prepared prior to the construction of roads in order to minimize erosion and assure that sediment laid in water does impact the wetland. In addition, an erosion control inspector would be retained by the applicant to provide recommendations during implementation of the grading plan and submit weekly reports to the King county Development Inspection Unit. 7. Neighboring residents have requested that there be sidewalks on both sides of 7th Avenue S.W.. the street which is intended to provide access to lots in the proposed development. The Subdivision Technical Committee has recommended that sidewalks only be placed on one side of the street pursuant to the King county Road standards, (Section 3,021. The applicant has requested that this walkway be on the west side of the street away from the wetland. 8. In addition to the NGPE and building setback line, separating wetland No. 27 from the proposed homesites, the subdivision Technical Committee recommends that a fence be extended along the entire rear lot lines of lots 14 through 22. Interested neighbors have inquired what kind of a fence will be built to which the Subdivision Technical committee responds, the county has no strict standard. The applicant's representatives have stated that a cedar fence will be placed along that property 1 ine. 9. ^ grass lined swale will be run along the eastern boundary of the plat to capture surface water heading toward the wetlands. The Subdivision Technical Committee has stated that this should be outside the backyard of future homes. Residents who are unfomilia< with the purpose of the ditch often ottempt to fill it and disrupt its function. current residents have inquired who will maintain the drainage system, stating that a home owner's association should be estoblished for this purpose. The Subdivision Technical committee has responded that maintenance of the drainage system will be the responsibility of the county when the plat is finally approved. 1O. The Federal way School District, like school districts in rapidly growing neighborhoods throughout the state, is experiencing an increase in student population. Three schools would serve the proposed subdivision--Silver Lake Elementary school, Illahee Junior High School, and Federal way High School. At the present time, the District reports that both Illahee and Federal Way have adequate space for additional students. Silver Lake students are presently housed in temporary facilities until the new silver Lake Elementary School is open in the fall of 1990. At that time, it is anticipated that the Elementary School will be at capacity and new students may have to be bussed to another location, or other measures taken to alleviate overcrowding. rile No. s69POO16 pa ge 4 11. Except as "oted above, the facts, analysis and recommendation presented in the Building and Land Oevelopment oivision's Preliminary Report dated January 16, 1990 are uncontested and they are incorporated here by reference. ^ copy of the Building and Land oevelopment Division's report will be attached to the copies of the Examiner's report which are submitted to the King County Council. CONCLUSIONS: 1. The proposed lot sizes will be somewhat smaller than other lots in the vicinity of Campus Ridge, however, they are in compliance with the community plan and area zoning which are the standards by which lot area is usually judged. In the absence of severe topographical or other constraints, the applicant is ordinarily entitled to develop property in compliance with the applicable zoning and plan standards. This provides a rational and consistent standard on which the public and industry can rely. In this instance, it is my conclusion that there is insufficient basis to require larger lot sizes of this applicant. 2. While neighboring residents have enjoyed the view over the wetland and vacant area encompassed by the proposed plat, there is no basis in law to require it to remain open space. Significant portions of the property have been left undeveloped as noted in the rindings above, (approximately 40\), and to requi,re dedication of the entire property for park purposes would be an unlawful taking of the applicant's property. There is nO right to a view across another persons property in .the absence of an easement or other ownership interest for that purpose. unfortunately, the amenity of the view toward an undeveloped property will be lost in part. However, a significant undeveloped area encompassing the wetland will remain for present and future residents to enjoy. ^" concluded in the decision on the threshold determination appeal on the same applicantion, it is my conclusion that the 100 foot buffer and 15 foot building set back line recommended by the Subdivision Technical committee will adequately protect the wetlands in question. In addition, the applicant will be required to u.tilize open grass lined swales and settling ponds or equivalent systems to enhance water quality before release into the wetland. The applicant's testimony is that there will be at least 600 fee,t of grass lined swales in excess of the county minimum standard of 200 feet. 3. It is my conclusion that the seasonal grading and temporary erosion sedimentation control plan, as recommended by the subdivision Technical Committee, is reasonable, and the conditions will be adopted below. These conditions are now a part of the mitigated determination of non-significance in this matter as well. In view of the Class I wetland present on this site, great care should be taken to assure that erosion and sedimentation are controlled during development phases of the project. 4. The Subdivision Technical committee's recommendation that sidewalks be required on only one side of 7th Avenue S.W. is in conformity to the King County Road Standards adopted file No. s89pOO16 Page S by Ordinance 8041. Secio" 3.02 provides that subdivisions of less than 3S lots are not required to have sidewalks on both sides. In50far as, the standard is set by an ordinance adopted by the legislative authority, the Subdivision Technical committee's recommendation, in this respect, appears correct. Therefore, the conditions below, will not be modified to require sidewalks on both sides of proposed 7th Avenue S.W. 5. While the School District may have erred in its determination that the subject property should be sold, it is beyond the authority of the Examiner to reverse that decision or cancel the sale. While there may be a need for added open space in the Federal Way community, this applicant has complied with County law and contributed a significant portion of its property as open space. while it might enhance the view of neighboring property owners if the Examiner declared the site a park, this would probably constitute an unlawful taking of private property for a public purpose, and the Examiner is not authorized to seize the property or to condemn it for public purposes in this proceeding. 6. Insofar as, the applicant has agreed to put in a cedar fence along the entire eastern boundary of the plat, in response to the neighbor's concerns, the conditions below shall be amended to note this fact. 7, If approved subject to the conditions recommended below, the proposed subdivision will comply with the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive plan, Federal way Community plan, subdivision and zoning Codes, and other official land use controls and policies of King county. 8. If approved subject to the conditions recommended below, this proposed subdivision will make appropriate provision for the public health, safety and general welfare and for drainage ways, streets, other public ways, water supply, and sanitary wastes; and it will 5erve the public use and interest. 9. The conditions recommended in the Division of Building and Land Development's preliminary Report as amended below are in the public interest and are reasonable requirements. RECOMMENDATIO~: Grant preliminary approval to the plat of CAMPUS RIDGE as revised and received by the Building and Land Development Division, October 10, 1989, subject to the conditions set forth on pages 7 through 13 of the report of the Building and Land Development Division for the January 16, 1990 public hearing with the following amendments: 9 (al As shown on the preliminary plat dated October 10, 1989, a storm water retention/detention area is proposed adjacent to lot 23. This drainage facility shall be designed to achieve water quality enhancemen t use of vegetated swales, and on open ponds subject to review of the applicant's engineering plans prior to discharge of flowe to the on-site wetland, The subdivision Technical committee may consider alternate methods of assuring adequate water quality. since the subject proprty is not located in a designated King County critical drainage basin, the storm water facility shall be designed at minimum using the 10-year design storm. 20. The fence referred to in 191bl above shall be a 6 foot cede r fence, the design and location of which are subject to approval by the Subdivision Technical Committee. File No. s69POO16 page 6 ORDERED this 28th day of February, 1990. &~~ Deputy zoning and Subdivision Examiner TRANSMITTEO this 28th day of February, 1990 by certified mail to the following parties of record: Marti n Quehrn, Attorney Don/Rosemary Bitterman Ronald A. Cowan C.W.DI/earbara Gard,,'" Eileen Stauss C. Douglas Hinkley Julie Klouse Heritage Land Dev. J. Lavillette Eugene J. Haldas Jerian , Dale Peterson Dae Ann Poston Mar k Eide Robert Gerard Lut. pau 1 Booth Graecean ConsL!s.' Kerrith finch D.I.R.E./R. Burris Thaddeus J. Kled.i k CWWPC!R. curtis Michael Ewing Mark 8est Pac-Tech Engineering, Inc. West campus III HOA victoria How Eileen Stauss 1,Iona Morris' Don Van Note Thomas cross, O.D.O. pac-Tech/J. D. Mann/B. Harron Scott Rosenbaum TRANSMITTED this 26th day of February, 1990 to the following parties: !rv Berteig, Fereshteh Dehkordi, Barbara Questad, Rich Hudson, Pete Dye, Ned Langford, Ralph colby and Brian Shea of Building and Land Development Division Pete r Hayes Wa.St.Dept, Wildlife Diana Kinared Gail Bruce Wa. St. Dept. Ecology Christopher Brown' Assoc. Wa. State oept. of Transp. Fed.Way P.S./R. Hamlin, A.S. K.C. Conservation District NeW Construction Services 11'TRO Shapiro' Assoc. McConnell/Burke Wa. Natural Gas NOTICE OF RIGHT TO APPEAL In order to appeal the recommend'ation of the Examiner, written notice of appeal must be filed with the Clerk of the King County Council with a fee of 470.00 (check payable to King county Office of Finance) on or before March 14, 1990. If a notice of appeal is filed, the original and 6 copies of a written appeal statement specifying the basis for the appeal and argument in support of the appeal must be filed with the Clerk of the King county council on or before March 21, 1990. If a written notice of appeal and filing fee are not filed within 14 calendar days of the date of this report, or if a written appeal statement and argument are not filed within 21 calendar days of the date of this report, the Clerk of the Council shall place a proposed ordinance which implements the Examiner's recommended action on the agenda of the next available Council meeting. Filing requires actual delivery to the Office of the Clerk of the Council, Room 403, King county courthouse, prior to the File No. S69pOO16 Page 7 close of busioess (4,30 p.m.) 00 the date due. Prior mail!og is not sUffideot if actual receipt by the Clerk does not occur within the applicable time period. The Examiner does not have authority to exteod the time period unless the Office of the Clerk is not open on the specified closiog date, io which eveot delivery prior to tho close of busioess on the oext busiooss day is sufficieot to meet the filiog requiremeot. Action of the Council Fioal. The actioo of the Council approviog or adoptiog a recommendatioo of the Examiner shall be final and conclusive uoless within thrity (30) days from the date of the action an aggrieved party or person applies for a writ of certiorari from the superior court in and for the County of King, State of Washington, for the purpose of review of the action taken. MINUTES OF THE JANUARY 16, 1990 PUBLIC HEARING ON BALD FILE NO. S69pOO16, Robert E. Beaty was the Hearing Examiner in this matter. participating io the hearing were Rich Hudson, Pete Dye and Fereshteh Dehkordi of Buildiog aod Land oevelopment Division, Kerrith Finch, Bob Curtis, Jeff Mann, Brian Harron, Scott Rosenbaum, Mark Eide, Robert Curtis and Robert Gerard Lutz. The following exhibits were offered aod eotered into the record, Exhibit No. 1 Exhibit No. 2 Exhibi t No. 3 Exhibit No. 4 Exhibit No. 5 Exhibit No. 6 Ex h ib i t No. 7 Exhibit No. 8 Exh i bi t No. 9A Exhibit No. 9B Exhibi t No. 10 Exhibit No. 11 Exhibit No. 12 Exhibit No. 13 Exhibit No. 14 Exhibit No. IS Exhibit No. 16 4570D/REB/sm Buildiog and Land Development Division staf f report, dated 1/16/90 Applicatioo, dated 3/21/69 Environmental Checklist, dated 3/21/89 "itigated Declaration of Non-significance dated, 10/3/69 Affidavit of posting indicating 12/7/69 as the date of posting Revised plat, dated 10/10/89 Limited traosporatioo study by Christopher Brown & Assoc., dated 5/2/69 Wetland studY by Shapiro & Associates, dated 5/12/69 Assessor's map NW 16-21-4 Assessor's map NE 16-21-4 Letter from Thomas Cross, dated 10/23/69 Letter from campus Woods wetlands preservation Committee, dated 11/1/89 Letter from Jeri & Dale Peterson, dated 11/12/89 Letter from Mona Morris & Don Van Note dated,ll/22/69 Letter from Eileen stauss, dated 11/14/69 Replacement for condition no. 9. a. conceptual storm drainage plan PAR1Œ, PLJù"':"~ AND RESOURCES DEPARTMENT BUILDING AND LAND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION PRELIMINARY REPORT TO THE ZONING AND SUBDIVISION EXAKINER JANUARY 16, 1990 - PUBLIC HEMING AT 9:15 A.M. IN ROOM I PROPOSED PLAT OF CAMPUS RIDGE FILE NO: PROPOSED ORDINANCE NO.: S89POO16 89-811 A. SUMMARY OF PROPOSED ACTION: This is a request for a subdivision of 10.45 acres into 24 lots for detached single-family dwellings. The typical lot size ranges from 6,500 to 8,000 square feet. See Attachment 1 for copy of proposed plat. B. GENERAL INFORMATION: Owner: Greacen Construction, Inc. 1160 - 140th Ave. N.E., suite E Bellevue, WA 98005 Engineer: Pac-Tech Engineering, Inc. 2601 S. 35th st., suite 200 Tacoma, WA 98409 Phone: 473-4491 Developer: Heritage Land Development 10317 - 122nd St. E. Puyallup, WA 98373 Phone: 848-1987 STR: 18-21-4 Location: Generally between Southeast 35th and 36th Place (if both roads were extended) and generally between 2l2th Avenue Southeast and 2I6th Avenue Southeast (if extended) Zoning: Acreage: Number of Lots: Typical Lot Size: Proposed Use: Sewage Disposal: Water Supply: Fire District: School District: SR 7,200 10.45 25 Ranges from 6,500 to 8.000 square feet Detached single-family residences Federal Way Water and Sewer District Federal Way Water and Sewer District 139 - Federal Way 2I 0 - Federal Way C. HISTORY IBACKGROUND: The Subdivision Technical Committee of King County has conducted an on-site examination of the subj ect property and has discussed the propoc=d development with the applicant to clarify technical details of the application and to deter- mine the compatibility of this project with applicable King County plans and codes and other official documents regul"t- ing this development. As a result of preliminary discussions, the applicant presented the Technical CollUl1ittee with a revised plat on October 10, 1989, The primary modification includes leaving the wetland and 100-foot buffer in a separate tract. The applicant also changed the orientation of lots 1, 2, 23, and 24. As a result of this change, these lots would have direct access to Southwest 323rd Street. � • PROPOSED PLAT OF CAHPUS RIDGE FILE NO. S89P0016 � �� .• � � ; • • -�il Pursuant to the State Environmental Policy Act (S�PA), RCw 43.21C, the responsible official of the Building and Land Development Division (BALD) issued a mitiqated thres- hold determination of non-siqnificance (MDNS) for the pro- posed development on October 3, 1989. This determination is based on the review of the environmental checklist and other pertinent documents, resultinq in the conclusion that the proposal would not cause probable significant adversa im- pacts on the environment provided the following measures are complied with: 1. A 100-foot buffer shall be placed around wetland #3327, with an additional 15'-foot BSHL beyond the butfer. The wetland and the buffer shall have an NGPE placed upon them and shall be placed in a separate tract. 2. To protect the function of the NGPE around the wetland, a fence shall be constructed alonq the eastern.rear lot lines of lots 14 throuqh 22. Fence detail shall be submitted to and approved by the King County B]�LD Sub- division Products Section at the time of Road Plan and Profile/Drainaqe Review. NOTE: Temporary Erosion and Sedimentation Control (ESC) Plan Guidelines are to be strictly adhered to durinq the entire period of project development due to the ESC ratinq on the site of 16 ES (which reflects moderate site topo- graphy, relatively small lot size, hiqh lot density, and on-site wetland area). Aqencies, affected tribes and the public were offered the opportunfty to comment on or appeal the determination for fifteen days. After the close of the comment/appeal period, any comments askinq for a reconsideration of the threshold determination were reviewed and considered. The mitigated determination of non-significance was appealed, and the SEPA hearinq was conducted on November 16, 1989. No decision on SEPA has been made at this time. This report will be modified to reflect the Examiner's decision on the SEPA appeal at the hearinq date. �L��[`,L�F����Z•3` : � � 1. Kinq County Natural Resources & Parks Division "Parks Division has no interest in dedication o! this open space to King County." 2. Kinq County Planninq & Community Development Division: See Attachment 2. � 3. King County Fire Protection Enqineer: See Attachment 3. 4. Seattle-King County Health Degartment: The comments from the Health Department have been incorporated into this report. 5. Federal Way School District �210: "The proposed subdivision will affect Silver Lake Elementary School, Illahee Junior Hiqh School, and . . � PR•�POSED PLAT OP CAuFUS RIDGE FILE NO. S89P0016 Federal way High School. At the present time,_both Illahee and Federal Way have adequate space.for addi- tional students. Silver Lake students are presently housed in temporary facilities until the new Silver Lake Elementary School is opened in the fall of 1990. Therefore, at the time of openinq, Sflver Lake Elemen- tary will be at capacity. Federal Way School District would also like the followinq to be addrecsed: 1. Safe walkway for children; widened shoulder is not adequate. 2. Crossing lights. 3. Turn-off area €or school bus loading and unloadinq." 6. Federal Way Sewer District: "Sewer service will require an improvement to tha sewer system by construction of a collection system on the site." 7. Federal way Water District: "Water service will reqvire an improvement to the water system by construction of a distribution system on the site." 8. Washinqton State Department of Ecoloqy: See Attachment 4. 9. Washington State Department of Fisheries: No response. 10. Washington State Depar:ment of Natural Resources: No response. 11. Washington State Department of Wildlife: The Department of Wildlife supports the protection measures placed on the existinq wetland. 12. Washington State Department of Transportation: washinqton State Department of Transportation reviewed the proposed plat and concluded that the traffic gen- erated by this development will not hav_ a sfgniffcant adverse impact upon any state hiqhways. 13. Kinq County Conservation District: "The Kinq County Conservati�n District rscoma�ends the followinq development actions: 1. Minimize vegetative removal and disturbance. 2. Install Temporary Erosion Sedimentation Control facilities per plan prior to commencinq mass clearing and qradinq operations. 3. Where possible, avofd �oil disturbance during rainy season. 4. Install streets, utilities, and storm drains prior to construction of buildings. 5. Avoid dumping soil, veqetative waste, or debris over steep slopes. 3 � • I=i.;i:'JS"D PLF,T OF CAN,PUS RIDGE FILE NO. S89P0016 6• Denuded ground cover should be protected within 15 days of final disturbance of a particular area. 7. Seedinq, mulchinq, nettinq and mechanical forms of protection can be used to stabilize exposed soils. e• All stockpiles of excavated soil or fill material should have erosion protection at all times. 9• Connect all roof drains to existfnq or future storm system. 10. Design and management of sub-surface drainaqe system should be planner prior to construction and implemented accordinq to that pinn. Al1 water should be conveyed to a safe, non-erosive outlet. 11. Al1 road desiqns should use available soils information." 14• METRO: See Attachment 5. : . � ; a ,�,. � 1• Topography: The site fs qerrtly rolling and slopes from west to east. A large depression covers approximately the east one-third of the site. This depression con- tains the wetland describec3 in Section F.3. of this report. The steepest area occurs around the edqe of the depression, with the average slope of 15 to 25 percent. . 2. Soils: Two surface soils are found on this site per Kinq County Soil Survey, 1973. a. The west two-thirds of the site is classified AqC. Bg� - Alderwood qravely, sandy loam, 6-15t slopes. Runoff is slow to medium and the hazard of erosion is moderate. This soil has a moderate limitation for foundations, due to a saasonally high water table and slope. It has a severe limitation for septia tank filter fields due to very slow perme- ability in the substratum. b. Approximately the east one-third or tha site is classilied Sk. �- Seattle Muck, with lsss than 1! �lope. Runoff ponds and there is little or no arosion. This soil has severe limitationa !or building foundations and�septic tank filter tields due to high water table and organic content. Thit is a class II soil and is used for seeded qrass, pasture, hay, blueberries and truck crops. 3. liydroqraphy: Part of a lower Puqet Sound wetland, Nc• 27, Type 1, is located on this site. � wetland study was prepared by Shapiro and Associates on May 12, 1989. The Kinq County wetland specialist reviewed the wetland study and recommended the watland with a 100-foot buffer around it be placed in a Native Growth Protection Easement tract. See Condition 9.b. for details. 4 . �'etV "t'uS F.0 FI1.E NO. 4. PLAT OF CAN,rv5 kIL�;E S89P0016 � The site lies within the Lower Puqet Sound sub-basin of the Puqet Sound drainaqe basin. : Vegetation: This site is heavily wooded with a second and third-grcwth mixture of coniferous and broad-leafed trees native to the Pacific Northwest. The wetland vegetation consists of hardhack, wild crabapple, salmonberry, and slough sedge. 5. Wildlife: Small birds and animals undoubtedly iMabit this site; however, their population and species are limited due to nearby development. No special or endangered species are known to exist on or near the property. G. H The proposed lot and street layout is in conformance with KCC Title 21, Zoning, and KCC Tftle 14, Road Standards. �: ••; • 6. Mapped Sensitive Areas: The Sensitive Areas Map Folio indicates on Map No. 6 that the east portion of the subject property is within Class III Seiemic Hazard Areas. The east one-third of the subject property are designated wetlands. 1►1����IZ��� � � � , : : T������t1i��� The property lies within an already developed West Campus neiqhborhood. The surrounding high-density urban land use is sinqle-famfly residential. The site is bounded on the north by S.W. 323rd St., on the west by developed lots, and on the east and south by open space tracts dedicated.to Kirnq County. The site itself is. undeveloped. GENERAL DESIGN• i. Internal Circulation: will be constructed to qutter, and sidewalks. tends from S.W. 323rd cul-de-sac. The internal roadway section urban road standards with curb, Seventh Avenue Southwest ex- St. southward and terminates in a 2. Lot Pattern: The applicant is usinq KCC 21.20.05o and KCC 21.08 to meet the minimum lot area rsquirements. The applicant is proposing to use the make-ug lot area credited from the internal roadway. 1. Traffic Generation: It is Qxpectad that approximately 240 vehicle trips per day will be generated yith lull development of the proposed division. This calculation inc2udes :ervice vehicles (i.e. mail delivery, qarbage pick-up, school bus) which may currently serve this neighborhood, work trips, shoppinq, etc. 2. Subdivision Access: The subject plat is bounded by S.W. 323rd St. on the north and obtains access to S.W. 32oth St. via 6th l�venue Southwest. ' 3. Adequacy of Arterial Roads: This proposal has been reviewed under both SEPA and the criteria in King County Ordinances 7544 and 8052, Adequacy of Existinq � PnOPGSED FILE NO. � K . 4. Fi:,I OF L�:'.ri;5 RIGGE S89P0016 � Roadways and Intersections. A P.M. peak distribution traffic analysis between the site and Interstate 5 along S. 32oth St. was prepared by Christopher Bzown and Associates. The Kinq County Traffic Enqineer reviewed this study and concluded that the subject plat has no siqnificant effect on the above mentioned road. The existinq arterial system will accommodate the increased traffic volume qenerated by this proposal. Transportation Plans: The Itirrq County Interim Transportation Plan indicates that S.W. 320th St. fs designated as a major arterial. The subject subdivision is not in conflict with this plan. PUBLIC SERVI�FC; 1. Schools: �The subject subdivision will be served by Silver Lake Elementary, �llahee Junior High, and Federal Way Senior Hiqh Schools. See Section E-5 of this report for comments received from the school district. 2. Parks and Open Space: The nearest community park is Alderbrook Park, located approximately 3/4 mfle south- east of•the site. KCC 19.38 requires subdivisions of ten acres or larger in this zone classification to either provide on-site common open space or to pay a fee to the Parks Division for establishment and maintenance of neighborhood parks. The applicant�s desiqn provides no suitable open space area and, therefore, paymenb of a fee will be required as a condition of approval. 3. Fire Protection: The Certificate of Water Availability from Federal Way Water and Sewer District indicates that water is presently available to the site fn sufficient quantfty to satfsfy Kinq County Fire Flow Standards. Prior to final recording of the plat, the water service facilities must be either in place or bonded to meet Kinq County Fire Flow Standards. UT?LITTES• 1. Sewage Dfsposal: ?'he applicant proposes to aerve the subject subdivision by means o! a public sawer system manaqed by the Federal Way Water and Sewer Dfstrict. A Certificate of Sewer Avaflability, dated November 9, 1988, indicates this sewer district�s capabilfty to serve the proposed development. '1'he Health Department has recommended preliminary approval of this proposed method of sewaqe disposal, and the Buildinq and Land Development Division concurs with this recoaunendation. z. water Supply: The applicant proposes to aerve the subject subdivision with a public water supply and • PROPOSED PLAT OF CAMPUS RIDGE FILE NO. S89P0016 � distribution system managed by the Federal Way.Water and Sewer District. A Certificate of Water Availability, dated November 9, 1988, indicates this district's capability to serve the proposed development. The Health Department has recommended preliminary approval of this proposed method ot water supply, and the Bufldinq and Land Development Division concurs with the Health Department's recommendation. • • Y ' r � • [�rl 1. Comprehensive Plan: This proposal is qoverned by the 1985 Kinq County Comprehensive Plan which desiqnates thia area as Urban. The proposed subdivision is not in conflict with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan. 2. Community Plans: The subject subdivision is located in the Federal Way Community Planninq Area which desiqnates the property Single-Family with a density of 4 to 9 homes per acre. The Area Zoning is SR-7200. See Attachment 2 for comments. The subject subdivision is not in conflict with the qoals, quidelines, and policfes of the Federal Way Community Plan. .. If apprcved with the recommended conditions in this report, the proposed development will comply with the zequirements of the County and State Plattinq Codes and Statutes, and the lots in the proposed subdivision will comply with the mini- mum dimensional requirements of the zone district. N. ANALYSIS• The Subdivision Technical Committee has not identitied any significant issues involved in the prelfminary review and recommendations of this proposal. . . ,L�3�ii��•7:F� The subject subdivision will comply with the qoals and objectives of the Kinq County Comprehensiv4 Plan and will comply with the requiren!snta o! the Subdivision and Zoninq Codes and other official land use controls o! King County, based on the conditions for final plat approval. P . It is recommended that the subject subdivision, revised and received October 10, 1989, be qranted preliminary approval subject to the following conditions of tinal approval: 1. Compliance with all plattinq provisions of Title 19 of the King County Code. 2. All persons havinq an ownership interest in the subject property shall siqn on the face of the final plat a 7 • i nv'r G5 E D �' i.Is';' GF Cr.>: "r :, ;i :.: J,: i: FILE NO. S89P0016 u dedication which includes the languaqe set forth in Kinq County Council Motion No. 5952. 3. The area and dimensions of all lots shall meet the minimum requirements of the SR 7200 zone classification or shall be as shown on the face of the approvsd pre- liminary plat, whichever is larqer. (Minor revisions may be considered.) 4. The applicant must obtain final approval from the King County Health Department. 5. Al2 construction and upgrading of public and private roads shall be done in accordance with the Kinq County Road Standards established and adopted by Ordinance No. 8041. 6. If an area-wide fire protection assessment is suthorized by Kinq County prior to tinal recordinq of this plat, this plat shall be subject to any assessment provided by that ordinance. 7• The applicant must obtain the approval of the Kinq County Fire Protection Engineer for the adeguacy of the fire hydrant, water main, and fire flow standards of Chapter 17.08 of the King County Code. 8. Final plat approval shall zequire full compliance with drainaqe provisions set forth in Kinq County Code 9.04 and current storm drainaqe requirements and quidelines as established by Surface Water Management. Compliance may result in reducfnq the number and/ar locatfon of lots as shown on the preliminary approved plat. The following conditions represent portions of the Code and requirements and shall apply to � plats. a. BALD approval of the drainage and roadway plans is required prior to any construction. b. A separate Erosion and Sediment Control (ESC) plan for this project shall be submitted with the enqineering plans. The plan shall show areas to be cleared (limits of the clearinq) and provide a schedule of construction (constr.uction sequence). c. Retention/detention (R/p) facilities shall be located in tracts, unless located within improved Kinq County riqhts-ol-way. Maintenanca access shall be provfded to all facilities. This vill require a 15-foot access roadway to all manholes (R/D). Access must also be pr.ovided for mainten- ance of the er.*_ire pond. d. Prior to recording of the final plat those portfons of the retention/de�ention facility necessary to control the flaws discharginq from the site shall be constructad and operational. e. oil/water separation facilities shall be provided at each point of permanent storm drainaqe release from the site so contamina�ts do not enter natural drainaqe features. In adc�ition to standard Kinq County oil/water separato�s, the applicant is required to provide biofiltration prior to dis- charqe of stormwater int� any sensitive area (e.q. streams, wetlands, lake�, etc.). Such biofiltra- LJ PROPOSED PLAT OF CAMPUS RIDGE FILE N0. S89P0016 � tion includes 200 feet of broad, flat-bottom, grass-lined swales) or equivalent systems. f. Drainaqe outlets (stub-outs) shall be provided for each individual lot, except for those lots approved for infiltration by Kinq County. Stub- out shall be shown on the enqineered plans and shall conform to the followinq: 1) Each outlet shall be suitably located at the lowest elevation on the lot, so as to service all future roof downspouts and footing drains, driveways, yard drains, and any other surface or subsurface drains necasBary to render the lots suitable for their intended u�e. Each outlet shall have frae-tlowinq, positive drainaqe to an approved stormwater conveyance system or to an approvsd outfall location. 2) Outlets on each lot shall be located aith a five-foot-hiqh, 2" x 4" stake marked "storm" or "drain". The stub-out st�all extend above surface level, be visible and be secur�ed to the stake. 3) Pipe material shall conform to underdrain specifications descrfbed in KCRS 7.04 and, if non-metallic, the pipe shall contain wfre or other acceptable detection feature. 4) Drainaqe easements are required for drainaqe systems desiqned to convey flows throuqh more than one lot. 5) The developer and/or contractor is responsfble for coordinating the location of all stub-out conveyance lines with respect to the utilities (e.g. power, gas, telephone, television). 6) All individual stub-outs shall be privately owned and maintained by the lot home owner. q. In some cases, on-site infiltration systems may be accepted for detention for tha lots dsp�ndinq on soil conditions. To determine tha suitability of the soil for infiltration systems, a soils report that includes percolation teste and a•oil loq taken at 6-foot minimum depth shall be submitted by a professional engineer, or soil specialist. This shall inc:iude, at a minimum, intormation on soil texture, depth to seasonal hiqh water and the occurrence of mottlinq and impervious layers. The report shall also address potential down qradient impacts due to increased hydraulic loading on slopes and structures. Soil permeability data obtained from the design of the septic system may be used tor the drywell retention eystem, provid�d data is submitted verifyinq that no impervious layer exists within 6 feet of the soil surface. I! the soils report is approved, the intiltration systems shall be installed at the time of the buildinq permit. A note to this effect shall be placed on the map paqe of the recorded document. • PROPOSED PLAT OF CAMPUS RIDGE FI�E NO. S89P0016 • The drainage plan and the recorded document shall indicate each lot approved for infiltration. h: Include with the drainage plan a downstream analysis. This analysis must extend for a minimum distance of 1/4 mile from the point of release of each flow discharging from the =ite. The analysis must address any existing problems with floodinq, capacity, overtoppinq, scouring, sloughing, erosion or sedimentation ot any c�rainage fecility, whether natural or man-made. Probahle impacts due to construction of the project must also be ad- dressed with respect to these same concerns.. Where this analysis reveals more restrictive conditions, more stringent drainaqe controla may be requfred than would otherwise be necessary for a project of this type. These controls may include additional on-site rate and/or volume controls, off-site improvements, or a combination of.both. Any off- site improvements will require the approval of all affected property owners. i. Current standard notes and ESC notes, as established by BALD engineerinq review, shall be placed on the engineered plans. j. The following notes shall be provided on the map paqe of the recorded document: "All building downspouts, footinq drains and drains from all impervious surfaces such as patios and driveways shall be connected to the approved permanent storm drain outlet as shown on the approved construction drawings � on file with the Department of Public Works. This plan shall be submitted with the application of any building permit. All connections of the drains must be constructed and approved prior to the final buildinq inspection approval." Those lots that are desiqnated for "Individual lot infiltration systems, the systems shall be con- structed at the time of the buildinq permit and shall comply with plans on file at the Public Works Record Center." 9. The followinq conditions specifically address drainaqe issues for this particular plat: a. Due to the erosion hazard and/or the nsed for protection of proposed drainfield areas, clearinq shall be limited to those areas reguired lor. construction c: roadways and utilities prior to recordinq. b. A Type 1 wetland is located on a portion of the subject property. The folloWinq items shall be addressed on the enqineering plans and final plat: 1) The wetland edge shall ba tield surveyed and shown on the plans. The wetland and a 100-foot buffer shall be shown in a separate tract and designated as a Native Growth Protection Easement (NGPE). 2) A 15-foot buildfng setback line (HSBL) ahall be shown from the NGPE boundariea. l0 • POSED FILE NO. • 3�:�,T OF CAMPUS RI DGE S89P0016 - If the drainage basin area is less than 50 acres, use the 100-year/24-hour storm. If qreater than 50 acres, use the 100- year/7-day storm. '7"'c--�t.2Fl l0. c. �� 3) Based upon field inspection, the wetland appears to be a closed depression with no surface water outlet. The 100-year flood- plain for the wetland ehall be determined. The following criteria shall be used in making this determination: The applicant's enqineerinq submittal shall include a qrading plan which addresses preparation of the site for construction o! roads and houses. Comprehensive measures shall ba addrassed on the plan to minimize erosion and assure sediment-laden water does not impact the wetland. A special erosion control inspector ehall be retained by the applicant to provide recommendations durinq imple- mentation of the gradinq_plan and sybmft reports_to the Kinq County Development Inspection Unit. The enqineering plans shall outline this requirement with descriptive notes and identify the name and phone number of the individual re- sponsible for assurinq compliance. To prevent downstream erosion fmpacts and a reduction in water quality, initial roadway and lot construction activity shall occur only durinq the months of April through September. Construc- tion plans shall be submitted well in advance of the September 30th deadline to assure that ade- quate time is allowed for plan revisw/approval and site stabiliaation after construction has pro- ceeded. Final construction work may proceed past these dates provided that the site is stabilfzed and presents no serious erosion hazards. The following statement shall be shown on the final engineerinq plan and recorded plat: Buildiaq 8�tbacks ana Nativ� cirowth Prot�atioa Eas�m�nts Structures, fill and obstructions (including, but not limited to decks, patios, outbuildinga, or overhangs beyond 18 inches) are prohibited within the buildinq � setback line (BSBL) and restricted floodplaina (if applicable), and within the Native Growth Protection Easement(s) as shown. Dedication ot a Native Gro�rth Protection Easement (NGPE) conveys to the public a beneticial interest in the land within the easement. This interest includes the preservatiot� of native veqetation tor all purposes that benefit the public health� safety and welfare, includinq control of surface water and erosion, main- tenance of slope stability, visual and aural butferinq, and protection of plant and animal habitat. The NGPE imposes upon all present and futurs owners and occu- piers of the land, subject to the Qasement, the obliqa- tion, enforceable on behalf of the public by Kinq County, which permission must be obtained in writinq 11 �.0: ��L� Pi�•.- O.T' Cl�^'FCS RZD;;E • FILE NO. 589P0016 from the King County Buildinq and Land Development Division or its successor agency. Before and durinq the course of any gradinq, bu.ildinq construction, or other development activity on a lot subject to the NGPE, the common boundar.y between the easement and the area of development activity must be fenced or otherwise marked to the satisfaction of Kinq County or its successor aqency. il. Southwest 323rd Street shall be improved,with curb, qutter, and sidewalk where it abuts this site. 12. Seventh Avenue Southwest shall be improved with curb, qutter, and sidewalk. 13. The planter islands (if any) within the cul-de-sacs shall be maintained by the abuttinq lot owners. This shall be stated on the face of the final plat. 14. Al1 lots adjoininq an area or havinq area with a NGPE restriction �hall be provided with an acceptable boundary delineation between the lot or portions of the lot and the area restricted with the NGPE. Said boundary delineation shall be in place prior to any gradinq or clearing of the subdivision and remain in place until a dwellinq is constructed on the lot and ownership transferred to the first owner-occupant. 15. If lot make-up area is required, calculations demonstratinq compliance must be submitted prior to approval of the plan atid profile. (This requirement is separate fro�n and in addition to open space required in KCC 19.38.) 16. The applicant shall comply with K.C.C. 19.38 by payfnq a fee to the Parks Division in-lieu-of providinq on- site open space. (K.C.C. 19.38 establishes the formula for said fee amount.) 17. A homeowners association or other workable orqanization shall be established to the satisfaction of BALD which provides for the ownership and continued•maintenance of the open space area(s). 18. The "panhandles" qivinq access t'o lots li and 14 from the cul-de-sac shall have a minimum of 20 feet in width. 19. The followinq have been establiehed by SEPA as necessary requirements of this development as mitiqa- tion. The applicants shall demonstrate cospliance wfth these.items prior tc final approval. a. A 100-foot bufler shall be placed around Wetland No. 3327, with an additional 15-foot BSBL beyond the buffer. The wetland and the buffer shall have an NGPE placed upon them and shall be placed in a separate tract. b. To protect the function of the NGPE around the wetland, a fence shall be constructed alonq the eastern rear lot lines of lots 14 through 22. Fence detail shall be submitted to and approved by the Kinq County BALD subdivision Products Sectfon 12 . • . . �l.'� �''a._. v. ...........J ..1:,'.�L . FILE N0. S89P0016 at the time of Road Plan and Profile/Drainage Review. NOTE: Temporary Erosion and Sedimentation Control (ESC) Plan Guidelines are to be strictly adhered to durinq the entire period of project development due to the ESC ratinq on the site of 16 ES (which rellects moderate site topography, relatively small lot size, high lot density, and on-site wetland area). • : ; . . . 1. The subdivision s�iall conform to KCC 26.38 relatinq to grading on private property. 2. Development of the subject property may requira registration with the Washinqton State Department of Licensing, Rea1 E�tate Division. 3. Preliminary, approval of this application doas not limit the applicant's responsibility to obtain any reguired permit or license from the State or other regulatory body. NL:FD:lg 12/13/89 TRANSMITTED TO PARTIES LISTED HEREAFTER: Graecen Construction, Inc. 1160 - 140th Ave. N.E., Suite E, Bellevue, WA 98005 Pac-Tech Enqineering, Inc. 2601 S. 35th St., Suite 200, Tacoma, WA 98409 Heritage Land Development 10317 - 122nd St. E., Puyallup, WA 98373 Bob Curtis 32628 - 7th Ave. S.W., Federal Way, WA 98023 Diana Kinared 1200 - li�th Ave. N.E., Suite C-240, Bellevue, WA 98004 New Construction Services 17233 - 140th Ave. S.E., �5, Renton, WA 98058 cail Bruce 10909 N.E. 4th, P.O. Box 97015, Bellevue, WA 98009 Peter Hayes 12443 Bel-Red Rd., Suite F, Bldq. 8, Bellewe, WA 98004 West Campus III Homeowners� Association P.O. Box 7237, Federal Way, WA 98003 Thaddeus Kledzik 522 S.W. 324th St., Federal Way, W� 98003 Ronald A. Cowan .— 32616 - 7th �,ve. S.W., Federal Way, WA 98023 J. LaVillette ' 515 S.W. 322nd St., Federal Way, WA 98023 Victoria How 32115 - 6th Ave. S.W., Fe�leral Way, N�► 98023 Euqene J. Haldas P.O. Box 7578, Federal Way, WA 98003 Eileen Stauss 32636 - 7th Ave. S.W., Federal Way, WA 98023 Jerian & Dale Peterson c/o West Campus Division III, P.O. Box 7Z37, Federal Way, WA 98003 Mona Morris & Don Van Note 215 S.W. 327th P1., Federal Way, aA 98023 13 �OPOSED PLAT OF CAMPUS RIDGE • FILE NO. S89P0016 Dae Ann Poston 32208 - 7th P1. S.W., Federal Way, WA 98023 Mr. Robert Curtis, Chairman Campus Wood Wetland Preservation Committee, P.O. Box 7237, Federal Way, WA 98003 Thomas Cross, D.D.O. 30809 - lst Ave. S., Federal Way, WA �8003 Richa,rd Burris P.O. Box 8062, Federal Way, WA 98003 Don & Rosemary Bitterman 32242 - 7th Pl. S.W., Federal Way, WA 98023 14 b, f • ; i � - - -- ;� _ _ . � --_ _ _ � � � - � —�- � Fsr N CAMPUS RIDGE SECTION 18� TOWNSHIP 21 NORTN. RANGE 4 EAST. W. M. . ,.�, _--�� g � 2 A G S ,'�� O� , ! � � ' � � , i . . � ; � \ 9 + � ; i � I B� ,��E S e ,., . , � � r a ' / `` 1 ���� - ,'�� ^i —j � , � . ; , ' ! ' / 'l �' � � ` Y � � / � • �� � � � ..'.s/^ _ � � _r ` _ `��. �' /••' � .. � /�� % � `��1 �` � � . .--� 1 ' f �• i � / ���.T'••;^�ti � 7r� ' • �' t � ' � �..'., • � . � , �S(. �� - ,jl r� �. ��, ,�,� .� � C ,:,. ' .'� � •. _�N '�`/�'.�.`! i� a I � � -- -- � � z ,�i. � / ` �h `i- ; ii tic�l � Z C'. 3 , �• � i /'�. ` 'f ` l � � \r' , � � i /` ti . 1 • � ' \ � [ < <� �! • �. �.� � � y a __ � j� . s�l- � r s ,1 e � , ' , . ' / l� �—�� � � l l �. '.,a-� F �. _ , 1 �. //= 1 '°�, ': . '-- . i! 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U�.�,�.�q�r:i! . � "n:ih Tnwrr Nui?�!�n - ' � . , �i�! rlrrnur h :. .� . 9P.:!y (3 u 1 �1 ` Y�6•AGSO • : %^.� ` � S p f ;'.� ' : �;;`'�� ;,��'' ����EIVEp ���' .•,` r% � APk '1 f 1989 ���''��� �a��:��� �aril 24, 1989 T�� 1rv Bert ig, Acting Manager� Building and Land Developrnent Division FM: �� _ Crai la en� Chief� Cortmunity Planning Section Rc: BALD F� � No. S89P0016' Pro osed Plat of Cam us Rid e The proposed plat is consistent with the Federal Way Communfty Plan which designates the property Single Family� four to nirte homes per acre. The �+rea loning is SR. 1 The Sensitive Areas Map Folio indicates Lower Puget Sound wet'and number 27 - Wetiand Rating I( Unique/Outstanding) is located within portions of the �roposed p1at, The proposed 100 foot buffer is consistent with Kir,y County Comprehensive Plan policy E-329. LL:Fw:fj � �� �• a s /004 �=: Lois Schwennesen, � Planning and Community Development Oivision RT7r�: pa�� WoZniak, Community Planner �e-ek P�on, Chief, Resource P)anning AT7N: Erik Stockdale, Resource Planner 0 AT TA C I-1 M E NT .� . �� �� .. '+ �_, �.�. n.. .. ... ,. • •• COND I T I ONS OF PERM I TiA�P�k: �i; � u DATE: l 0i24i89 Pro iect Nos,:.S89P0016 TYPE: PRE-P�AT PAGE: 1 Locet �on: KC QC� i 4 15d9 F I RE CON01 T 1 ONS �� �1 , �� p� SUbUlY1J1Urv� • I��" �'- F8C0 - Prel�minery Fire Enqineering epprovel hea been grented besed upon the following informet�on provided. To obta�n fi�al Fi�e Enginee�ing epp�ovel the followiny � item(s) mu�t be submitted� reviemed end eppro�ed: I• Certificate of Weter Aveilebility. (Provided by � app�opriate weter purveyor). Velid one yeer from dete of �igneture. Hinimum ecceptence�flow ahell be 1000 9ailons per minute et 20 pound� per squere inch rea�duel. 1I. Three copiea of plens indieeting: ' A, Fire hydrant(s) locetion - meesured by vshiculer� trevel diatence. IK.C. Ordi�enep No. 5828) Residential � 1. 700 ft. meximum spacing. ' 2. Not more then 350 ft. from eech lot. 8. Watermein plecement tK.C. Ordinance No. 5828) � 1. Souree (i.e.) supply eonnection, � 2. Ma�n sizes identified, 3. Valves, fitting�, etc. C. Fire eccens roada (U.F.C. Seetion 10.207) � 1. Minimum 20 ft. wide� unobet�ucted - 13'6" � verticel cleerence� unobatructed. All-weether surfece� eble to withstend 25 tona. 2. Fire eceess �oeda in excesa of 150 feet � (deed-ends), must have a turn-eround e�se. Required turn-arounds muat be a minimum 80 foot diemeter. 3. Fi�e eccess �oeds muat provide ?0 foot minimum � inside turning redius �nd �0 foot outside turning redius when aeid roede cheng• dirsetion. 4. Fire secesa roeds ahall not exceed 15fi g�ed�. � 5. The requirsd width of any fi�e eppa�etua ace�sa� roed ahal! not be obat�ueted in sny manne�� in- cludi�g perki�g of vehicles. Minimum �equirsd widths end cleerenees eatebliahed unde� this aeetion sheli be meinteined et all timea. 6. Whsn required, approved siQna o�..oths� •oo�ovsd� �otie�s shell bs p�ovided �nd m�inteined fo� fire epp�r�tus eeeesa �oeds to idsntify sueh roada end p�ohibit the obstruction the�sof o� both. F605 - Finai PP q ' ! �"' ' • " plat;a �oval.rs ui��• •n.�;��p�etion �nd •pprov�l of ths.,F;�e •hydr�nt ��d w�t�rm�in• in�t � ll�tion �by • K.C. BALD ._. Commerei�l f���•:in�p�cto�� p�ior.;to��cording. G11:•�. �. 296-6615; �FCer'a p�rmit•to'inst�ll has b�en obtainid''f�om BA��: Fi�s P�ot�ction_Enginee�ing. , • ATTAC H M E NT 3 � � w 0 �� . • \ / . I .' t� >T.V I i )f 11 ��HItiC11 )V DEP OF ECOLOGY - �!.r:l.Srop Pl•rl . iii�`� nhrry��r, 11'r�h�nqrnn 9 NSWR.'l! • (1(.K �- :;� � ri�(Xb � a, ) October 17, 1989 � =�� :Z r• '.' :c R� :,�::� Mr. Ralph Colby King County BALD 3600 - 136th Place SE Bellevue, WA 98006 Dear Mr. Colby; 0� C� s;,�,��� S U 19 89 NS ��i �� ;'; :.� (,� (' � � �;1 � ,. �,� 'V , 0 Thank you for the o of nonsig�ificance ppOrtunity to �o�ent on the determination bY Herita for the Campus Ridqe Subdivision environmentalachecklistp�ent (�S89P0016 , pr�Posed and have the followin r�viewed the 1 • We agree with g COmments. pora Y�ur call for strict adherence to the rY erosion and sedimentation control tire life of the construction tem- project, plan throuqh the en- 2 • The Washinqton State Clean Air Act re all known, available quires the use of �pollution � and reasonable means of controllin tion activitiesuc durin g air sources such as Y wettin g �onstruc- before the areas of exposed sofls g those dust yravel constructionhentrances�d installingsand maintaininglb track-out is also Construction vehicle track-out can tri a�a�Or dust source. gqer violations and finesYfromdEcolo�f the local air aqency. gy or If you have any questions on Rachel Fri edman_Thomas of CO � Qe nt 1, plesse (2G6) g67_� the Northwest Re �all Ms. Mr. ,7 128 Questfons on Comment 2 shouldabe�ffice at' 8 �� _ � y Willenberg of the Northwest Regional Officelatcted to 117. (206) Sincerely, —' ' ' � '��"�_�.ii� .!�{,a[; �4 � 4. Barbara J. �itchie Environmental Review Section, BJR: cc: Rachel Friedmen-Thomas Jay Willenberq � A TTACHMEIVT'4 g � � I t � ..� •,w. .-+-� �- •.• �.., ' .r .�_ : ._ :l•���_ .: .1 :.i.�l.. • E�n�:� i;;::ld�ng • 8±1 Scc��nd Ave. • Scaltle. 11 'A•4•]SoB October 16, 1989 Ba:ba:a Questad Kin3 CoLnty Buildir,g ar.3 Lan 1 Development 3600 - 136th Place Southeast Bellevue, WA 98006-1400 •ac Dete: of Nonsignificance Tile ?ro. 589PO01� HQ t*aa Land D v p r, r Dear Ms. Questad: ' ' �f _.r+�r. cro � � ° ::1 :�='',.�.•' c� r%i n ~ ��� -• c� — c) � �O � f'' ?;o Z `� rn .J Metro sta�f has reviewed this prcposal and anticipates no siqnificant impacts to Metro's wastewater facilities or puhlic transportation services. However, we have the follo�:i.ng comments regardinq water quality: This project is near a wet2and that is included in ICinq county�s sensitive areas program. In order to minimize a3verse environmental impacts to this wetland, we recommend tl:e following protective measures: - Ide:;tify any tributary, watercourse or surface drainaqe r,ear :he construction site that might enter the wetland area. - Adhere to measures re�uired in the Kinq County drainaqe rrar.Lal for water qualfty swales. Copies o! this do�Lr�en,. are available from Kinq County, Resource Planning Division. - King County and the developer ahould ensure, through � a�onitoring proqram, that the proposed wetland mitigation measures are implamented and are adequately protectinq the wetland. One or both of the parties s::ould be designated responsible for designing and inple*�er.tinq additional mesures in the event these rrove inadequate, T::ar.}; you for the opportunity to review and comment. Slr.cerely, �' / ;�.,�, �./ ,% �'�� ,!- :.i�� . �'.�: Gre�ory M, Bush, Manager � . Environneatal Planninq Divisfon GKB:jmg3027 e ATTA C �-�1 MENT 5' �)V �. • � � �.n_n:� n:i�i1�E LAnJ DEY�LOPF�NT • PROPOSAL: 10.45 ACRES INTO fl5 LOTS � S7�R: 18-21-4 `���G..L.d pROPOSED SUBDIVISION' N� � o ----.... -N-- o • N I P. U. D. I � �.-._J I�. N C N � a � � . / 6 . � ,� _ � '.R S-R "- ' 6U0' I � � � i 1 I > I I I t t i 1 I I � � i � I � I I I FILE Sg9p0016 •