Res 93-137 RESOLUTION NO. ~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, AMENDING RESOLUTION NOS. 92-92, 92-98, 92-110 92-116 AND 92-126, SETTING FORTH CITY COUNCIL PROCEDURES BY AMENDING THE COUNCIL VOTE NECESSARY TO SUSPEND THESE RULES, AND BY AMENDING THE APPOINTMENT PROCESS FOR CITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS. WHEREAS, RCW 35A.2 authorizes a city Council to determine its own rules and order of business; and WHEREAS, the city council Rules of Procedure were adopted January 21, 1992, and amended March 17, 1992, May 19, 1992, July 21, 1992, and December 15, 1992; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: section 1. The Council Rules of Procedure, section 23, is amended as follows: SECTION 23. SUSPENSION AND AMENDMENT OF RULES 23.1 Any provision of these rules not governed by state law or ordinance may be temporarily suspended by a two-thirds 1l11l majority vote of the Council. 23.2 These rules may be amended, or new rules adopted, by a majority vote of the Council. section 2. Council Rules of Procedure, section 20, is amended as shown on Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated by this Feference. RESOLUTION NO. 93-137 , PAGE 1 COpy section 3. The amended city council Rules of Procedure shall be effective as of the date of passage of this Resolution. RESOLVED by the City Council of Federal Way, Washington, this 20th day of April , 1993. CITY OF FEDERAL WAY ~'??I~ MA OR, ROBERT STEAD WANEY, CMC APPROVED AS TO FORM: ~J~ CITY ATTORNEY, CAROLYN A. LAXE FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: April 1, 1993 PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: April 20, 1993 RESOLUTION NO.: 93-137 MAIl YK\RESIR ULBSPR 0 .AM2 RESOLUTION NO. 93-137 , PAGE 2 EXHIBIT A SECTION 20. 20.1 20.2 20.3 20.4 20.5 20.6 CITY ADVISORY COMMITTEES Federal Way I s commissions, committees and task forces provide an invaluable service to the city. Their advice on a wide variety of subjects aids the Mayor and Councilmembers in the decision-making process. Effective citizen participation is an invaluable tool for local government. These advisory bodies originate from different sources. Some are established by ordinance while others are established by motion of the City Council. It is at the discretion of the Council as to whether or not any advisory body should be established by ordinance. Federal Way advisory bodies bring together citizen viewpoints which might not otherwise be heard. Persons of wide-ranging interests who want to participate in public service but not compete for public office can be involved in governmental commissions, committees and task forces. These bodies also serve as a training ground or stepping stone for qualified persons who are interested in seeking public office. As Federal Way advisory bodies have been formed during since incorporation, the adoption of uniform rules of procedure is necessary to assure maximum productivity. The following policies govern the city's advisory groups; some of these advisory groups may have more specific guidelines set forth by ordinance or resolution, or at times Øystate law. Every advisory body, when it is formed, will have a specific statement of purpose and function, which will be re-examined periodically by the city Council to determine its effectiveness. This statement of purpose is made available to all citizen members when they are appointed. The size of each advisory group is determined by the City Council and the size is related to its duties and responsibilities. Another determination to be made prior to formation, is the cost impact for City staffing a proposed advisory body. RESOLUTION NO. 93-137, , PAGE 3 20.7 20.8 20.9 20.10 20.11 20.12 20.13 20.14 20.15 The Council may dissolve any advisory body that, in their opinion, has completed its working function or for any other reason. Members of all advisory bodies are appointed by the Councilmembers during a regularly scheduled meeting. 'Phe }layer, ~i th the aà..-iee aRà eaRscRt af the ci t.y Ce~Reil, ~ill àet.ermiRe the memBer seleetiaR praeesB.A Standina Committee consistina of each Council Committee Chairman shall be convened to review. interview and recommend Citizen Advisorv Committee appointments to the Citv Council at a reqularlv scheduled meetina. Anv CouncilDerson who shall attend the Dublic interview session shall be eliaible to vote on the recommendation to be made to the full Council. A quorum of three Councilpersons shall be required to forward any recommendation to the full Council. The city Council may approve reappointment of citizens wishing second terms subject to any limits established by ordinance or other laws. Councilmembers will raise any concerns about any recommendation prior to the City Council meeting that is scheduled for the approval of the appointment. Vacancies are advertised so that any interested citizen may submit an application. Applicants are urged to be citizens of the City of Federal Way, but applications from residents living outside of the corporate boundaries also receive consideration under certain circumstances. councilmembers are encouraged to solicit applications from qualified citizens. Applications shall be available from the Office of the city Clerk. Applications of citizens not recommended for appointment to an advisory body will be kept in a Talent Bank maintained by the Office of the City Clerk, and reconsidered whenever a position becomes available consistent with the applicant's qualifications. Lengths of terms vary from one advisory body to another, but in all cases overlapping terms are intended. On special work task forces, where a specific project is the purpose, there need not be terms of office. Newly appointed members will receive a briefing by the commission, committee or task force chairperson and/or city staff, regarding duties and responsibilities of the members of the advisory body. This will include a review of the city of Federal Way Ethics Resolution. Each RESOLUTION NO. 93-137 , PAGE 4 20.16 20.17 20.18 20.19 20.20 20.21 20.22 newly-appointment member will receive an information packet which will include a Certificate of Appointment signed by the Mayor, a commission, committee or task force membership list, responsible City staff member, statement of purpose for the advisory body which may include an ordinance, resolution or bylaws, and a copy of the City of Federal Way Ethics Resolution. All advisory bodies will be responsible for adopting their operating policies consistent with the establishing resolution or ordinance. All meetings of advisory bodies are open to the public in accordance with the public meeting laws of the state of Washington which requires a minimum 24-hour advance notice; no advisory committee will schedule a meeting earlier than 7:00 a.m.. The number of meetings related to business needs of the advisory group may be set by the individual body, unless set forth in a resolution or ordinance. Notice of all meetings, including date, time, place and principal subjects to be discussed will be published in accordance with the public meetings laws of the state of Washington and the policies of the city of Federal Way. The advisory body chairperson will be responsible for coordinating the meeting agendas with the appropriate City support staff. Minutes will be kept of all meetings in accordance with the public meeting laws of the state of Washington. The appropriate city support staff will be responsible for preparation of the minutes of each advisory committee meeting. Excessive absenteeism, excluding illness or required travel, is cause for the removal of an advisory body member. Three (3) consecutive absences will be considered resignation from the body unless prior to the third absence, the member has requested, and been granted, an excused absence. The advisory body granting the excused absence will determine the validity of the request. Members may resign at any time their personal circumstances change to prevent effective service. Members may be removed, from any advisory committee, prior to the expiration of their term of office, by a majority vote of the city Council. RESOLUTION NO. 93-137 , PAGE 5 20.23 20.24 20.25 20.26 20.27 20.28 A quorum for conducting business is a simple majority of the membership of the advisory body. All members of advisory bodies should be aware of the need to avoid any instance of conflict of interest. No individual should use an official position to gain a personal advantage. Lobbying efforts by any advisory bodies on legislative, or political, matters should first be checked for consistency with existing City policy by contacting the city Manager's office. In the event a position is taken that differs from that of the City's policy, an advisory body acting as an official body of the city of Federal Way, cannot represent that position before another body, i.e., the state Legislature or the King County Council. An individual member is free to voice a position, oral or written, on any issue as long as it is made clear that he or she is not speaking as a representative of the City of Federal Way, or as a member of his or her commission, committee or task force. Members of advisory bodies are encouraged to attend city council meetings to keep abreast of council actions. The City Council transmits referrals for information or action through the City Manager to the advisory groups. These advisory groups transmit findings, reports, etc., to the City Council through the City Manager. While the city staff's role is one of assisting the commission, committee or task force, the city staff members are not employees of that body. The city staff members are directly responsible to his or her Department Director and the city Manager. RESOLUTION NO. 93-137 , PAGE 6