Res 93-144 RESOLUTION NO. 93-144 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, AMENDING THAT CERTAIN CONCOMITANT AGREEMENT RELATING TO THE ZONING OF THAT CERTAIN PARCEL OF PROPERTY COMMONLY KNOWN AS CAMPUS CREST PROPERTY (PARCEL 5) RECORDED UNDER AUDITOR'S NUMBER 9003051119, AND AMENDING THAT CONCOMITANT AGREEMENT RELATING TO THE ZONING OF THAT CERTAIN PARCEL OF PROPERTY COMMONLY KNOWN AS THE CAMPUS HIGHLAND TOWNHOME PROPERTY (PARCEL 7), RECORDED UNDER AUDITOR'S NUMBER 900305118; AFFIRMING IN PART AND DENYING IN PART THE HEARING EXAMINER'S RECOMMENDATION IN FILE #UPR920017. WHEREAS, on February 27, 1990, Concomitant Agreements were entered into by the City of Federal Way and Polygon 2000, Inc., and the Quadrant corporation, establishing the zoning and methods of resolving potential disagreements with respect to vesting rights, as well as the applicability of King County or City of Federal Way regulations with regard to two parcels of property, legally described in Exhibit A attached hereto. Polygon 2000, Inc., and Quadrant corporation own campus Crest (parcel 5) ("Campus Crest") and campus Highlands Townhomes (parcel 7) ( "Campus Highlands"); collectively referred to as "subject properties". These parcels are located south of Southwest Campus Drive, opposite the introduction of Tenth Avenue Southwest and the Glen Park at West Campus Development; and WHEREAS, in 1991, the city purchased approximately 16 acres of campus Crest parcel 5 for the purpose of developing a community park in conjunction with the construction of a junior RES # 93-144 - PAGE 1 COpy high school by the Federal Way School District. This 16 acres consisted of parcel A of parcel 5. The city council of the city of Federal Way, January 19, 1993, amended the Concomitant Agreement for parcel 5 by deleting parcel A from said agreement, which returned it to the original zone classification of RM2400. The terms of the Concomitant Agreement remain unchanged for parcel B of parcel 5; and WHEREAS, the applicant owner is requesting to amend two Concomitant Agreements relating to Campus Crest (parcel B of parcel 5) and Campus Highland Townhomes (parcel 7) , (hereinafter "Concomitants"); and WHEREAS, the Application for Amendment is summarized as follows: Reauest A: 1. Amend Paragraph 11 to allow 24 months following resolution of the issues surrounding the alignment of loth Avenue South to proceed with development of project. 2. clarify the agreement to address the funding for the construction of lOth Avenue Southwest. 3. Define "Proportional Share" as used in the agreements for the purpose of calculating the development traffic impact. 4. Adding a new subsection to Paragraph 11 of the Concomitant Agreements, which will define "proceeding" as the filing of a completed billing application for Phase I of the development. RES # 93-144 - PAGE 2 Reauest B: 1. Modify condition 2B to reduce the required 100 foot Type I Buffer for the portions of parcel 5 and 7 adjoining single family zoning to 60 feet. As part of this request, the applicant proposes to add language requiring the construction of a solid board fence along property lines of which parcels 5 and 7 which abut single family zone property; and WHEREAS, the Request to Amend the Concomitant Agreements must be processed in the same manner as a quasi-judicial project rezone in accordance with section 22-296 of the Federal Way city Code; and WHEREAS, quasi-judicial rezones are subject to process III review, Federal Way Zoning Code ("FWZC") section 22-476 which requires the Hearing Examiner to issue a recommendation to the city Council, who will then make the final determination; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Process III Review, Federal Way Zoning Code 22-482, the Hearing Examiner held a public hearing on this Request to Amend the Concomitant Agreements on April 13, 1993, and all public notice having been duly given pursuant to Federal Way Zoning Code 22-480; and WHEREAS, following the public hearing, the Hearing Examiner submitted to the appropriate Council committee his recommendation to approve the proposed Amendments to the Concomitant Agreements; and WHEREAS, Federal Way Land Use Committee on May 11, having considered the recommendation of the Hearing Examiner, has moved to RES # 93-144 - PAGE 3 forward the Examiner's recommendation to the full Council; NOW THEREFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Adoption of Hearina Examiner Findinas. Pursuant to Federal Way Zoning Code section 22-302, the City Council has considered the application, and after full consideration of the entire matter on the record before the Hearing Examiner, including the Examiner's Recommendation, the city Council hereby adopts by reference the Findings of the Federal Way Land Use Hearing Examiner as contained in the Examiner's Recommendation on Amendment to the Concomitant Agreements, section III, which document is attached hereto as Exhibit B, and incorporated herein by reference, with the clarification that the findings are adopted solely to the extent they relate to that portion of the applications approved herein. SECTION 2. criteria to Rezone. The City Council adopts by reference the Findings of Specific criteria which an applicant must meet in order to obtain a quasi-judicial project related rezone pursuant to Federal Way Zoning Code section 22-302 (referencing Section 22-299) as contained in the Examiner's Recommendation on Amendment to the Concomitants, Finding Number 7, (A), (B), and (C), with the clarification that the findings are adopted solely to the extent they relate to that portion of the applications approved herein. RES # 93-l44 - PAGE 4 SECTION 3. Council Findinas on Reauest A(l). The Council finds that the application to amend the Concomitant Agreements for Campus Crest, parcel B of parcel 5, and Campus Highlands, parcel 7, with respect to Request A(l) to amend paragraph 11 of the Concomitants to allow the applicants 24 months following resolution of issues surrounding the alignment of lOth Avenue South to proceed with the development proposal pursuant to the terms of the Concomitant are not in the best interest of the residents of the City, and as such, do not meet the criteria set forth in section 22-299 of the Federal Way city Code. Compliance with this criteria is a condition precedent to approval of this portion of the application, and accordingly, this portion of the application must be denied. The Council finds that the approval of this condition would grant to applicants a "guaranteed" zoning designation for this property. While the Council has no present intentions to consider a rezone of the subject property, the city must comply with the provisions of the Growth Management Act. Compliance will require adoption of a comprehensive plan from which will flow zoning designations consistent with the adopted comprehensive plan designations. Any grant of a guaranteed zoning designation for a specified term of years may hinder any future potential of the city Council to adopt zoning designations determined to be in the best interest of the residents of the city. RES # 93-144 - PAGE 5 In addition, in 1990, the City of Federal Way adopted an Interim Comprehensive Plan. The Interim Comprehensive Plan states that it is a "statement of the community's desires and goals for the future development of the City and provides the framework for a continuing planning process that will begin with the adoption of this plan." Council further finds that any guaranteed zoning designation would be adverse to the City's ability to exercise its goal of carrying out a "continuing planning process." Finally, the Interim Comprehensive Plan Framework Policy IV, as adopted by the City Council, states that the purpose of the Federal Way Comprehensive Plan is to "provide a process for continuous updating and amendment of the Plan and its implementing plans and regulations." Accordingly, the City Council finds that any grant of a guaranteed zoning designation for a term of years would not be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan Framework Policy to provide for continuous updating and amendment of the Plan and its implementing plans and regulations. SECTION 4. Application Approval. The Application to Amend the concomitant Agreements for, Campus crest, parcel B of parcel 5, and Campus Highlands, parcel 7, Federal Way File No. UPR-92-00l7, is approved with respect to the following provisions: Reauest A: 2. Clarify the agreement to address the funding for the construction of loth Avenue Southwest. 3. Define "Proportional Share" as used in the agreements for the purpose of calculating the development traffic impact. RES # 93-144 - PAGE 6 4. Adding a new subsection to Paragraph 11 of the Concomitant Agreements, which will define "proceeding" as the filing of a completed building application for Phase I of the development. Reauest B: 1. Modify condition 2B to reduce the required 100 foot Type I Buffer for the portions of parcel 5 and 7 adjoining single family zoning to 60 feet. Construction of a solid board fence along property lines of which parcels 5 and 7 which abut single family zone property will also be required. The application to amend the Concomitant Agreement is denied with respect to Request A(l) to amend paragraph 11 to allow 24 months following resolution of the issues surrounding the alignment of loth Avenue South to proceed with development of the project. council approval of the application shall be evidenced by the adoption of this resolution, and shall permit the applicant herein to develop the subject properties, pursuant to the Concomitant Agreements, as amended hereby. SECTION 5. Future Amendments. Future amendments to the concomitant Agreements shall be processed by the filing of an application therefore, which shall be considered and heard in the same manner as a rezone of property. Such action shall not release owners from any obligation assumed pursuant to the Concomitant Agreement as currently amended, unless or until any future amendment has been approved by the City. SECTION 6. Recordina of Resolution. At applicant's expense, this Resolution shall be recorded with the King County RES # 93-144 - PAGE 7 Department of Records and Elections, and the terms and conditions herein shall constitute a covenant running with the land. All building, occupancy and use permits hereafter applied for or issued shall be subject to the terms, conditions, and limitation of this Amendment to the Concomitant Agreements, and the extent not modified herein, the original Concomitant Agreements for the subject property, and the applicable ordinances and codes of the City of Federal Way. Nothing herein shall be construed as requiring or obligating the City to issue any building, occupancy, or conditional use or other permit. SECTION 7. sianature. The applicants herein shall execute an acknowledgement of the terms of this resolution, acknowledging the modification to the existing Concomitant Agreements, provided, however, signature of the applicants are not required for this modification to be effective. SECTION 8. SeverabilitvClause. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this resolution should be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this resolution. SECTION 9. Effective Date. This resolution shall be effective immediately upon passage by the Federal Way City Council. RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, this 15th day of June , 1993. RES # 93-144 - PAGE 8 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY -~~ MAYOR, ROBERT STEAD THE TERMS OF THIS RESOLUTION ARE ACKNOWLEDGED AS AMENDING CONCOMITANT AGREEMENTS FOR CAMPUS CREST (PARCEL B OF PARCEL 5), AND CAMPUS HIGHLANDS (PARCEL 7). POLYGON APARTMENT PARTNERS By Title WANEY, CMC - ) C"~ CITY ATTORNEY, CAROLYN A. LAKE FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: RESOLUTION NO. 93-l44 June 9,1993 June 15,1993 ¡,\LAlKA THLEER IRESOICAMPUSCR ) RES # 93-144 - PAGE 9 r EXHI~IT A r EXHIBiT --A- PAGE~OF ~iD '" ¡' '" ,PARCELS , '", " "', , " TIIAT PORTION OF GOVERiH1EHTLÒT'I; SECTION 19, TOHNSIlIP 21 NORTII, RAHGE Ii.H., IH KING COUNTY, I-/ASilINGTOtI. SAID PORTlOI! BEING HOnE PARTlClJLAHLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: 4 EAST, " COK'IENCIHG AT THE NORTHWEST'CORNER OF SAiD SECTION 19; :-- TIIENCE' ALONG TilE NORTH LJ NE TIIEREOF SB9000 1 J BuE 335.711 FEET; = THEHCE S01035'i6"W 42.00 FEET TO THE SOlJTIIERLY HAHGIN OF TilE LANLJS DESCIIIBEÓ -, , ," n IN DEED RECORDED UNIJER RECORDING tlUHBER 8501170665, nEconus OF SAID CGUIITY AND ::::>' , "," " ' S'THE ,TROE POIHT OF BEGINNING;,,',:', !,:,:: ,'. ~'THEHC,E ALONG SAID'SOUTIIERLY MRGq{ S89~00,ilB~'E 18.07 FEET TO TilE B[t;INNING OF -A CURVE COHCAVE,TO THESOUTlIIiEST HAVING A RADIUS OF,~5!J.UU FEET; ,'liENCEfASTERÜ"AND SOUTHEASTERLY 700.54 FEET ALONG SAID CUHYE TJIHOUGH A ; CENTRAL ANGLE OF'600S9'59";, ',:.!: ¡ : : TliEHCE CONTINUING,ALONG 'SAID 'HARGIH S21 009'19"E 422.43 FEET TO TilE BEGINNING OF A'CURVE CONCAVE,TO THE-,NORTiIEAST HAVING A RADIUS OF 842.00 FEET; " TflEHCE SOUTIIEASTERLY 217.49 FÈET ALONG SAiD CURVE THROllt;\I A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 14°47'59" TO A RADIAL LIN~ OF"SÀID CURVE IIHICH BEARS S47011'42"1I; , THENCE lEAVING SAID HARGIN ALONG TilE HON-TANGENT EAST LINE OF SAID GOVERNHENT LOT SOlo13'12"1{390.17 FEET TO THE SOÛTIIEAST CORNEll THEHEOf; TilE NCE ALONG TH~:: SOUTH LI NEOF: SA [0 GOVERNHEHT LOT' N8ß059' 20"11 938.71 FEET TO A UHE, PARAlLEl:'HITI! A~O DISTANT 335.?6 fEET EASTERLY. HIIEN 11EASURED AT RIGIIT ANGLES, FROH ilIE;'I-IEST LINE OF; SAID GOVERNHENT LOT 3; THENCE ALONG SAID PARALLEL'LINE NOl035'16"E 1273.00 FEET TO'TIIE TRUE POINT OF BEGI/!HING , ' ç r EYJ-HBiT_- ",73 ' PAGE~ OF -16. " ,EXHIBIT A , ': ' PARCEL 7 " ,. , ' -, co , THOSE PORTIONS OF: TilE NOn'rIlE1\ST ONE-QUJ\RTER OF TilE HOnTIIWEST , ONE-QUJ\1lTER /\ND TilE SOUTIIEAST OIŒ-QUlillTER OF TilE NORTIIWEST , ONE-QUJ\1lTER ALL IN SECTION 19, TOWIISII:¡:P 21. NOnTII, RJùWE' 4 'EAST, W.M.,' IN KING, COUNTY, WASIlINGTON~ S1\ID PORTIONS BEING HORE PJ\1lTICULlillLY DESCRIBED AS'FOLLOWS: .. , t' -' " 'COMMENCING AT THE WEST~ OIŒ-QU'J\1lTER CORNER QF SAID SECTION 191 THENCE ALONG TilE EAST/WEST CENTERLINÈ OF,' SAID, SECTION 19 S88"58"22"E 1282.94 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER 'OF THE , SOUTIIE1\.ST .ONE-QU~TER -OF S1\ID NORTlIrJEST ONE-QU1\.RTER,- THENCE 1\LqNG THE WEST~~INE TIlEREOF N01"13'l2"E 202.55 FEET TO THE NORTIIWESTERLYi LINE OF TII1\.T CERTAIN EASEMENT GIù\NTED TO TIlE:'" UNITED STATES' OF !\MERIC1\. FOR ELECTRIC1\.L TRA1JSMISSION LINES BY DOCUMENTS RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBERS '5034341, "' 5029580 1\110' 5027474; ',RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY ~D TilE TRUE' POINT OF ,BEGINNING 1 ' " , THENCE CONTINUING 1\LONG SAID WEST LIHE AND THE WEST LINE OF , SAID NORTIIE1\ST' ONE-QU1\.RTER "OF S1\ID NORTlIrJEST ONE-QU1\.RTER ,NO1."1.3'12"E 1502.83 FEET TO 'A POINT 'ON ,THE SOUTHERLY MARGIN OF THE I.J\NDS DESCRIBED IN DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 8501170665, RECORDS OF S1\ID COUNTY, SAID POINT' BEING " ' 011 1\ ,CURVE CONC1\.VE TO THE NORTHEAST Hl\VING A, RADIUS OF 842.00 FEET AND TO WHICH POINT A RADIAL LINE' BEARS S47'11"42"WI ,THENCE ALONG S1\.ID M1\.RGIlI SOUTHEASTERLY AND E1\STERLY 801. 22 FEET 1\.LONG S1\.ID CURVE TliROUGIIA CENTRAL l\.NGLE OF 54"31'16" TO THE BEGINNING oi""l\." REVERSE CURVE CONCAVE TO THE SOUTHWEST l1l\.VING A MDIUS OF 61B. 00 FEE';r (A MDIl\L LINE TlffiOUGII SAID BEGINNING BEAnS N07"19'34"W) , 'TIIEUCE CONTINUING l\LONGSAID MARGIN EASTERLY AND SOUTHEASTERLY 647.38' FEET ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRl\.L l\NGLE OF 60. 01.'l1."TO S1\.ID NORTIIWESTERLY LINE OF THAT CERT1\.IN E1\.SEMENT' GRl\.NTED 'TO TilE UNITED ST1\TES OF 1\.MERIC1\., 'FOR ELECTRIC1\.L TIù\NSHISSIOH LINES' BY DOCU11ENTS RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NU!1BERS 5034341, 5029580, l\.ND 5027474, RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY ¡ ¡ TIIEIICE ALONG Sl\ID lIORTIIWESTERLY LINE S52'58'44"H 1662.66 FEET , TO TIlE TRUE POIlIT OF BEGIN/UNG Ln C) [') C) 0 0--- I '," f'>, d-~1~' r LJ/¡3/9 3 ( BEFORE THE HEARING EXAMINER OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY IN TIlE MA TIER OF TIlE APPLICATION OF: ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) RECOMMENDATION FILE #UPR9lOO17 FWHE #93-3 POLYGON APARTMENT PARTNERS FOR CAMPUS CREST (Parcel B of Parcel 5) & CAMPUS HIGHLAND TOWNHOMFS (Parcel 7) Concomitant Agreement Amendments Under Process ill I. SUMMARY OF APPLICATION The applicant (polygon Apartment Partners) is requesting to amend two (2) concomitant agreements relating to parcels of property commonly known as Campus Crest (parcel B of Parcel 5) and Campus Highland Townhomes (parcel 7) ll. PROCEDURAL INFORMATION At the hearing the following presented testimony and evidence: 1. Stephen Clifton, Senior Planner, City of Federal Way 33530-1st Way South, Federal Way, WA 98003 2, Colin Quinn, Quinn Company 3318-239th Avenue SE, Issaquah, WA 98027 At the hearing the following exhibits were admitted as part of the official record of these proceedings: 1. Staff Report with Exhibits a. Concomitant Agreement for Campus Crest (parcel 5) b, Concomitant Agreement for Campus Highland Townhomes (parcel 7) c, Proposed Reduction in Perimeter Buffer Map d, Vicinity Map e, City of Federal Resolution No. 93-128 f. Comments from City of Federal Way Public Works Department g, Comments from City of Federal Way Building Department h, Comments from City of Federal Way Police Department i, Comments from Federal Way Water & Sewer District j. Comments from Federal Way Fire District #39 )¡~I( TCo'7'fTB"'T b.<.-I.- " Hearing Examiner 0rJginaI 1" ,.. ( r CAMPUS CREST & CAMPUS IDGHLAND TOWNHOMES FILE #UPR910017; FWHE #93-3 PAGE 2 2, Letter from Dave Hopkins of Windermere Real Estate 3. Letter from Richard T, & Candace K. Knudson ill. FINDINGS 1. On February 27, 1990, concomitant agreements were entered by the City of Federal Way and Polygon 2000, Inc, , and the Quadrant Corporation, establishing the wning and methods of resolving potential disagreements with respect to vesting rights, as well as the applicability of King County or City of Federal Way regulations with regard to two parce1s of property, Polygon 2000, Inc., and Quadrant Corporation owned Campus Crest (parcelS) and Campus Highland Townhomes (parcel 7), These parcels are located south of SW Campus Drive opposite the intersection of 10th Ave SW and the Glen Park at West Campus development. 2, In 1991 the City purchased approximately sixteen (16) acres of Parcel 5 for the purpose of developing a community park in conjunction with the construction of a junior high school by the Federal Way School District. The sixteen (16) acres consisted of Parcel A of ParcelS, as shown on Exhibit D to the staff report. The City Council of the City of Federal Way, on January 19, 1993, amended the concomitant agreement for Parcel S by deleting Parcel A from said agreement which returned it to its original wne classification of RM 2400, The terms of the concomitant agreement remain unchanged for Parcel B of ParcelS, 3. The owners of Parce1 S and Parcel 7 are requesting changes to the concomitant agreements covering both parcels as follows: a. Request A: 1) Amend paragraph 11 to allow twenty-four (24) months following resolution of the issues surrounding the alignment of 10th Ave SW to proceed with development of the project. 2) Clarify the agreement to address the funding for the construction of 10th Ave SW, 3) Define "proportional share" as used in the agreements for the purpose of calculating the development traffic impact. 4) Add a new subsection to paragraph 11, which will define "proceeding" as the filing of a completed building application for Phase I of the development. ". ~ r ( ( CAMPUS CREST & CAMPUS mGHLAND TOWNHOMFS FILE (fGPR910017; FWHE #93-3 PAGE 3 b, Request B: 1) Modify Condition 2.b to reduce the required 100-foot Type I buffer for the portions of Parcels 5 and 7 adjoining single family zoning to sixty (60) feet. As pan of this request, the applicant proposes to add language requiring the construction of a solid board fence along the property lines of Parcels 5 and 7 which abut single family zoned property. 4, The request to amend a concomitant agreement must be processed in the same.manner as a quasi-judicial project rezone in accordance with Chapter 22 of the Federal Way City Code. Quasi-judicial rezones are subject to the Process III review, which requires the Examiner to issue a recommendation to the City Council, which then makes the final determination, 5. Both Parcels 5 and 7 are located in urbanizing neighborhoods with urban utilities and services nearby. The sites are presently undeveloped, but north of the site are multi- family residential projects, while to the southeast and south are the Bonneville Power Administration power lines, single family residential development, and an elementary school. The new junior high school and public park are located to the west ofParce15, 6, Prior to obtaining a zone reclassification, an applicant must establish that the request meets the criteria set forth in Section 22-299 of the Federal Way City Code, Findings required on each criteria contained therein are hereby made as follows: a, The proposed rezone is in the best interests of the residents of the City, The amendments proposed in Request A do not change either the zoning code requirements, the intent of the zoning code, or site development requirements. The amendments are in the nature of clarifications, definitions, and the development timeline. While a complaint was raised regarding extension of the timeline for development, time extensions are authorized in City of Federal Way land use regulations. Request B, which reduces the width of the landscape buffer, still requires a buffer width twice that of the existing Federal Way regulations. The present zoning code requires a type II buffer thirty (30) feet in width between single family and multifamily development. A type I landscape buffer is intended to provide a solid sight barrier to totally separate incompatible land uses, Sixty (60) feet is more than ample space to establish such a buffer, Furthermore, the number of dwelling units is not affected by reduction of the buffer, ." ,'0 ( r CAMPUS CRFST & CAMPUS IDGHLAND TOWNHOMFS FILE #UPR9~OO17; FWHE #93-3 PAGE 4 b, The rezone is appropriate because conditions in the immediate vicinity of the property have significantly changed since the date of the original concomitant agreement, and because of these changed conditions, a zone reclassification is in the public interest. Sixteen (16) acres of Parcel 5 have been purchased by the City which together with the school district will develop a park/junior high school complex, Potential development of the original Parcel 5 is now significantly reduced, Furthermore, buffer requirements were imposed at the time the City was reviewing landscape requirements. Since that time, the City has adopted buffer requirements of forty (40) feet, which in the future may be reduced to twenty (20) feet. c, The proposed changes to the concomitant agreement comply with all Federal Way 1and use regulations. d, The site plan of the proposed project will be designed to minimize impacts on developed properties in the immediate vicinity. Both applications are currently being reviewed under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), which will result in mitigating measures designed to fully protect surrounding properties. Development conditions contained in the concomitant agreement exceed the requirements of the Federal Way Zoning Code. e, The proposed amendments to the concomitant agreement will not affect public services or utilities, A request for time extension and c1arification of terms will not adversely impact public services or utilities, Impacts on said services will be mitigated through SEPA at the development review process. 7. Section 22-487(c) of the Federal Way City Code allows the Hearing EJGiininer to recommend approval of a zone reclassification to the City Council only if the decisional criteria contained in Section 22-490(d) are met. Findings required on each criteria are hereby made as follows: a, The proposed changes in the concomitant agreement are consistent with the Federal Way Comprehensive Plan. The plan designates both parcels as urban residential which is intended to provide for higher density residential development than is compatible with single family neighborhoods. However, development of attached and multiple units at low densities is also allowed, The applicants are required to construct condominiums and townhouses on all of Parcel 7 while one- third of the dwelling units on Parcel 5 must be townhouses, These uses will provide transition from a major arterial and higher density multi-family uses to single family uses to the south, ." ( r CAMPUS CREST & CAMPUS mGHLAND TOWNHOMFS FILE HUPR9~OO17; FWHE #93-3 PAGE 5 b. The proposed changes are consistent with all applicable provisions of the Federal Way City Code, including those adopted by reference from the Comprehensive Plan, Development of the site itself in accordance with the proposed changes, will comply with the Federal Way Environmental Policy Code, Methods to Mitigate Development Impacts Code, Federal Way City Code, Comprehensive Plan, and all other development codes and regulations, c, The proposed changes are consistent with the public health, safety and welfare. Development of the site pursuant to the proposed changes in the concomitant agreement will be fully evaluated by all city departments and other regulatory agencies, Prior to obtaining a development pennit, the proposal must be found consistent with the general health, safety and we1fare of the community. IV. CONCLUSIONS Proposed changes to the concomitant agreements covering Parcels 5 and 7 satisfy the criteria contained in Section 22-299 of the Federal Way City Code and the criteria set forth in Section 22-490(d) of the Federal Way City Code. Therefore, the propose changes to the concomitant agreements should be approved by the Federal Way City Council. V. RECOMMENDATION The proposed changes in the concomitant agreements relating to those parcels of property commonly known as Campus Crest (parcel B of Parcel 5) and Campus Highland Townhomes (Parce1 7) should be approved as requested. VI. RIGHTS TO RECONSIDERATION AND CHALLENGE Any person who has a right to challenge a recommendation under the Federal Way Zoning Code may request the Hearing Examiner to reconsider any aspect of his or her recommendation by delivering a written request for reconsideration to the Planning Department within seven (7) calendar days after the date of issuance of the Hearing Examiner's recommendation, Theperson requesting the reconsideration shaH specify in the request what aspect of the recommendation he or she wishes to have reconsidered and the reason for the request. The distribution of the request and the response to the request shall be governed pursuant to the provisions of the Federal Way Zoning Code, Within ten (10) working days after receiving a request for reconsideration, the Hearing Examiner shall notify the persons who have a right to appeal under the Federal Way Zoning Code, whether or not the recommendation will be reconsidered, The Hearing Examiner may reconsider the recommendation only if he or she concludes that there is substantial merit in the request. The process of the reconsideration will be followed in accordance with the Federal Way Zoning Code, The recommendation of the Hearing Examiner ... ( r ,,' , ". CAMPUS CREST & CAMPUS mGHLAND TOWNHOMFS FILE #UPR91.OO17; FWHE #93-3 PAGE 6 may be challenged by any person who is to receive a copy of that recommendation pursuant to FWZC 155.60.6, That challenge, in the form of a letter of challenge, must be de1ivered to the Planning Department within fourteen (14) calendar days after the issuance of the Hearing Examiner's recommendation or, if a request for reconsideration is filed, then within fourteen (14) calendar days of either the decision of the Hearing Examiner denying the request for reconsideration or the reconsidered recommendation. The letter of challenge must contain a clear reference to the matter being challenged and a statement of the specific factual findings and conclusions of the Hearing Examiner disputed by the person filing the challenge. The person filing the challenge shall include, with the letter of appeal, the fee established by the City, The challenge will not be accepted unless it is accompanied by the required fee. The recommendation of the Hearing Examiner may be challenged whether or not there was a request to reconsider the Hearing Examiner's recommendation. DATED this 27th day of April, 1993, I:\P"CHRISG\CAMPC